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The World According To Max The Cat
Max jumped on my chest as soon as the first rays of sunlight streamed through the blinds. "Are you awake?" he asked, licking his paw with infinite fastidiousness. "I am now," I said. "Hey, did you just say something?" "No, I just thought something." "You mean we're in telepathic contact?" I asked, not sure whether I was still asleep. "Why do you think we were so popular with the Egyptian priests," he asked smugly. "Why didn't you talk before," I asked. "Believe me," he said, "It wasn't easy, but I didn't think you were ready before." "What makes you think I'm ready now?" He languidly ripped his claws into the bed covers and ripped off some cotton threads before stretching his elegant white limbs. Then he eyed me thoughtfully with his big golden eyes. "You haven't fed me any cat food in the past few days," he said. "In fact, I'm not sure where you got the idea that a cat can thrive on oatmeal." "Well, you know I can't even pay the rent. Who knows what's going to happen to us?" "That's why I thought it time you got wise about the Diamond Sutra." "Is that some kind of Eastern scripture?" "No, I'm talking about the mystical sutra, the emerald green subtle energy field that's shaped like a diamond and sits in your heart." "Hunh?" "Quiet!" said Max, clubbing my nose with his padded pink paw, claws sheathed. "I'm listening," I said. "The diamond sutra has four edges, each edge signifying a divine attribute. The first edge is called Abundance, the second Health, the third Success, and the fourth, Relationship. All cats worth their weight in whiskers have these circuits running in harmony, and so, too, should any half-awake human being. All you have to do is to replace wanting with having. Get the feeling-tones right and your world will be right." He eyed me sharply, sizing me up, wondering, no doubt, if I could meet even his most compromised standards. "Now I've noticed that you appear to need to activate each of these energetic systems into your life. You've disrupted the circuit with your stinking-thinking." "Guilty," I said, smiling sheepishly. He gave me the look; then after clipping some misaligned hair on his tail with his teeth, he resumed his discourse. "Flowing from one point to the next is the white light of infinite connectivity, the stream of life and manifestation, the river of consciousness itself. "The only thing stopping this flow is YOU! In particular, all these absurd thoughts of scarcity that keeping running through your head. Look, if you think of scarcity, that's what you're going to get. You draw it to you with the same felicity with which a dumb dog attracts fleas by rolling in the grass. "Abundance is your natural birthright. If you're not experiencing it, then you've got a belief system that says you can't get it or you don't deserve it. Similarly, the cells of your body respond to your thoughts, and if they're not happy cells, you're thinking distressing thoughts and eating garbage. Hence, poor health. " "Come again," I said. Once again, he gave me the look, then resumed his exposition, deciding to ignore the interruption. "Success, of course, is doing things your way...basically doing what you want, the way you want, when you want. Look at me. Pay attention. Learn something. I live in a world of possibility. I entertain empowering beliefs. I have passion and motivation for positive change." "And what about relationships?" I asked. "Tickle my ears," he said. I did, and he purred. Resource Box Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.
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The Edge of the Moon Hello, Moon. Limited Thought, Limited Experience I was reminded once again the other day about how well we limit ourselves and take on the values of others and their limitations. 5 Simple Ways To Overcome Shyness Shyness is nothing to be ashamed of and you can overcome it when you learn the right way to go about it. The problem is that you have not been exposed to accurate, proven ways to deal with shyness. Dont Seek Success; Seek Self-Actualization "You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give." Transformational Counseling - Part One Transformational Counseling is a process of assisting others to transform their lives. Transformational Counseling is a process of assisting others in their reinventing themselves, of creating a life that they love and living it powerfully. Transformational Counseling is a process of creating a space for others to get present to or become aware of their self limiting belief, to create or invent a possibility for themselves and their life that could not have existed before and to learn how to be in their possibilities as opposed to being that which has always stopped them in the past. Perception Is Reality "We think, therefore we are." Would You Rather Be Wealthy? Would you rather be wealthy or poverty-stricken? Not a difficult question to answer, is it? How do you think your thoughts impact on your financial state? 7 Tips to Make a Fantastic Impression on People Who Count Making a fabulous impression on people opens doors for your business, personal, and career endeavors. People like charming people who make them feel comfortable. So, making a fantastic impression helps you get where you want to go. What Do You Do? When I go out and talk to business people, I hear them talking about all the things they do from day to day. They talk about the problems they have and their frustrations with a whole variety of things they do. Invariably I find myself thinking: why do they do these things in the first place. As an extreme example, if you had your hand in a flame and it was burning, you would move it wouldn't you? So why not do something about the things that cause you stress and frustrate you? God Doesnt Say No...YOU Do! There are a couple of things you've probably heard said over and over. The first is, "Why doesn't God answer my prayers?". What you'll generally hear next is the response which goes something like, "God DOES answer your prayers. Sometimes he just says 'No'". Intuition: Your Best Moving Guide Recently someone asked me, "What coaching