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Benefits of Human Growth Hormone ? HGH Enhancing Products
Human Growth Hormone has often been referred to as the "fountain of youth hormone". So, have we stumbled upon the proverbial "fountain of youth" with these new HGH enhancement supplements that claim to reduce fat, relieve "aging symptoms" such as wrinkles, increase energy and sex drive, promote sounder and deeper sleep cycles, and rejuvenate the body? Well, there are several faithful users of products in this arena (and I'm one of them) that will swear that since they have started taking HGH enhancing products, they've experienced a wide range of pleasing and desirable benefits, and it's not placebo. If your goal is to proactively slow your body's aging process and optimize your personal longevity and quality of life, a quality HGH supplement may be just the thing for you. So, let's take a look at what these HGH products propose to do for you, and how they propose to offer such life-changing benefits to anyone who has the inclination to buy such products, and faithfully take the supplement as prescribed. As we age, the amount of HGH secreted by our body's pituitary gland decreases, resulting in the symptoms of aging you see in your skin (wrinkles, loss of tone and firmness), energy level, libido, hair color (loss of hair color, or graying of hair), weight gain, and muscle to fat ratio. We could go on forever on the symptoms of aging, but we'll leave it at that for the sake of brevity, and because I'm sure you don't have all day! HGH supplements do not contain actual Human Growth Hormone ? for this you would actually need to go to a doctor who does this type of thing, pay about $10,000 a year, and get injections of real Human Growth Hormone. Rather, most HGH supplement products employ the use of homeopathic medicine and stimulate the pituitary gland into producing more Human Growth Hormone, increasing it's levels in the blood (usually a big difference will be noticed within a month to two month's time, which allows for the HGH-promoting agents to gain higher levels in the blood and become effective). These HGH stimulating agents are what we call non prescription amino acid secretagogue supplementation. These compounds stimulate the pituitary gland and encourage it to secrete more HGH into the blood stream, hence the anti-aging benefits that are a direct result of increased HGH in the body. Studies have shown that amino acids such as arginine, glutamine and lysine can significantly increase the production of HGH. The tricky part is, many of these amino acid compounds can be destroyed by the digestive acids in the stomach, rendering any HGH enhancing abilities useless. If you are going to consider an HGH supplement in pill form, be sure there is a technology used to coat or protect the amino acids from being destroyed by your stomach acids. Most quality supplements in pill form will indicate that they employ this type of protective technology, just be sure to look for that information. Another popular method of delivery is powder and spray form. Whatever your preference, just make sure you purchase the supplement from a reputable homeopathic and/or herbal company that has a wide range of successful products, plenty of customer testimonials, and a money back or quality guarantee. I can personally testify that I have been using an HGH supplement for about two months, and I'm no scientist, but I can definitely tell you, I feel great and I haven't gotten sick once since I've been on it, even with several stomach flu viruses and cold bugs going around the office. I've also notice that my sleep quality has improved and I wake up feeling more refreshed, my skin seems to be smoother and more toned, my fatty areas and cellulite seem to be improving/diminishing more and more every day, my appetite has decreased, I have more energy and can think more clearly at work without the typical fogginess I used to get halfway through my day, and my eyes are brighter and more full of life. Overall, my quality of life has definitely improved since about a month after I started the supplement. Coincidence? Maybe - but I doubt it. I'm what you might call an herbal-product-of-the-moment junkie. I've experimented with many of the fads of the moment in the herbal and alternative medicine field, and I've never experienced such noticeable and obvious results as I have with HGH as I have with any of these other products. Try it ? it may be just what you're looking for to slow the aging process, improve your quality of life overall, and get the youthful edge back. Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of Herbal-Therapeutics.com, http://www.herbal-therapeutics.com/hgh-enhancer.html which provides the latest in herbal and natural medicine technology and the most effective blends of herbal remedies for all types of ailments, as well as general quality of life improvement.
