Free Traffic vs. Extra Revenue - Earning From PPC Search Engines

Krzysztof Wojtowicz

Pay Per Click Search Engine ads are one of the most cost-effective ways of targeted internet advertising. According to Forbes magazine PPC Search Engine advertising accounts 2 billion dollars/year which is expected to increase to 8 billion dollars by 2008.

This article explains how easily you can profit from this 2 billion dollars industry.

But what are Search Engines

A Search Engine is special database-driven web site designed to index and categorize internet addresses. Search Engines focus to help people to find information stored on the Web.

There are four basic types of Search Engines: Crawler-based automatic, Human-powered Directories, Meta and PPC Pay-Per-Click.

Although most of the Search Engines that operates today shall be classified as Hybrid Search Engines because it has become extremely common for two or three types of gathering and ranking results to be utilized for presenting them on results pages to the end user.

How the PPC Search Engines work

PPC Search Engines create listings and rate them based on a bid amount the web site owner advertiser is willing to pay for each click directed from that Search Engine. Advertisers bid against each other to receive higher ranking for a specific keyword or phrase. The highest bidder for a certain keyword or phrase will have their site ranked #1 in the Pay-Per-Click Search Engine results followed by the second and third highest bidder, up to hundreds or even thousands, for the same keyword or phrase. Due to bidding process required to get your site ranked, PPC Search Engines are also known as Pay-For-Placement Search Engines, as the ads will appear prominently on the results pages based on the dollar amount bid you will agree to pay for each click.

Affiliate Programs and PPC Search Engines:

Most affiliate programs only pay when a sale is made or a lead delivered after one of visitor’s clicks through from your site. Depending on the program, your web site content and traffic target, earnings may be slightly different.

The reason why you should consider joining a PPC Search Engine affiliate program is that it is much easier to earn from PPC Search Engines than other affiliate programs. You will earn from your visitor’s click-thru’s to an advertisers site and not per sale or action.

Plus PPC Search Engine affiliate programs can very well collaborate with your existing web site’s content or ventures.

Resourceful of your web site:

With PPC Search Engine affiliate program you will be able to profit from visitor’s who are not interested in your product or service and more likely they would leave your site and never come back. Providing those with an opportunity to search the Web and find the service or product they are looking for will not only earn you commission but also will build your site’s brand recognition as a valuable resource. The visitor who finds what he/she needs on your website will more likely come back and review your services more carefully, eventually will be back to search the web for other products.

Key benefits: extra money or “Free” targeted traffic:

As you should have noticed PPC Search Engine affiliate program is an easy way for you to generate additional revenue. When a visitor on your site does a search in the PPC Search Engine and clicks on the advertiser bided listing, the advertisers account will then get deducted for that click. Depending on the Search Engine, you will be compensated with from 30% up to 80% of the advertiser’s bid amount.

PPC Search Engine affiliate program shall not be only considered as additional source of income, since it also can help you to promote your own site. Most programs allow you to spend your commission for advertising with them instantly with no minimum earning requirement. This is the most effective method to exchange your raw visitors for targeted surfers who will more likely purchase your product or service.

PPC Search Engine affiliate program integration:

PPC Search Engines usually have a ready-to-use suit of affiliate tools that you can easily integrate to your web site. The most common tools are search boxes, banners, text links and 404 error pages. Many Search Engines utilize custom solutions and provide with a white-label affiliate program, which enables you, with only few lines of code, to integrate remotely-hosted Co-branded Search Engine to your website.

Also referring your webmaster friends to the engine will grant you a lifetime commission for your 2nd tier earnings or deposits.

About The Author

Krzysztof Wojtowicz is an owner and manager of PPC Web Search Engine. main focus is delivering relevant results and helping webmasters to monetize their web site’s traffic.

You can read about LooKiez Affiliate Program at:

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