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Why Cant You be More Like Me?
Here is a non-scientific, but fun way to see which style you may be. Read the poem below and then identify which one of the styles is most like you. You will also start to see and understand the behavioral style of other people around you just from reading the poem. Now you can be better prepared to speak to people the way they want to be spoken to and sell to people the way they want to be sold to. DIRECTOR D's are daring, determined to win Stay out of their way if you have thin skin Blunt, direct, with a nary smile No problem at all, that long extra mile Focused on winning, they rush through the day For them the art of winning is just child's play Leaders they are, but few rules to be found They win by the force of their, pound, pound, pound! Mountains they challenge, they assault each top The problem with them, is making them stop If winning is first then, then their style is just fine But remember their motto, "What's the bottom line?" SOCIALIZER Charming, confident, optimistic and fun They smile all day while continuing to run Popular and persuasive is the butterfly Convincing, inspiring to life's passerby Open-minded this talker where friends do abound The high I spreads influence, to sell by the pound To know them is to love them with their winning smile They will sell you their story with charm and beguile Effusive, influential, trusting and true They need you to love them, it's their point of view Never mind all the paper work, no time for all that They inspire all the others, while leading the pack RELATOR Steady and passive are the folks we call S Relaxed and deliberate, they show us no stress Card players they are, with no tip on their face Never try and guess, if they're holding an ace Understanding and mild, they support the whole team Without them along, it would make us all scream Complacent and stable, they run a quiet show But not to worry, the S just moves slow Inactive, serene, stable and more The strength of the S is deep in the core Deliberate and amiable, they don't relish change Just give them a job that's home on the range THINKER Exacting and precise is our friend the high C Their use of high standards is like Galilee Patient and careful, they arm with the truth Emotion and hype are to them just uncouth Conventional and careful, no stone is unturned High standards are theirs, so they never get burned Fact finders they are, armed with the truth Emotion and hype are to them just uncouth Conventional and careful, no stone is unturned High standards are theirs, so they never get burned Fact finders they are, armed with their scopes Just give them the time to learn all the ropes Rules of the C are the guideposts of life Perfectionists they are, taking facts in their stride No money is lost with a C by your side To find out How to Become a Highly Paid Professional Speaker, go to http://www.schrift.com/ProfessionalSpeaker/ Publishing Guidelines: You are welcome to publish this article in its entirety, electronically, or in print fre*e of charge, as long as you include my full signature file for ezines, and my Web site address. Please send a courtesy link or email where you publish to sandra@schrift.com. Thank you. ©2004 by Sandra Schrift. All rights reserved About The Author Sandra Schrift 13 year speaker bureau owner and now career coach to emerging and veteran public speakers who want to "grow" a profitable speaking business. I also work with business professionals and organizations who want to master their presentations. Get more speaking skills at our "Summer Sizzle" webpage: http://www.schrift.com/summer_sizzle.htm Join my free bi-weekly Monday Morning Mindfulness ezine http://www.schrift.com/monday.htm
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You?re Right to an Abundant Life We are all part of the universe. The universe is a living, breathing thing. I use the word "thing" because there is no other way to describe it. It is not animal, vegetable or mineral; it is all of these things. It is the creation and the substance of all life. Finders Keepers Do you remember your younger years when you and your friends played all sorts of fun games all day long? I'm sure you do. If there is one thing children know how to do, they know how to have fun. Intuition and Instinct, Our Friends Say the word 'intuition,' and some cringe. It sounds too new-age, too touchy-feely. Its close cousin instinct sounds animalistic. Hearts Made Strong The heart seems to be one of the most vulnerable in the system because it is the one that has held the most fear, the most old pain, perhaps, and repressed energy. It is the one that is most afraid to open to pure unconditional love, which is indeed where your power lies. A Mini LOA T-ToolTM The Law of Attraction T-ToolTM is the single most useful tool for gaining clarity. This week I discovered the power of a Mini LOA T-ToolTM. Where Do Your Eyes Gaze? The pupils of the eyes will dilate (enlarge) up to four times their normal size when excited. An angry, negative mood causes the pupils to contract (become smaller). When a person is being dishonest or holding back information, their eyes will meet yours less than 1/3 of the time. Creativity, The Law of Attraction, & Networking Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! What Will It Cost You? What will it cost you if you don't do it? Emotional Alchemy See if this scenario sounds familiar. You're under a lot of stress. You feel irritable, angry, or depressed, and you wish with all your heart that you could "snap out of it" but you just seem to be attracting more of the same. Every attempt to jolly yourself out of the blues just seems to frustrate you more. Nothing changes, your emotional state is like a snowball rolling downhill and everyone is walking on eggshells around you. Pretending Your Life As You Want It - True Power Series This is the sixth article in our "True Power" series. If you haven't been following the series, visit The ARTrepreneur to read the foundational material on beliefs before continuing. All people live a structured existence that is entirely make-believe. For example, though we act as if it's true, there is no such thing as days of the week or hours in a day. These things are completely fabricated conventions. If an alien were to visit New York, and someone said, "Well it's Monday morning, everyone's off to work," the alien would nod politely and think, "How quaint. They regulate their lives into compartments." The alien would in no way mistake the custom for reality. He would recognize