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How To Be Interesting
Most people want to be liked appreciated loved and adored but why those same people are taken as boring while they try so hard? As you know by now, I like to make a point by telling stories and I have just the right story for YOU. This summer I had a cross country meeting in Athens, it was a very profitable year for me and I was one of the lead spokesperson. My team and I stayed at the Hilton hotel; everyone went to sleep cause of the exhausting journey. I couldn't sleep so I went to the top floor Bar to have a drink. Have you seen Athens by night? It's magnificent; from up there you could see the Parthenon it seemed like it was floating In a sea of dazzling lights, really an extravagant view. Anyway I sat at the bar and after a while a guy sat next to me. He asked my name and why I was there. I told him my name and that I was there for business. I didn't tell him that I was one of the most successful entrepreneurs at my age in my country and that I would train the next day 600 people for 100? each. I found out that he was a TV person, he was organizing Live Shows. I asked him like a million questions, how he was producing the shows how many people were needed for a live show how much he was paid how he talking on the phone, where he lived where he went to school when he was young, literally an endless list of questions. After 5 scotch whiskeys I was kind of dizzy so I thanked him for the conversation and I left. As I was headed to my room he stopped me and told me I was the most interesting person he met the last 7 years. As I walked away I was trying to realize, what in the world just took place here. I mean he only knew my name and that I was there for business. Then I had an epiphany, it was very simple, if you want to be interesting all you have to do is to BE INTERESTED, if you want to be respected all you have to do is to RESPECT, if you want to be loved all you have to do is LOVE. Don't Try so Hard to prove you, just listen and do the right questions. Your Friend, John Giagkiozis Publishes Self Improvement Tips, he is dedicated helping people like You! If you're looking for the Home Business Opportunity that will make your Dreams Come True, information and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, come by and subscribe for FREE at: http://www.success-factory.net The Life all Deserve, An Opportunity and a Challenge Feel free to reach me at: info@success-factory.net
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Be Not Afraid, Ye of Midlife Millions of people face huge changes in their lives during the midlife years and most seem to be glad they made the changes, but only if they've faced their own longings for meaning with integrity. Midlife can be defined as anywhere from 35 to 60, but usually comes on around the mid-forties or later. It's built into our psyches, just as other developmental stages at other ages are pre-programmed. Not everyone will experience it as an apparent period of change, though. Some women, and men too, just sense a slight change of priorities, values and perhaps a slight adjustment of goals if they recognize their midlife dilemmas at all. If you're one of the ones that are turning your life upside down, be not afraid. Law-of-Attraction Article: Wake Up and Create Something It's time for the "mainstream" to WAKE UP. The alarm clock is ringing, they keep hitting snooze, and in the meantime, the life they could be living is passing them by. The World According To Max The Cat Max jumped on my chest as soon as the first rays of sunlight streamed through the blinds. Listening Is As Important As Speaking While engaging in conversations with friends and co-workers, how often do you feel that the other person has truly heard what you've said? Is There Something Called Free Will The statement ""The concept of free will is a fallacy"" is actually fallacious! How do you live your life? of course you live with free will. You decide what to eat for breakfast, what to wear today and so on. don't you? So how can you not be responsible for your actions? Some Gals Have All the Luck: How to Create Your Own Good Luck You probably know a few. These gals marry the millionaire. Meet the talent agent in the drugstore. Stroll off into the Tahitian sunset with the guy who looks like Tom Cruise. Top 5 Areas to Create A Super-Reserve! Last week, I had the privilege of leading a 4-day teleclass about creating reserves that will meet our needs and support our lives, forever! The goal was to create systems that automatically respond to everything that distracts, worries or confuses us, for the rest of our lives! (How's that for thinking big?) When we are secure and our needs are met once and for all, we are free to live large, pursue our dreams and challenge life on our own terms. The Number One Secret to Success in Business Clarity! Rising Above the Average There is nothing more motivating than reading a story about someone who comes from a poor, difficult life and rises above it to do so much with their life. Reading about a person who had so many obstacles in their way and they overcame them to be the most incredible people. We adore reading those stories and they are so inspiring. They also can tie you to a place of average. It is possible though to rise above the average! Business Intuition: Using the HeartMind Many scientific studies have demonstrated the reality of intuition for getting information which is remote in space-time. Remote is a euphemism for "can't be explained using currently accepted physical laws." However, respected scientists have studied the ability of humans to gather remote information... and, we can... but, we can't explain it. The Power of Focusing on What Vs. How We see it and do it enough times to know just how it works. Resolutions are set, goals written down, strategic action plans put in place. And where does it end up? More often than not, we don't lose the weight, we don't keep the budget, we don't straighten out the relationship ? whatever it is we were after, frustration or despair get in the way and we end up at square one. Discover the Magical Power of Pulling Heartstrings ...Its Mindblowing! I wish you never have to go through that kind of pain! Law of Attraction and Dreams, Premonitions or Predictions Recently, I received an interesting email in which a woman told me that when she was 10 years old, she was shown in a dream how one day she would have a son and he would die at a certain age in a specific fashion. She also reported that this did, in fact, occur. Her question to me was, "How can I believe the Law of Attraction is working when some things seem beyond our control?" Your Vibrational Meter Have you ever felt 'stuck' in life? I mean totally 'stuck'--immobilized, paralyzed or unable to make the right decision? The Real Secret of Attraction The secret of attraction is the unconscious hope for healing and understanding. This is why we are so discriminating in our choice of a marital partner. Not just anyone will do. And when we find the right person we become infatuated and fall head over heels for him or her. Our passion and hope for lifetime mate often borderlines on the absurd. Typically, what we see in him or her is really a self-generated fantasy. We are in "la la" land. We unconsciously block out all of their negative characteristics and distort their positives. We imagine them to be loving, caring, intelligent, funny, patient, giving, attractive, interesting, hard-working when in fact they are often very little of all of this. However, and all fairness, in spite of what we think about ourselves, we are also far from this ideal! To Live Or To Live With Purpose: That?s The Ultimate Question Each person has her or his own place and purpose. We all possess unique talents and unique ways of expressing them. This means each of us can do something better than anyone else in our society can. And every unique talent and expression of that talent also has unique needs. When these needs are matched with the creative expressions of our talents, they will spark the creation of prosperity. Whenever we express our unique talents and use them in the service of humanity, we lose track of time and create abundance in our lives, and in others' lives as well. Ten Tips For Setting (And Keeping) Life Changing Resolutions It's time for that annual ritual of making (and breaking) our New Year's resolutions. There is something about the idea of being able to start over that motivates us to pause (at least briefly) and reflect on our lives as they are, as well as how we would like them to be. Yet how many times have you thought back to last year's goals and found that many or most of them were abandoned or just forgotten after a few weeks or months into the year? Millionaire Mindset: We Become What We Think About In studying wealth, we learn the power of using our mind to attract either success or failure. By visualizing what we want to happen - or conversely what we fear will happen - we employ a mental magnet that helps to manifest our thoughts. To get rich, the first step is to make sure you have a millionaire mindset." Live Your Own Life Are you living your life, the way you want to live? Secret of Wealth "Before I had a lot of money, I was really quite happy," said Oprah Winfrey. "And I will tell you this--you may not believe it--I never would have gotten the money if I wasn't happy to begin with. I never would have gotten it." ![]() |
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