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Fighting the Pregnancy BlahsLee-Anne Robert Every pregnant woman has experienced the pregnancy blahs. I can remember feeling so big and unattractive throughout my two pregnancies, and secretly wishing for the pregnancy to be over so that I could have my body back and fit into my normal clothes. It’s sad to say, really, because pregnancy is such a beautiful experience and the fact that you created this little human being that is developing in your body should make you feel wonderful through every step of the way. Oh, but those pregnancy blahs kick in! Your stomach is growing, you cannot fit into your normal clothes, you can’t see your feet, you waddle when you walk, your feet and legs are swollen, and other additional physical changes make you feel, well, blah! Sometime during your pregnancy, you may even start to feel bored with the pregnancy and/or feel depressed. Yes, those raging hormones kick in too. Here are some tips in helping to beat those pregnancy blahs: 1 Eat healthy and get plenty of rest. Choose healthy foods and ensure that your intake is nutritious. 2 Exercise. Even a short walk in the outdoors will uplift your spirits. 3 Make yourself feel attractive by taking the time to groom yourself. Do your hair and put on makeup. We all feel so confident and alive when we look good. 4 Buy maternity outfits that will make you feel good. Don’t buy just because they fit you. 5 Ensure to include pretty accessories in your daily wardrobe such as nice earrings or a pretty scarf. Most of us raid our spouse’s closet for clothes that we can wear throughout our pregnancy. Lovely accessories even dress up your spouse’s wardrobe. 6 If you start to feel bored with your pregnancy, choose an activity that you will enjoy to help you through the boredom. Many woman will prepare for the baby by going shopping or decorating the nursery. Other woman choose a hobby such as gardening, preparing a scrapbook, writing in a pregnancy journal, etc. 7 Roughly 10 percent of women experience mild or moderate depression during pregnancy. If you feel persistent depression or anxiety, seek professional help. 8 Spend quality time with your spouse. Go for a romantic dinner or out to a movie. Enjoy this time because it’s hard to find time after the baby is born. 9 Take time out for yourself. Motherhood is just around the corner so take this time to enjoy your independence. Although it may seem like 9 months is taking forever, really, it goes very quickly. Enjoy the wonderful experience of pregnancy each step of the way. There will be a time in our lives when our children have grown up and we wish to live the pregnancy experience all over again. You can beat the pregnancy blahs! Feel good about being a woman and feel good about bringing a wonderful new baby into the world.
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