Recognize Desire AS Power

I just moved into my new luxurious, harborside condo, overlooking the famous Songees of Victoria, BC, Canada. Three months ago, I didn't know such a beautiful place existed and today I am living in one of the most sought-after locations in North America!

The past three months have been filled with experiences of Law of Attraction at work. One of the most profound lessons I learned is to 'recognize desire AS power'--the Power of the Universe to fulfill your desire.

In early October I was walking along the Inner harbor of Victoria with a friend. We had stopped for a rest and he suggested that we continue our walk a little further. "I want to show you some condos that have the most fantastic landscaping I've ever seen." My friend had peaked my interest. We walked a little further and after coming around Laurel Point we found ourselves walking on a wooden board walk.

Here the condos facing the harbor were indeed the MOST fascinating I had ever seen! The units at ground level (sea level) had huge decks surrounded by water rather than grass! They were perched over a lagoon, with Lilly pads and bull rushes growing in the water and ducks and sea gulls swimming about.

As we came around the corner of the first building, I could hear the sound of a large waterfall . . . I was totally intrigued by now . . . wondering what type of waterfall could make that much noise. It was stunning! A two-story rock facade with water cascading down it into the lagoon!

I stood in silent awe for a few moments, and then pointed to a unit with a huge deck near the base of the waterfall. "If I lived here," I said to my friend, "THAT'S where I would want to live!"

Since this was the first time I had noticed this building, I suggested that we visit the front side so that I could get my bearings. To our delight and surprise, there was an "Open House" going on right then. I said to my friend: "Let's go in and pretend we're interested in buying something here." I'll never forget his words to me: "Pretend nothing! You can afford to live here if you want to. Let's go!"

We buzzed the Realtor and followed him through the marble foyer, into the elevator and down to sea level--have you guessed yet? YES! The VERY unit I had pointed to from the boardwalk was the one for sale! This is the very same condo I am now writing to you from!

At that moment I felt a POWERFUL DESIRE to live in this place of beauty and nature! "Powerful desire" is the best way to describe my feelings, for indeed, the desire brought with it all the power necessary to fulfill that desire.

Psalms 37:4 says that God delights to give you the desires of your heart.

Desire is the evidence of God's intention for you. With it comes all the power of Creation and the entire Universe to fulfill itself.

Have you experienced a STRONG DESIRE recently? What was it about? What have you done with it? Can you see it becoming fulfilled in your life? Contact Rebecca, Toll Free at 866.472.1949, to learn how YOU can live your dream!

Rebecca is leading a training course for Coaches, Therapists, Nurses and other Professionals who are ready to make a paradigm shift within themselves (a change from one way of thinking to another) to better serve their clients or patients.

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