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10 Keys to Prosperity
1. Everyday, in everyway, bless the universe in as much ways as possible. Small ways. Ask the universe to help you figure out how you can bless the universe. The blessings will come back to you manifold, shower over you further opportunities to continue the grand celebration. Do it in true spirit as if you need nothing, treat yourself as if you are already a king who has everything. This will stabilize your consciousness in the attitude of abundance and having. This stabilization of consciousness is the only care you need to take. Rest will be arranged by law of nature. Adopt this attitude. Things will change fast. Build up the passion to bless this universe in as much ways as possible. 2. Throw away all your identification with the thoughts of lack, victimization, and curse. It's all mental hypnosis acquired through unconscious identification with the limitations acquired from mass consciousness. Be still and know that it's nothing but mental confusion creating an illusion of problems and lack, settle in your true nature or original mind by stilling the disturbance of thoughts. 3. Celebrate everything life has to provide you with deep sense of gratitude and universe will further amplify the perception of opportunities. Opportunity is nothing but a perception and is a result of healthy state of consciousness. Be aware of one wrong beliefs or view about life in which we see life as series of problems to be fought and answers/solutions to be sought. Life has problems which have to be practically addressed (not psychologically messed up). But life certainly can not be lived as problems. Adopt the attitude of celebration, love and care. Nothing will be left undone since we are all creators caught up in narrow identification. 4. Prosperity is stabilization of your own consciousness as a source of joy, beauty and abundance. When you look yourself identifying with the thoughts of inferiority, awaken yourself and know that at the level of your original nature, how infinitely graceful you are! 5. All the inferiority manifest when you are confined in the narrow limits of regular mind. When we open up to the vast awareness which lies just behind the mind, we understand how we are caught up. When you learn to live naked/empty devoid of any permanent idea or concept, you understand that you never needed such support and are a self supported entity. Ideas or concept are just the instrument, our reality transcends this too. 6. Trust is the greatest power in the universe. A person who trusts without a reason in the benevolence of the universe will come out of the consciousness of insecurity and its associated symptoms/problems like insecurity of finance and relationship. 7. Stabilize in the vastness and greatness of the unknown leaving behind the known/regular which is the source of problem. It is secure to live in the known, but it's mysterious to live with the unknown. Most of us are stagnating with known boundaries. Those who have capacities to walk in the unknown will be growing. Rest would stagnate at the shore. 8. Growth is nothing but stabilization of energy in the higher nature. The knots of lower nature won't free unless your capacity to be (not this or that), just be or existential awareness enlarges. Stop mental fight, nothing good will result, instead be still. The content of mind when allowed to stabilize doesn't get the energy and looses it hold onto you. Stabilize your attention to know the highest in you. 9. Take your energy out from the objects/mental concepts and stabilize in your own self/source. When the energy is taken out of everyday object, your entanglements into problem creating behaviors come down offering you a chance to know the higher. Remember that you not into creating just the object of your creation but more importantly you are into the business of experiencing your own grandeur. Keep your feeling of who are to be the most important criteria of making your choices. Enhance your perception of reality by celebration of one's own existence and its significance. The point is to discover the grandest of feeling state of who you are and corresponding reality is not far. The feeling of your existence is the centre of your attraction in your life. If you feel bad about life, you will attract the circumstances which will amplify the badness. If you celebrate life with deep gratitude, that's would be the centre of attraction for events and circumstances to unfold. Choose to be as grand as possible in your feeling and dignity for yourself as well for the world. You will never run short of resources to give life to the desired reality. 10. Growth is the intelligent movement of energy amplifying the limits of who we are. Who you are is what you create. If you can perceive your own beauty and power within or in contact with this universe, nothing stops its manifestation. Author: Santosh Kunte ? Mumbai India. An avid reader of the spiritual knowledge, engineering graduate and executive. Loves reading meditation and sharing. You can reach me for your valuable feedback or you can reach me for your problems of finance, relationship etc. by dropping an e-mail to me on sskunte2@rediffmail.com
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I thought that was a bit strange-not that he took the money but, how could he like a life where whether or not he ate depended on whether or not someone else gave him a few dollars. But, hey, as my mother use to say, "to each his own". Personally, I don't believe he likes his life. I do believe that HE believes that there is nothing he could do about it and he has lived that way for so long that he simply has adapted to the life style and sees it as normal. All of his friends are probably in the same situation that he is in and they too have adapted and accepted it as a way of life. Are You a Wildflower? Wildflowers grow from mere dust to reach their full potential. Principles for Total Prosperity In Business And Beyond Are you looking for that "something" to give you the winning edge in your business? Is success still elusive even after burning both ends of the candle? 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