the custom as an idea. We pretend it's real, but we could pretend other customs just as easily. There is no such thing as time really ? no minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. We pretend they exist, and structure our lives accordingly, but we could just as easily do it a different way. The day could be split in half and called "up" and "down." Someone named some cycles. There are other cycles and other names. Musicians, for example, often operate in a no-time zone. Lots of writers have inverted or highly individualistic work schedules. Many artists have made successful careers by following their own personal rhythms and beliefs. They never fell for, "That's the way it is," because they knew it was all pretend, and they could pretend their own structure just as easily as following someone else's. If someone says to you, "the music business is brutal," refuse to believe it. If they want to pretend it's brutal, then they'll get that result. You won't be so easily deceived. There are actors who have made careers quickly in Hollywood because they didn't realize it was supposed to be hard. They weren't aware of the convention. Realize that all conventions that we call modern society are just ideas. Ideas are mobile. You can use them, discard them, and invent new ideas. In reality, there is no movie industry or art industry. In reality, there are never "Seven Steps to Anything." There are only ideas, and your ideas are as valid as anyone's, and certainly more valid for you. Pretending Your Life As You Want It Exercise There are two ways to do this exercise. Choose a time everyday, and pretend your life just the way you want it. See yourself in your mind doing the things you want to do the way you want to do them. This is much like the internal visualization exercises. You try to trick your mind into believing you're experiencing the ideal now. If you are bolder, you can pick a day or even a longer period of time, and while you go about your day-to-day life, pretend that what you really want is happening. Have imaginary meetings, imaginary bank deposits, imaginary shows, imaginary dinners out. Physically, you may be doing the dishes, but mentally you're making your subconscious become accustomed to the ideal. The minute you do this, it starts to create the circumstances to make it happen. The less you negate the ideal, the less you say to yourself, "That's not realistic. I can't have it," the easier and faster it will be produced. By thinking freely about the ideal, you begin to whittle away at doubts. At some point you'll accept the ideal, and the pretend world and the actual world will begin to mesh. Every successful person ignored the pretend circumstances outside themselves, and pretended, instead, to be who they wanted to be and live how they wanted to live. Pretending, then, is the essence of experience and, therefore, an essential quality. Your life is a masterpiece composed of ideas that motivate you to act. Be the creator of those ideas. Be moved by your own impulses and desires. Pretend your existence into what you want it to be. That's all anyone's doing anyways. Will You Be Part of the Bigger Picture? With all the media attention you've probably become aware that there is something huge going on in the world, but are you part of this bigger picture? Four Disciplines To Getting What You Want I bet you're like me - you want results now, without having to put in the effort and time to make things change. We want to pray a prayer and have instant results. Kind of like microwave Christianity! Creating Your Future The questions of life may call to you. You may wonder about your purpose. You may feel out of place, disconnected, just a bit out of sync. You may want to find clarity; to find the stillness in your mind. That elusive quality where time loses all meaning. You may not even know what it is that you seek but you sit there in your skin and you know something is making you uncomfortable. Use Your Reset Button to Change Your Vibration At every moment you can tell if the vibration that you are sending is either a positive one or a negative one by identifying the feeling you are experiencing. At every moment you have a feeling and that feeling is causing you to emit or send off a vibration - and in the 'vibrational' world there are only two kinds of vibrations; positive or negative. So as you talk about what you don't want and make negative declarative statements, in that moment you are sending out and emitting a negative vibration. Law of Attraction then matches it by giving you more of the same. How Anyone Can Manifest Anything! My mother taught me how to teach others about the power of the mind. By learning how to teach her, I learned how to communicate essential wealth-building ideas to others. God Doesnt Say No...YOU Do! There are a couple of things you've probably heard said over and over. The first is, "Why doesn't God answer my prayers?". What you'll generally hear next is the response which goes something like, "God DOES answer your prayers. Sometimes he just says 'No'". Talk Your Way to Financial Freedom Feeling trapped by lack of funds? We can learn from those who live comfortably and retire early. They use language differently from those who are stuck in a scarcity process. How To Make A Strong First Impression: Seven Tips That Really Work We have all heard this warning: You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Also, human behavior specialists caution that we only have from seven to seventeen seconds of interacting with strangers before they form an opinion of us. Purpose of Choice Tornadic weather threatens southeastern Colorado and life on the plains takes a turn again. Interestingly enough, books are written, movies are made, and life happens while the winds blow and the rains fall. Writers of every genre come from the lower Arkansas Valley here on the plains. While the rest of the world focuses on the problematic area of politically correctness, terror in the middle east, and life in the fast lane, those of us here in the dust bowl of the latest drought keep sane by writing about our lives and the lives of those around us. The Metrosexual Male vs. The Cowboy - What Do Women Want? He always looks perfectly put together. He can be in a t-shirt and jeans or heading out to a black-tie event. His hair never has a bad day. His nails are clean and buffed. His clothes are perfectly pressed and exquisitely coordinated. He smells like flowers and spice. Is he gay? No, he's the new metrosexual man. ![]() |
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