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Why Detoxify? Have you been hearing about detoxification more often? That's because we are now recognizing and appreciating that our bodies are not just separate parts, but a connected system which must be in "balance" if we are to feel and be well. Aromatherapy Candles Nothing turns a commonplace, ho-hum room into a radiant, inviting setting faster than the flicker of a few ordinary candles scattered strategically throughout the room. Add scented candles and you can quickly evoke childhood memories, transport your imagination to a tropical island, or infuse the room with the crisp scent of a pine forest. Aromatherapy candles add yet another dimension to the equation. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Infertility Although health and healing are the common goals of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and allopathic medicine, their ideas on the etiology of disease, disease itself and the process used to regain health are decidedly different. The allopathic physician learns that disease must be cured by prescribing medicine, which kills bacteria or renders a virus ineffective; at times surgical intervention is a necessity. Pain Relief: Is There an Alternative? Do you rely on Vioxx, Celebrex or Aleve (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs) to ease pain? If you suffer from inflammatory arthritis or pain due to injuries, you probably are familiar with one of these drugs. No doubt you have also heard recent reports linking some NSAIDs with an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Belonging to a class called Cox-2 inhibitors, the drugs in question work by reducing inflammation and pain, while having a minimal effect on stomach bleeding and ulcers. But several studies have raised questions as to the long-term consequences of using Vioxx, Celebrex, Aleve and, possibly, other drugs in this classification. What are the facts and do you have an alternative for pain relief? Eat Fiber and Avoid Constipation To have regular bowel movements and escape constipation you need to eat more fiber. Fiber from raw vegetable and fruits is better for you than fiber from grains. Why? Raw vegetables and fruits are live foods with enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and many antioxidants that are charged electrically. They have a magnetic energy that is absorbed by your DNA. So get more fiber from this source and less from grains. Anxiety Anxiety is a pernicious little devil; it can hold us back, freeze our creativity and diminish our ability to fight our way out of trouble. Anxiety leads to a 'vicious cycle' in which anxiety feeds poor performance which increases anxiety and . . . you get the picture. Magnetic Bracelet Used in Research Study Now in United States At the end of 2004 results from a study on arthritis patients in the UK was published in the British Medical Journal. Flax Seeds, Seeds, and Nuts For Constipation Relief Here are a variety of home remedies for constipation using flax seeds with other seeds and nuts. They provide the fiber and oils that you need to relieve constipation. Drinking plenty of water with these home remedies will make them more effective. Being Rubbed Up ? The Right Way! - The Therapeutic Wonders of Massage PROBABLY one of the most powerful preventive medicine tools available to us is that of Massage. It is one of the oldest forms of treatment and can be traced back many thousands of years to the ancient Greeks, Persians and Chinese who are said to have practiced massage as a spiritual art. The word Massage comes from the Greek 'massein' meaning 'to knead'. Today in this fast paced 21st century, it could be argued that we've never known a more hectic style of living. When we become stressed our activity becomes strenuous and our energy requirements exceed supply. Our bodies can become tired and stiff, our muscles cramped and sluggish with the overall feeling of being tense, fatigued and stressed. But do we take time-out? Do we look for ways to relax and slow down? Do we decide to nurture ourselves a little? Usually not! Let's face it, most of us just soldier on. We are so caught up on the treadmill of our busy lives that we have forgotten how to listen to our bodies. The experts and their statistics tell us that we are living longer than ever before. Our life expectancy is extending every few years with a result that most of us can now expect to live well into our eighties! Perhaps this is one of the reasons that more and more people today are now taking responsibility for their own health and well being. People are looking to complementary therapies to aid the recovery from tension, stress and fatigue. In our determination to be healthy and remain healthy many of us now use massage as a powerful form of preventative medicine and as part of an integrated approach to our personal health care. THE POWER OF TOUCH It has long been recognized that the power of touch is crucial to us as humans. We are all sensual beings and as a result our bodies respond well to massage and human contact. Research in the UK has proven that in many health institutions, such as hospitals and nursing homes, etc. patients responded better to treatment and were more content when there was more physical contact between their carers and themselves. Here's why it works - There are many types of massage techniques which can include, sports massage, mother and baby massage, Swedish, Shiatsu and Reflexology, but the basic principle of each is very similar. Massage