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Are You The Boss Or The Employee Of Your BusinessHenry Gold I remember when I was working, back in 1996, I was a totally lazy person. If my boss ordered me to do something, I listened to what he said, but in my heart, I kept complaining that I needed to find a new job with a better employer. All I thought about was getting a better job, with better pay, in a better environment. However, I never thought about it from my bosses point of view, untill I became my own boss. ****** Here is what I remembered about him... He said "Henry, you need to be able to expand your boundary, if you would like to become very successful." "I see you have great potential, but you lack ambition to get to where you want to go." ******* I remembered that he was always busy talking to clients, busy improving the store condition, and busy organizing work for the employees. He was also busy reminding me to finish my work on time. He set deadlines and expected me to meet them each and every time. I could feel that whenever he failed to meet a deadline he was very frustrated and disappointed with his own performance. Once we finalised a project he would treat us to dinner. However, the next day, he would start a new project again without even slowing down. Working with him, lead me to understand that his success was based on discipline and hard work, not just a type of luck that everybody is hoping for. Here is how I started... As you may have noticed, I started my Internet business in 1999. During that time, I kept finding many good leaders in Internet marketing. I joined one opportunity after the other. But nothing worked at all :- I joined several M.ulti-Level-Marketing programs which I failed at, and even lost over $10,000 calling up leads as I had been taught on the tele-conference. When I saw one guy earning $10,000 in 3 days, I joined his biz-opportunity. When I failed to produce any results, I found what I thought was a better business opportunity. Failure after failure, I almost gave up the idea of so-called w.ork at home opportunities. I began to think that may be Internet business was not for me. It brought me to the point where I was thinking about my past employers, who had taught me how to be disciplined and how to push my limits. I was thinking about the real reason why I had failed. It was not because it didnt work, but because I hadnt developed my own principles for becoming successful. Surely it is in everyones own interest to become successful. Every biz-op owner says he will help you to become #1 seller by promoting his programs. Think about it seriously, does he really care about how you feel when you fail. Does he care about how miserable you become when you fail instead of reaching your goal The truth is "NO ONE WILL CARE". The truth is, he has got thousands of people he has to take care of right now. He is too busy finishing his work to ask you "Are you ok" ************************ Being the boss means...., you need to: 1. Face every obstacle that comes your way. 2. Accept the truth. No one can help you except yourself. 3. Take responsiblity to change the quality of your life. 4. Be disciplined and learn from the mistakes along the way. 5. Finish every task on time. ************************* I frequently suffer from lack of sleep and food, but I enjoy it because I keep thinking about the end result, - the end of this month, next month, 1 year from now, or even 5 years from now. But unsucessful people keep worrying about their future by saying," What if it doesnt work, what would they say" The truth is, "NO ONE WILL CARE". Henry, how can I become a true leader Be yourself. Imagine the end result, and use other peoples knowledge to create your own result. I found out that if I kept joining business opportunities, I would create an OK income, however, instead of just being the seller, I would like to be the owner. It means that instead of helping him to sell his products, you learn how to become him by helping others to sell your own products. For example: Ask yourself: Who is more powerful The one who uses the computer or the one who built the computer The one who uses Microsoft word or the one who built Microsoft word Its obvious, the answer will be the builder, not the user. Its obvious that the owner of the biz-op is powerful, not the seller. Henry, how can I become the builder When you start your own Internet business, dont just promote affiliate programs, but open your own E-store with your own unique purpose. Once you have built it up, use the business opportunity or other similiar program as a plug-in opportunity. Thats the only way you can become very successful online. Another important thing is: Learn as much as possible from people who are the leaders in this field. One of the best ways, is to purchase their courses, books, audio, or even to participate in their seminars. With the combination of leadership inside you and your willingness to expand your limits, you will definitely become a leader in the industry of your choice. This is what I call 100% success rate. Closing note: Many people who send me emails on a daily basis are totally negative about their current work situation as well as their current financial situation. Your willingness to change the present by pushing your limits, is the only way you can become very successful online. Remember: If you keep expecting that somebody will rescue you, or one day you will win $1,000,000 from lottery or gambling, you will NEVER become successful. Take charge of your life by changing your habits. Instead of feeling depressed about life, you should concentrate on finding a solution to the problem. Your life will definitely become very successful. Copyright 2004 Henry Gold
