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Ten Ways to Add Abundance To Your Mind, Your Life & Your World
Abundance isn't something you find from the outside. Abundance begins within and radiates outward. Find the ways that increase your abundance inside. Add time to your day, simplify, or make a difference in the world. Gratitude multiplies. Find something in these ten ways to add abundance to your life and enjoy the positive results it will attract. 1. Step up and become a world peacemaker. Volunteer to help keep peace in the world. Yes, even one hour this year will make a difference. Think about it -- if 2,000 people volunteered just one hour, that 2,000 hours that peace is closer in the world. It is like interest, it compounds. You can and do make a difference. Visit The 1,000 Years of Peace Project (http://www.pledgepeace.org/) and pledge just one hour in 2004 towards peace! 2. Be a blood donor. Never done it before or not sure that they want your blood. It takes just a few minutes by phone or visiting their web site to find out. Scared of needles, I was, let their experience walk you through the fear. Celebrate your freedom from the fear afterwards. Go with some friends or co-workers to support you. Visit AABA at: http://www.aabb.org/Locator/Locator.asp to find out more. 3. Volunteer somewhere this year. Did you know that most employers encourage volunteering and will give time off to do so during business hours? Not sure, ask them. Organize an office group of volunteers. Visit Volunteer Match at: http://www.volunteermatch.org/ to find the right place for you to volunteer. 4. Attend the religious ceremony of at least one different faith to observe how others connect with the Divine. Not into religion, that is okay. Expand your mind by attending different events or faiths. You do not need to join, just learn and expand your horizons. We have more similarities than differences. It is when we see those similarities that we learn our connections. 5. Take 30 minutes a day and connect with your higher self and spirit. Whether it is in meditation, sitting quietly and listening, or in prayer. 6. Eliminate any outside influences that don't feed your soul or life purpose. If you are challenged to let it go permanently, give it up temporarily for 30 days. Whether it is the newspaper, TV news, or books that you are reading that are "shoulds" instead of "wants." Revisit with what you are letting in. In exchange, abundance will have more space to enter. Fill your day with only positive people, things, and information. The Information Gurus have a saying, "GIGO" Garbage in, garbage out. 7. Look beyond the either/or decisions in life. Open the door and let the possibilities and options in. Don't be boxed in, just know there are other options, invite them in. Abundance appears when it is invited. 8. Ever wondered how much "nature" your lifestyle requires? Take the Ecological Footprint Quiz at http://www.myfootprint.org/. The Quiz estimates how much productive land and water you need to support what you use and discard. All this in 15 quick and easy questions. What footprint are you leaving on this planet and how does it compare to others? Great revelation on what you are leaving behind. 9. Magnify abundance by simplifying your life. Visit Simple Living at: http://www.simpleliving.net/ and find thousands of topics and great tools on how to simplify all areas of life. You will also find study groups to support you on your journey. 10. Have you written your own Personal Mission Statement? Visit this f*r*e*e easy-to-use online Mission Statement Builder by Franklin Covey to create one: http://www.franklincovey.com/missionbuilder/ Gain space to add abundance by reducing stress and increasing your focus on where you want to go. Post your statement on the bathroom mirror. It makes saying no easier the rest of the day. Copyright 2004, Catherine Franz. Catherine Franz is a Marketing & Writing Coach, niches, product development, Internet marketing, nonfiction writing and training. Additional Articles: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com
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