improves circulation allowing your blood to send oxygen and nutrients to your muscles where ultimately they are converted into energy. Furthermore it assists the filtering out of toxins and drains the essential lymph system which is so important for a strong immune system. The result? A nourished, cleansed and relaxed body and a wonderful sense of well being that can last for many days afterwards! POINTS TO REMEMBER WHEN VISITING A MASSAGE THERAPIST: - 1) A qualified massage therapist will have undergone a substantial period of training and should be a member of an international association relating to his/her specific field of expertise. There are a number of excellent therapists in your locality and referring to your telephone directories should provide you with a qualified massage therapist or clinic in your area. 2) Your therapist will want to get to know about you on your first visit and will prepare a personal case history based on a number of questions he/she will ask. In order for the therapist to provide you with the best suited therapy during your session these questions are important and will touch upon medical, social, personal information as well as your family history of illnesses, etc. Based on the information compiled the therapist will then design a treatment specifically for you. 3) It is important for you to feel at ease with your therapist and it is the practitioner's job to make you feel comfortable and explain to you what they will be doing. 4) Always let your therapist know what you are planning to do after your massage. 5) If you are planning to have an Aromatherapy Massage, i.e. a massage combined with pure essential oils, it is best not to have a shower or bath for approximately eight hours as this period of time is needed to allow the full absorption of the oils into the body. 6) Finally when your session is complete your therapist will allow you some quiet time to relax on your own before getting up and heading off and continuing your day. So, as and from today, make a promise to yourself, commit to having a healthier body, system and rested mind and book that massage appointment now ? aren't you worth it? Breathing Your Way To Health Breathing, yes of course we do it, if not we'd be dead, obvious isn't it. But in the far east Breathing techniques have been used for thousands of years. Not only as a means of improving the health and vitality of both the body and mind, but also as a means of connecting to the Higher Spiritual Realms. In the far east the practice is called Pranayama and is an integral part of Hatha Yoga. Remedies for Asthma or Allergies Remedies for Asthma or Allergies MSM: Enhance Your Overall Beauty, Your Hair, Nails, And Skin While Reducing Allergic Reactions Welcome to another exciting issue of "The Home Made Medicine e-zine". Benefits of Human Growth Hormone ? HGH Enhancing Products Human Growth Hormone has often been referred to as the "fountain of youth hormone". So, have we stumbled upon the proverbial "fountain of youth" with these new HGH enhancement supplements that claim to reduce fat, relieve "aging symptoms" such as wrinkles, increase energy and sex drive, promote sounder and deeper sleep cycles, and rejuvenate the body? Well, there are several faithful users of products in this arena (and I'm one of them) that will swear that since they have started taking HGH enhancing products, they've experienced a wide range of pleasing and desirable benefits, and it's not placebo. The Subconscious Mind As Teacher: Why It Can Help You Relieve Your Pain Many disciplines are designed to program the subconscious. But except for the method used to derive visualization statements, no technique honors the subconscious as a teacher by first asking it what it believes will work. This distinctive approach may be very helpful for pain relief. Top 3 Yogis Secrets for Health and Happiness For hundreds of years, the yogi's have been known to know the secrets for health, peace and happiness. In this short, but informative article, I will briefly describe 3 of these secrets with you. Are You Suffering From Chronic Constipation? Embarrassing as it may be, we have all suffered from constipation at one time in our life or another. According to the National Health Interview Survey as many as 3 million Americans suffer from frequent if not chronic constipation. While constipation is not recognized as a degenerative disease or serious disorder, people who are constipated often feel bloated, uncomfortable and even sluggish. Constipation by itself is miserable enough, but sufferers often experience painful bowel movements that can become compounded by hemorrhoids that form due to straining. Healing With Color FAQ Can Color Therapy Be Used With Other Healing Techniques? Treating Arthritis- Naturally There are actually three common types of arthritis. These are Osteoarthritis which is the most common, affecting around 16 million Americans with an average age of 45. It usually will attack weight bearing joints like knees, hips, and ankles but has been found in the fingers, neck and spine. Each of our joints is cushioned by cartilage, a very dense, sponge-like substance. Osteoarthritis attacks that cartilage and gradually wears it down. Lavender : The Purple Panacea Lavender is wholly spent with us, for to perfume linen, and the dried flowers to comfort and dry up the moisture of a cold braine(Parkinson) Know About the All Purpose Holistic Medicine Understanding what holistic medicine is: ![]() |
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