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How to Make a Fortune from Unique Resistance-free Advertising
One of the most powerful offers you can use in your advertising is the word Free. But, you may well ask? how can I make a profit giving my products and services away without charging for them? Which is the exact reason why you need to understand the 'LVC Formula' which stands for the Lifetime Value of a Client! Here's how it works. Let's imagine for a moment you own a beauty salon. Now if you get a new customer, they may pay you $80 for their first treatment. But how much is this $80 client really worth? After all, most clients will continue to buy off you for many years to come. For instance, let's imagine your average client returns for a beauty treatment 8 times a year? and remains a client for 2 years. $80 (price of consultation) x 8 (purchases a year) x 2 (number of years) Now if you have a calculator handy, you'll work out the value of this client as $1280.00. And if your profit margin is 40% this calculates to a $512 profit per client. Let's imagine we sent a letter to all the nearby businesses offering women a free manicure valued at $30.00 (I'm not a beauty therapist, so please forgive me if all these figures are way out). And if the manicure costs you $7 in products and 30 minutes of your time (which if you're not busy? you'd just be sitting on your butt anyway!) So effectively the $7 investment could have just made you $512 in profit. And how easy is it to give away a free manicure? Or for other industries? ·A free car service The secret lies in giving away something which has a high perceived value, but actually costs you very little to produce. Why does it work so well? Using the word 'Free' in your advertising STOPS inertia. You see, people are happy with their current hairdresser? or their mechanic. But when they get an opportunity to trial a product or service for FREE ? there's something irresistible and risk free about it, isn't there? A word of warning though. Make sure you offer the best possible service? otherwise people will not come back, and you'll get a bad name very quickly. And of course, where possible, make sure you collect a database? and measure your results. What could you offer for FREE? Write down a few ideas now? and start implementing this stuff. It could have an almost overnight effect on your sales. Scott Bywater Scott Bywater is a professional direct response copywriter and the author of Cash-Flow Advertising. To get a complimentary copy of his special report '7 Ways To Increase Your Turnover... No Matter What The State Of The Economy' (valued at $29.95) and a free subscription to his "Copywriting Selling Secrets" ezine where you'll discover how to write ads and sales letters that make people line up and practically beg you to do business with them visit his web site at http://www.copywritingthatsells.com.au
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Non-profit Coupon Books and Coupon Mailers for Small Businesses Many groups like the Chamber of Commerce, ASB at the local high school, etc. will ask if their members can get a discount if they shop in your store or use your service. Of course, the answer top these groups should be a high-energy YES! They will then make a discount booklet for their members with your company listed, this is excellent and promotes good will for your business. Bad Seduction - Advertising Techniques That Dont Work I just read some advertising suggestions on an Internet marketing site that are beyond annoying. They are flat-out bad advice. They illustrate a complete lack of understanding of the whole persuasion process. How To Make Your Advertising Work! Many believe that when it comes to advertising, it's a necessary evil. Advertising Your Holistic Business The most basic answer is the same answer as to the question, how does advertising work? Advertising works through repetition, and Holistic Hometown offers you that repetition. Small Cards, Big Ideas: Alternative Uses for Business Cards Aggressive business card marketing isn't about handing your business cards out to everyone you see. 50 Surefire Business Card Tips Business cards are one of the most powerful and inexpensive marketing tools you can use. Here are 50 surefire tips to make the most out of your business cards: Business Ideas: 5 Uncommon Ways To Generate More Online Business Sometimes, it is not an obvious business idea that will make you more money. How to Use the 3 Most Common Direct Marketing Measurements to Increase Your Profits! John Wanamaker, a 19th century entrepreneur, once famously made the statement, "I know that half of my advertising is wasted, I just don't know which half." Fortunately for today's marketers, there are scientific ways to determine which half is wasted, and which half is not, through the use of common direct marketing measurements. What Makes A Winning Online Ad? Most people who have been involved with sales & marketing for any length of time have heard the axiom, "Sell them what they want. Then sell them what they need". But what does it mean? It sounds a little odd doesn't it? 5 Newspaper Advertising Myths Revealed What I'm about to reveal are myths that most people think are 'true.' 8 Low Cost Ways To Advertise, Promote and Market Your Business We all are looking for ways to market our businesses cost effectively. I have come up with 8 ways to do just that all low cost to free. In fact most of these methods can be done from the comfort of your own home. Do Your Business Cards Say Who You REALLY Are? Here are a couple of tips for creating an eye catching card: Use some color - not too much - just enough to grab someone's attention and make them want to read the card. Radio Interview 101 Different Types of Station Contact Dont Put All Your Eggs in The Same Basket Solution: You can protect yourself by partnering with other lead sources because it is unlikely that they will all have a problem or technical issue at the same time. Advertising Copy: What?s Really Important? You labor long and hard trying to create the perfect advertising piece but only about 20% of your copy is going to get read. The rest will simply be scanned. After all your work, your potential customers won't even read every one of those well chosen words. Is your genius lost on them? Double Your Sales Potential With Double-sided Business Cards Swapping business cards is one of the most basic and common forms of networking in the business world. With something that is so common practice, people often hand out cards blindly while not really thinking about what the card does AFTER you hand it out. Lamination of Signs I suspect that everyone has an idea of what lamination is even if you have only seen it in passing. Restaurant menus are a common example. A plastic finish is placed over the menu to protect it from food and stains. But did you know that you can laminate just about anything that is flat? If it needs to be protected and reused, it is something to consider for lamination. The laminate also makes the original material stronger and more durable. All of our signs can be laminated, but the reasons are varied and not all signs should be laminated. ![]() |
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