tools do you use?" You Cant Direct the Wind but You Can Adjust the Sails Dear Friend, 10 Common Money And Success Myths ? Part 3 Here we continue to discuss a few commonly held beliefs, or "myths," that hold many of us back from achieving success... The Power of Desire- Part 2 Let's continue where we left off in Part 1... Manifest Your Dreams For each of us, the universe is different. A homeless man may view the universe as unfair, hard and tough. A rich man may view the universe as a lovely place full of luxury and pleasure. Both of them are viewing the same universe, it is just different because of their perceptions of it and their life experiences. A Mini LOA T-ToolTM The Law of Attraction T-ToolTM is the single most useful tool for gaining clarity. This week I discovered the power of a Mini LOA T-ToolTM. What Characters Teach Us about Character Character is that which defines us; it's what people will remember about us long after we're gone. The TV News, Radio Talk Shows, News-Magazines and the daily Paper are replete with stories about characters. [My favorite short story/play of all time was written by the great Italian Poet Luigi Pirandello ? "Sei Caratteri in Cerca di un Autore" or "Six Characters in Search of an Author."] These characters come in all sizes, hail from different parts of the country and can be found in many institutions. You may have known them as once successful businessmen, politicians, doctors, and lawyers or so called sports heroes. Temporary success is their common bond, as is total disregard for ethics or for other people. Purpose of Choice Tornadic weather threatens southeastern Colorado and life on the plains takes a turn again. Interestingly enough, books are written, movies are made, and life happens while the winds blow and the rains fall. Writers of every genre come from the lower Arkansas Valley here on the plains. While the rest of the world focuses on the problematic area of politically correctness, terror in the middle east, and life in the fast lane, those of us here in the dust bowl of the latest drought keep sane by writing about our lives and the lives of those around us. How Do You Choose To Deal With Your Life? "It's choice ? not chance ? that determines your destiny." --Jean Nidetch Pretending Your Life As You Want It - True Power Series This is the sixth article in our "True Power" series. If you haven't been following the series, visit The ARTrepreneur to read the foundational material on beliefs before continuing. All people live a structured existence that is entirely make-believe. For example, though we act as if it's true, there is no such thing as days of the week or hours in a day. These things are completely fabricated conventions. If an alien were to visit New York, and someone said, "Well it's Monday morning, everyone's off to work," the alien would nod politely and think, "How quaint. They regulate their lives into compartments." The alien would in no way mistake the custom for reality. He would recognize the custom as an idea. We pretend it's real, but we could pretend other customs just as easily. There is no such thing as time really ? no minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. We pretend they exist, and structure our lives accordingly, but we could just as easily do it a different way. The day could be split in half and called "up" and "down." Someone named some cycles. There are other cycles and other names. Musicians, for example, often operate in a no-time zone. Lots of writers have inverted or highly individualistic work schedules. Many artists have made successful careers by following their own personal rhythms and beliefs. They never fell for, "That's the way it is," because they knew it was all pretend, and they could pretend their own structure just as easily as following someone else's. If someone says to you, "the music business is brutal," refuse to believe it. If they want to pretend it's brutal, then they'll get that result. You won't be so easily deceived. There are actors who have made careers quickly in Hollywood because they didn't realize it was supposed to be hard. They weren't aware of the convention. Realize that all conventions that we call modern society are just ideas. Ideas are mobile. You can use them, discard them, and invent new ideas. In reality, there is no movie industry or art industry. In reality, there are never "Seven Steps to Anything." There are only ideas, and your ideas are as valid as anyone's, and certainly more valid for you. Pretending Your Life As You Want It Exercise There are two ways to do this exercise. Choose a time everyday, and pretend your life just the way you want it. See yourself in your mind doing the things you want to do the way you want to do them. This is much like the internal visualization exercises. You try to trick your mind into believing you're experiencing the ideal now. If you are bolder, you can pick a day or even a longer period of time, and while you go about your day-to-day life, pretend that what you really want is happening. Have imaginary meetings, imaginary bank deposits, imaginary shows, imaginary dinners out. Physically, you may be doing the dishes, but mentally you're making your subconscious become accustomed to the ideal. The minute you do this, it starts to create the circumstances to make it happen. The less you negate the ideal, the less you say to yourself, "That's not realistic. I can't have it," the easier and faster it will be produced. By thinking freely about the ideal, you begin to whittle away at doubts. At some point you'll accept the ideal, and the pretend world and the actual world will begin to mesh. Every successful person ignored the pretend circumstances outside themselves, and pretended, instead, to be who they wanted to be and live how they wanted to live. Pretending, then, is the essence of experience and, therefore, an essential quality. Your life is a masterpiece composed of ideas that motivate you to act. Be the creator of those ideas. Be moved by your own impulses and desires. Pretend your existence into what you want it to be. That's all anyone's doing anyways. ![]() |
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