The Whys and Habits of Anxiety & Panic Disorder

Just about everyone asks themselves why? Why did I get this?

And chances are, you probably already have a fair idea of what possibly triggered it.

I know for myself, I had a medical condition that played a huge factor into my trigger. I was obsessed with my health. I believe it was the ultimate root cause that triggered it off. But I also know it wasn't the "only" contributing factor.

Looking back at it, I was in a high profile job where I was working 12 to 16 sometimes even 18+ hours in a day. I didn't get a lunch break (managers were not permitted to have lunch breaks in my industry).

Plus I was living with my in-laws. I know they always meant well, but there was definitely a huge stress factor that came with living with the in-laws. I felt restricted, like I couldn't relax and just be myself.

Between work and home, I felt stressed majority of the time.

So if you REALLY feel you NEED to know "why" this has triggered in you, chances are you don't have to look hard. Look at the stresses in your life when it all began.

Maybe you had a traumatic experience when you were younger and something re-triggered those memories for you?

Maybe it was a divorce? Or a death in your family? Over-worked? Maybe you had money problems? The list could go on and on?

Stress WILL cause unpleasant tension and sensations in your body. It can mirror other medical problems. Anxiety and Panic Disorder was born when you concentrated on all these sensations. It became a habit (an unhealthy one at that).

But because it is a "habit", a "habit" that you created, you have the ability to take it back.

We all have habits/rituals. Some good, some bad. You can ultimately decide which ones you want to keep.

What do you do before you go to bed each night? I bet you lock all your doors and switch all the lights off yes? That's a habit. A healthy one you should keep. It keeps the thieves out and saves money on your electricity bill.

Anxiety and Panic makes you feel bloody awful. It has no good side effects. It restricts you from leading your normal day in and day out life (or at least makes it more difficult then need be). So kick this habit, starting now!

You can and will eliminate it if you choose to take action and correct it.

© Joanne King -

About the Author - Joanne King is a former sufferer of Anxiety & Panic Attacks. She is the author of two books "How to Overcome Anxiety & Panic Attacks" & "How to Overcome Anxiety When Approaching Women" She has helped other sufferers WorldWide to eliminate their Anxiety & Panic.

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