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Limited Thought, Limited Experience
I was reminded once again the other day about how well we limit ourselves and take on the values of others and their limitations. I was in one of our morning sales meetings and just barely awake trying to concentrate on other things. The boss was ranting and raving about how few cancellations the sales force was getting. He was calling upon the team to push a little harder and get more cancellations. He was suggesting that a good sales team will have at least 15% sales cancellations (It may have been another figure but I was ignoring it for the most part). But from where I was sitting I couldn't help but shake my head and I couldn't resist butting in and saying that I would rather have 100% closing and no cancellations. He conceded, but added that this was not a perfect world. For the most part, the whole world seems to agree with him, it's not a perfect world. It would seem that most people have that common belief. I disagree 100%. I know that the world is perfect that way it is and the above point of global thinking proves my point. Most people think the world is not perfect and that is what they have created, the perfect 'imperfect world.' All of us including myself at one time have agreed with the notion that we are lacking in imperfection. Where did that thought come from, why are we not perfect in most people's minds? It comes from the illusion of separation that we believe in. We know the creator as perfect, yet because we believe we are separated from that perfection we see ourselves as something less. And, that less than perfect status is estimated differently from one person to the next. Each of us is the Creator living in the illusion of separation and imperfection and we have learned over the millennia to limit ourselves and our powers to something less than the creators just to prove the point. "If we lived in a perfect world," is a very limiting statement, it denies our perfection and guarantees limited chances to be perfect. For thousands of years humanity has shown that it can overcome any limitations, still he/she is afraid to call himself the power that he seeks. Humankind explores its own small world hoping to find the secrets or purpose for his life, yet he already has the information available to him. Man looks outward and calls upon the creator to give him the information and yet he does not receive it, because he already has it. Secretly humanity cannot bring itself to call himself God and we are taught that it is blasphemy to do so and punishable. Mankind slowly continues along his evolutionary path trying to trick himself into believing that he is not God, limiting his powers to a human level and denying access to even more. We are creating all the circumstances of our lives, and no one outside of ourselves is doing it. We cannot have a perfect world because we are creating less. We cannot have a 100% closing rate because we are just not that good. It takes the same mental energy to create a 40% closing rate, the thought process is the same. It takes exactly the same mental energy and thought process to create a perfect world as it takes to create a less perfect world. It takes the same mental process to create perfect health as it does to create illness and accidents. When we say we cannot fly, we create that truth. When we say we cannot sail around the world, lest we fall off, we create that truth. When we say we cannot cure terminal illness that becomes our new belief system and that is the reality that we experience. Knowing does not require faith, trust or hope and knowing does not leave room for doubt. It is possible to close 100% each and every sale. It is also possible to acknowledge the perfect world that we already live in and we will experience perfection. Humanity has the connection to ultimate power and has the ability within him/herself to us it, but he simply does not know it. You cannot use what you know you do not have. You cannot have what is not yours and you never can until you can declare that it is already yours. If you are willing to settle for less, less is what you will always experience and you cannot have it all until you declare that it is all yours. Your whole life works that way, that is why you are experiencing it that way, and if you believe and say that you can't have it all, of course you are correct. My boss was correct in his belief and that is the real beauty of all that we experience, we can never not be correct because we are the ones creating our own circumstances. If you have never seen anyone fly before, does it mean that it is not possible or that you just have never seen anyone fly before? If you have never heard of someone growing a new leg, is it because you just have not heard about it or does it mean that it is not possible. Because the world is not perfect does it mean that it cannot be or is it just what you belief? If after reading this, you think I am nuts, you would be correct, if you think that there may be something to it all, you are also correct and if you think that it can be anyway you desire, bingo, now you got it. Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom. You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same. Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS. Visit Roy at: http://www.klienwachter.com
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This stabilization of consciousness is the only care you need to take. Rest will be arranged by law of nature. Adopt this attitude. Things will change fast. Build up the passion to bless this universe in as much ways as possible. Top 10 Ways to Use Attraction To Build Your Business Most business people would rather have customers seek us out based on a strong personal referral from a satisfied customer, than go to the expense of mass advertising. It's called marketing through attraction. It's about offering phenomenal value. It's about being liked, about being respected, about having potential customers wanting to do business with us! It's very efficient, and it's very cool! The problem is that for most business leaders the specifics are often vague or confusing. Here are ten practical steps: The Law of Attraction in Action Would you like to be able to experience more of what brings you joy in your life? 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