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Starting a Home Business on a Budget Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business Have you wondered what it would be like to get up every morning and be in control of your financial destiny without having to depend on a job Perhaps you enjoy your job and you simply want to start a part-time business from home to supplement your income but the problem is you have very little extra money to invest in a new venture. What is Link Popularity Link popularity is simply the total number of web pages that link to your web page. Link popularity is an extremely important factor that is used by most of the major search engines to rank web pages and web sites. In general, the major search engines consider link popularity a key factor in their algorithms to determine the relevancy of your web page to a particular keyword search query. 8 Things I have Learned As An Internet Marketer I started as an internet marketer, like I am sure a few of you have with various mlm programs. After little success with these types of programs I finally decided it was time I make my own website and get serious about marketing on the internet. Although I have not been doing this as long as some, there have been a few things that I have learned along the way that have helped me achieve much more success than my previous ventures in mlm. I would like to share with you 8 things I have learned since becoming an internet marketer. 10 Sizzling Tips For Affiliates 1. Create an infopacked mini site. Build your mini site for a specific niche audience and then choose affiliate programs specifically for that niche audience. How To Get A Site Online And Have It Making Money When building and getting a site online you have to think of a number of things. Some of these include the following: Affiliate Programs... A Not THAT Easy Start To Your Own Online Business "Where is all the help Im supposed to get. I have been buying ezine and classified ad builders and signing up for Echecks and Virtual credit cards. In the meantime I have no business and no ads set up. When does all this happen Lets go here. I spent all day on this. Im running out of time." How My New Internet Business Achieved Truly Explosive Growth From A Standing Start in Less Than 6 Weeks!! I don’t know about you but personally I always fancied the idea of getting in on some of that internet action. I was often in awe of some of those sites I discovered when I was browsing, you know the ones - how to gain your own independence, run your own internet business, be your own boss. These people were living their dream, working from home, carving out their own piece of the internet but I soon found that they all had one thing in common. They never really gave away how they were doing what they were doing; they never revealed their “real secrets to success”. Sure they wanted to sell me something but they didn’t really want to help me. ClickBank Link Theft: Is It Really That Bad If you have visited any of the affiliate-related websites or read any of the various ebooks about affiliate marketing, you’ve almost certainly seen references to the thorny subject of link theft. Indeed, so contentious is this issue that it is frequently discussed in forums and a whole arsenal of third party weapons has evolved to help defeat it. But is the problem really as serious it is made out to be Affiliate Alternative; Google Adsense The Rise and Fall of Affiliate Programs The Technical Stuff including how to build a fantastic website, all the elements you need to consider and how to make it work with little or notechnical abilities. Running Your Online Business I had a very nice conversation with one of our members a while ago regarding her business. She has been in business for 11 years with her current company, which is a traditional business started long before the Internet came around. 10 Blazing Ways To Sky-Rocket Your Profits 1. Use a "P.S." at the end of your ad copy. This is were you either want to repeat a strong benefit or use a strong close like a free bonus. In Network Marketing, Do as the Romans Do Remember the old saying, When in Rome, do as the Romans do! This is the key for determining what affiliate program to sign-up with. A Lesson In Email: The Money Is In The List... With The Back-End Sales Firstly, back-end sales is eMail Marketing at its best, so for this to work you need to already have a list of customers that have bought from you before. Understanding Affiliate Programs Affiliate programs are commonly misunderstood, in order to understand affiliate programs lets start with terminology. For clarification purposes, an affiliate is defined as any "referrer" or website that promotes a product in an effort to earn revenue. A merchant is defined as someone who owns a product and is sharing revenues with an affiliate based on the affiliates performance. Affiliate programs can drive targeted traffic to your website. Are you building a business or a downline A common mistake *A LOT* of affiliates make is to focus too much Energy on building their second tier and not enough on selling Their business on the first tier. Super Affiliate Strategies Part 2 If you are an affiliate that is trying to promote an affiliate program, then I dont need to tell you its not a walk in the park, unless you know what to do. With that in mind, this is one of the main reasons I decided to write a sequel article called Super Affiliate Strategies Part 2. In this article, we are going to talk about a few ways that you can effectively promote your affiliate program. Are You The Boss Or The Employee Of Your Business All I thought about was getting a better job, with better pay, in a better environment. IS IT ALL HYPE The Truth About Making Money On The Internet Where else can you start a business that doesn’t require a fortune What other types of businesses can you make money from that reaches across the globe without you having to change out of your pajamas at all What other types of businesses allow you to make money online even if you didn’t have a single product or service to sell or promote Kick-Starting E-mail Profits Growth From One Single Shot! Perhaps the most critical step in guaranteeing the success of your e-mail promotions is to send your messages to a targeted list of opt-in subscribers who have specifically requested to receive information on a particular topic from you. Thats your "in-house" email list. ![]() |
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