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How Anyone Can Manifest Anything!
My mother taught me how to teach others about the power of the mind. By learning how to teach her, I learned how to communicate essential wealth-building ideas to others. Many years ago, she worked as an employee in an insurance company. Her low salary pinned her to a fixed income. Trapped in her cubicle, she held little hope for change. With Christmas only a month away, she was upset. Normally, a generous soul, she did not know how to face the season of giving. She could barely pay her many bills, let alone buy everyone in our family presents. I asked her what she would do if she could attract $25,000 for Christmas. I told her that it is possible to create anything with the mind. I told her that she could create wealth. I told her that she had the power to create miracles if her faith was strong enough. After much skepticism, she humored me by telling me all the things she would buy. I then talked to her about how the great religious teachers of the past taught the principles of manifestation. Jesus Christ spoke about it in the Sermon on the Mount. The Buddha spoke about it in the Dhammapada. Krishna spoke about it in the Bhagavad-Gita. I pointed out how many of the esoteric traditions also mentioned it. In the Kabbalah teachings, in Sufism, and in Shamanism many rich illustrations hinted at the power of mind over matter. Today, the science of quantum mechanics mathematically and experimentally demonstrates how thoughts influence matter. During my enthusiastic exposition, her eyes glazed over as I spoke. Finally, out of desperation, I focused on keeping things very simple, and very practical. Since she is a great cook, I gave her specific, doable instructions in a recipe book format. At Christmas time, when I showed up at the house, everything looked different. Signs of affluence colored the room like a rainbow. I saw a brand new Persian carpet, a big fish tank, and a whole assortment of kitchen gadgets. Everything on her list was now in the house! And, yes, she had plenty of presents for everyone. This was her remarkable story: She practiced the ideas I taught her. After a time, they made her feel better. She did them because it gave her hope. As she did them, she noticed no change in her mind or her life. Still, she persisted (if only to prove her pedantic son wrong!) One day, she felt an urge to invest in her company's stock options. Suddenly, the market went bearish for a few weeks and she made a modest fortune. She sold her stocks for exactly $25,000! This weird story changed both our lives. She practiced the principles of manifestation from then on, and I worked on refining them and teaching them. To this day, I still don't understand the stock market. My mother didn't fully understand it, either. She was just happy to follow her intuition. Incidentally, today, my mother runs her own insurance company. (And, yes, she is an even better cook now that she has an army of culinary robots working for her.) This was the beginning of my teaching others to make money simply by thinking about wealth in a specific way. Through this incident, I accidentally stumbled upon a method to teach anyone how to manifest what they needed. Later on, I manifested a scholarship that enabled me to follow my dream of going to graduate school for psychology. And today I have enjoyed the materialization of this website to share my knowledge with others; although when I first started I didn't have a clue about web design or marketing. I just manifested the right people and technical education and software tools to make it happen. Resource Box Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.
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I had one woman tell me that her ex-boyfriend put a gun to her head and told her to get out of his life. Stop following him, stop calling him and leave him alone. This woman felt that he was just having a "bad day" and wanted to know when would be a good time to call him and tell him that she loves him. I was absolutely amazed. This is definitely a woman who doesn't love herself. Why would she constantly pursue a person who clearly doesn't want her? 14 Relationship Principles to Live A Successful Relationship Each relationship combines two individual stories to coauthor a new relationship story. The implicit contracts authored by each party in a relationship become unspoken assumptions that can facilitate or derail the relationship. Just Allow? But How? If you've been practising the Law of Attraction, then you're probably familiar with the expressions, "just Allow" and "it will come." Well, technically, both expressions are true. However, 'Allowing' is not just thinking that you can have your desire--it's also knowing and feeling that it is possible. When we believe we can have our desire, we have no doubt in receiving it. In other words, we 'Allow'. Simply put, 'Allowing' is the 'Absence of Doubt'. The Mind - What An Amazing Universe You are what you think; Create a Climate for Success by Mastering Your Total Image - Part 3 In the first parts of this series, we introduced the concept of your Total Image, and discussed Hidden Image, your Reputation and your Experienced Image. This article, we'll continue the discussion of your Total Image with the fourth component: Your Proven Image. The Power Of Charisma You have seen them on television your entire life: the world leaders, the movie stars, and yes, even the infomercial darlings! These people almost seem incapable of self-doubt as their undeniable confidence exudes from their every pore, almost mesmerizing their audience. They are literally capable of convincing listeners to buy products they don't really need, support causes without question, and follow when one would rather lead. What is their secret? How are they able to do what you or I could only dream of doing, and do it with such ease? Abundance Of Money - Abundance Of Love How much happiness is there in a piece of paper with the word "happiness" printed upon it? It depends on the person who holds that piece of paper... You Too Can Have Charisma Do you know anyone that everyone seems to be drawn to? You continue to watch as this person moves around the room attracting and chatting with and making friends with many people. How to Attract Wealth Have you been struggling with making ends meet? Are you tired of not having enough? Then I am sure you will benefit enormously by reading on... Its All About the R Word What matters most in life to you? Money, Time, Friends, Family? All of those topics have 1 common denominator, Relationships! Relationships are the key to being successful and living life to the fullest. When you work on Realtionships, the rest will follow. Tiger and the Three Pigs After years of terrorizing the countryside, hunting deer, poaching livestock, killing game, Tiger grew long in the tooth. Finally, he knew it was time to retire. So he packed his bag and ambled into town to the Three Little Pigs Retirement Home Inc. He rang the bell, and the first little pig appeared on the landing above. "What do you want?" asked the little pig. Paradigm Shift Good Morning! It's the Island outlaw here again. You know after my little tirade yesterday about Integrity and ethical behavior I felt compelled to speak on the subject of the paradigm shift in wealth consiousness. Brainology... Lets Start Learning Something Everyday, Every Moment Every normal human being learn in his life's each and every minute. He is gaining experience every moment. If he starts transcribing his thoughts daily (once a day) in his life, he will gain a huge progress in the small time. Why Cant You be More Like Me? Here is a non-scientific, but fun way to see which style you may be. Read the poem below and then identify which one of the styles is most like you. You will also start to see and understand the behavioral style of other people around you just from reading the poem. Now you can be better prepared to speak to people the way they want to be spoken to and sell to people the way they want to be sold to. 5 Tips To Increase Your Personal Power 1. The most important one: Have at least one person in your life who is like-minded. This means someone who wants to be the best they can be, who has dreams and goals and takes action to make them a reality. I know such people can be hard to find! They don't have to be following the same course in life as you. My best friend is studying to become a pilot and I enjoy computers and writing, yet because we love what we do, we help each other stay focused and motivated. But where can you find similar people? Try clubs and associations connected with your interests, the workplace, and of course, the Internet. Pick any subject and I guarantee you will find groups and forums for it online. Be proactive ? seek out positive people. What they bring into your life ? and you theirs ? is priceless. Mental, Emotional and Physical Prosperity To create true, lasting prosperity, almost any guru can tell you that you must align your physical, mental and emotional states and actions. This all sounds very logical, but when it comes right down to it, most of us are not quite certain how to proceed. We know we mentally worry about money and all the other "nitty-gritty" of life, but we don't know how to stop worrying. We know that we are not emotionally well-equipped to handle the financial ups and downs of life, but we don't have a clue how to change the situation. Mostly, we just know how to work harder and faster. Faith Creates Ideas That Create Wealth For years it seems as though the secrets to obtaining wealth were only for a selected few. Yet the truth of the matter is that these "few" have chosen to apply the principles of prosperity (at least most of the principles) in order to obtain their status, while many chose to ignore them. ![]() |
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