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Ebook Review: The Super Affiliate Handbook Rosalind Gardner's 270 page ebook "The Super Affiliate Handbook" is the "Holy Bible" of affiliate marketing. It's also surprisingly well written (I've seen some real junk passing as informative writing) and logically steps through each of the 15 chapters, all but the Introduction building on the previous in an easy to understand style. Capitalizing On The Autosurfing Craze You've heard about it in recent months, and its popularity seem to grow in leaps and bounds with each passing day. Affiliate Marketing - Ten Excellent Reasons Why You Should Do It There are many opportunities to make money working on the Internet. Becoming an affiliate marketer is a great way of having your own online business. Here are ten excellent reasons why you should choose affiliate marketing for your home based business. Why a Newbie Online Marketer Should Start As an Affiliate Navigating the intricate often tangled network of the worldwide web is an onerous task for the hardiest soul. Like a spiders web the www is a very complex and often a confusing maze. No wonder the terms web, spider, crawl etc. are commonly used terminology on the internet. Affiliate! Discover Why You Are Losing $600 Each and Every Month! Link bypassing is the number one trap affiliates fall into online. Also known as the "affiliate links theft". This "piracy" costs hard working affiliates promoting programs both time AND money. First, let's do some simple math if you please: 7 Sure-Fire Ways to Build Large Affiliate Checks Everyone wants a huge affiliate check. All the advertisements promise them, but if you just buy into the affiliate program and expect large affiliate checks to come, you will be sorely disappointed. Even if you have built downline in your affiliate program, your checks will not often be very large. The goal, after all, is to make money - and lots of it! Overachieving Your Way to Super Affiliate Stardom Internet business is a bit confusing especially if you're not really knowledgeable at it. You will also be left completely blank, asking yourself as to what type of online business is best for you. Why don't you try affiliate marketing business? Three Critical Affiliate Marketing Tips For Higher Commissions! Affiliate marketing is quickly becoming a very specialized form of online business. It seems that people all over the Internet are clamoring for more affiliate tips. And there are a ton of products, services, ebooks, ultra-high priced DVD sets, and a plethora of other "things" geared for affiliate marketing. How To Build Website - Seven Steps For Building Optimized Websites For Affiliate Programs The web has developed in such a mass marketing arena, that many offline advertisers are now coming online. This is the first sign that selling online will be a trillion dollar media in a couple years. Never Get Burnt by a Cycler Program Again! A cycler or doubler that offers nothing of real value is likely a scam and for the most part is illegal. Check out what you are buying, and look at the cylcling or doubling as a bonus or rebate. Cyclers and Doublers will never be the main-stay of an honest persons income, but what is wrong with purchasing valuable products and in the long run having the purchase price of those products given back to you two or more times? Affiliate Alternative; Google Adsense The Rise and Fall of Affiliate Programs Dont Even Think About Affiliate Marketing Until Youve Read This - Part 1 You've probably heard some of the affiliate success stories from across the internet. You've also probably heard of the diverse benefits of affiliate marketing... Low start up costs, no products to deliver, no sales pitch to write, EASY! I was the same as you and it was these things that first got me into affiliate marketing. However, it took me a long time and several key distinctions to take my affiliate revenue from average to amazing. 10 Things WalMart Teaches About Affiliate Marketing We already know about wal mart because of their ads in local papers, on billboards, on the radio and TV. So finding a local Wal Mart is easy, and so should it also be easy to find your web site. Although you may not need to use radio and TV advertisements, you should still use offline promotion such as business cards or direct mail. Naturally, you want other web sites to put your billboard ad onto theirs. So that's our first lesson on how Wal Mart can teach us effective affiliate marketing. Now let's visit a Wal Mart store. Once we arrive at Wal Mart, we enter a huge parking lot. Your web site must also enable a lot of visitors. If your site is on a slow server, you may be losing customers. That's lesson #2. As soon as we enter Wal Mart, we are welcomed by a Wal Mart greeter. This greeter not only welcomes us to the store, but also offers help in pointing out where to find what you're looking for. That's lesson 3a and 3b. Your site should welcome visitors and provide navigation to all the products and services you offer. You can do this by simply including a graphic on your page that says "Welcome, Click Here to find what you're looking for" and have that link go to your site map. Beyond the greeter is a wide path that branches out to different areas of the store with banners overhead that tell you what you can find in those areas. Your site map should consist of main links, as well as sub-links to corresponding pages. Now we get to lesson 4, that each page of your site needs to have a topic, a main header, that defines what each page is about, as well as provide links, pathways to corresponding pages, because you'll notice that Wal-Mart arranges their store to group products that are similar. The hardware section is near the automotive center, housewares are near food items, lawn and garden items are near the hardware and pet supply areas, etc. But you can still get from one area to another. As you browse the shelves, you see more than one type of item. If you're in the grocery section; for example, you'll see many different types of beans. Canned beans, dry beans, even beans from different companies. That's lesson #5. You should offer your site visitors more than one choice. If your site offers auto loans, for example, offer your visitors new auto loans, used auto loans, even auto refinancing loans. And, you may want to offer them more than one choice for each type of auto loan. Afterall, visitors came to your site because they are shopping around... so let them shop and choose from multiple options. Just remember not to stick cheese products in your automotive section! Another thing you'll notice as you browse the shelves, which leads us to lesson #6... although the shelves are stocked full, it's still easy to pick out your favorite can of beans. This is because the shelves are stocked neatly and orderly. The ads you put onto your site should also be neat and orderly. Mixing in tall banners with short banners and having banners for totally different products and services can make shopping your site more difficult. For example, if you have a page about auto loans, you wouldn't want to put a tall auto loan banner right next to a short casino banner. Instead, put a tall auto insurance banner next to the tall auto loan banner. As you roam the store, you frequently encounter employess who can help you find items. This goes back to lessons 3a and 3b. Each page of your site should have a help link to your site map, or you should have a site search. Since Wal Mart makes it easy to find an employee to ask for assistance, that leads us to another lesson: Does you site offer customer service? Can visitors click on a button to ask you questions before they make a decision? Or do they simply exit your site? Lesson #7: How many times have you heard announcements in Wal Mart? They frequently announce specials over their public address system. We are not suggesting that you force visitors to endure slow loading sound files. But you can make sound an option. To see how you can use this marketing option, go to www.geocities.com/pulsarmarketing We have an example there on how you can offer your visitors the option to hear your audible promotion without forcing them to listen and making your pages load slow. All you have to do is create a wav sound file, and launch it by using a graphic or text link such as: "Click Here to listen to our promotion". The personal touch of a person's voice on your site can help increase your conversions. But don't force the loading of sound files. Instead, use the method we recommend at the URL below: www.geocities.com/pulsarmarketing Another thing you can do to tell your site visitors about specials or new products and services your site offers, is to offer them a free subscription to your newsletter. Now that we've toured Wal Mart and we're ready to make our purchase, we know our way to the checkout counter because Wal Mart makes it easy for us. That's lesson #8. Your site needs to make it easy for visitors to purchase. If you do not provide any of your own products or services and strictly use affiliate programs, you need to make sure your relevant banners and text links are at the top of the page, clearly and readily visible, to the people visiting that page. When we arrive at the checkout counter, besides asking us if we want paper or plastic and if we will be purchasing with cash or credit, the cashier asks if we found everything we needed. That's lesson #9. Make sure you offer your site visitors more options when they checkout. And, once again, if you do not directly sell your own products or services and you strictly use affiliate programs, you can offer your site visitors two links to click on: One link that opens the offer into a new window so the person may continue browsing your site after they are done applying or buying from your sponsor, and another link that simply goes directly to the sponsor in the same window. Think we're done learning from Wal Mart? No. After we make our purchase, and even after we go home, there's lesson #10... the return policy. If you sell your own products or services, you need to assure your visitors that you stand behind what you sell, and make your return policy very clear. If you do not sell your own products and services, does your site have a way for customers to resolve problems, or to ask pre-sale questions? If not, you may lose customers to sites that do provide online customer service. Back-End Selling If you ask me, residual (also known as passive income) is the most important type of income of all incomes. Residual income puts money in my pocket without work and effort on my part. It is the right type of income to work for, indeed! Affiliate Marketing - How Ezine Ads Explode your Online Profits So we're looking at E-zine advertising. Just a quick overview ? ezines are basically email newsletters, but most don't redirect to a site, they just leave the full text content in the email. A good ezine publisher will engage more with their subscribers and readers by sending them to webpages where the content is a bit more interesting - find out if they do this as ezines like this nurture a more involved and active subscriber. Ezines can be done around virtually any subject there is out there and it will build up a subscriber base in time and eventually these publishers may begin to offer advertising space to companies and, of course, affiliates. High Earning Affiliate Is It Possible? Affiliate Program have exploded on the internet. Thousand of people join them every day. Amazon.com is probably the best example of such phenomenal success.If the affiliate program is so popular and so widely available and booming like mushroom...Why do most affiliate have a hard time making $100 per month ? And some never see have receive a check ? It's probably because they are not effective in their marketing campaign or doing noting at all. How to Start Your Own Affiliate Program ? Internet Marketing This is how most entrepreneurs become filthy stinking rich! EVEN Ebay has an affiliate program! Revealed The Myth of Making Money Through Affiliate Marketing Many people enter into the affiliate marketing arena with the hopes of making some quick money whilst doing the bare minimum amount work and preparation. How to Create Multiple Streams of Income, Part 2 A while back I wrote a little article called "My Vision of Multiple Streams of Income". After receiving several emails asking for a sequel and sharing more real life experience I decided to give an update on my journey with SFI and Stone Evans' PIPS system. Affiliate Marketing Or Market Your Own Products? How should you organize your online business? ![]() |
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