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Success -- There Are No Secrets
There Are No Secrets To Success As you strive toward accomplishing your goals and dreams you need to know that there are no secrets to success! Webster's Dictionary defines a secret as something kept from public knowledge; something mysterious that is beyond general knowledge or understanding. If that were true then it would mean success is only possible for those few who have access to these great mysterious secrets. Nonsense! You Are What You Believe People believe there are hidden secrets that will propel them to success. But there are no secrets. However, there are truths, lessons, insights and actions you can take to get you where you want to be. They're not hidden, but neither are they dancing in front of you as you walk through life. You have to WANT to know them. You have to LOOK for them. You have to DO something with them once you know them. Here are four basic truths to get you started on your road to success. 1. Your life will be whatever you decide to make it. You've got a choice. Today. And every other day of your life. You can't change what has happened. But regardless of your past, you are now responsible for the direction of your life. No excuses ? no complaints ? no futile searching for secrets that don't exist. Your life will be what you decide to make it. 2. Where you are in your life today is a direct consequence of every decision you have ever made. Ouch. Not what you wanted to hear? Me either! So take a few minutes -- think about these first two truths. You may discover the same kind of freedom I did. While it is tough to accept, you are ultimately responsible for whatever condition your life is in right now. Good news ? there is also incredible freedom in knowing you have the power to make it anything you want it to be! 3. Complaining is a waste of time and energy. Complaining gets you nowhere. Don't sell yourself short by complaining and believing that life can't be exciting and rewarding for you. Turn the table on yourself ? believe your dreams will come true. Complaining derails your success. 4. If you believe something, it becomes true for you. I didn't say it was true. I said it was true for you because you have decided to believe it. The opposite is equally true. If you choose to believe in your ability to excel, to succeed, to make your dreams come true ? then you will. Your decision to believe it makes it TRUE FOR YOU! Today Is YOUR Day! Today is the day you can decide to change your life. Change the way you think about things. Decide to believe your life is going to be an exciting adventure. Decide to believe you will be a success. Decide to believe today is going to be better than yesterday. Decide and it will be TRUE FOR YOU! There are no secrets to success ? because they are available to everyone. You have to WANT to know them. You have to LOOK for them. You have to DO something with them once you know them. By applying the four truths I've shared with you today, your life will change dramatically and success will be within your grasp. About The Author Ginny Dye is the CEO and founder of several companies, is a published author, owns her own publishing company, has 20 years in sales and marketing management, has designed internet marketing systems and developed corporate training materials. But her greatest passion is helping others reach their dreams. You can experience this passion at Daily Secrets For Success http://www.DailySecretsForSuccess.com or Together We Can Change the World http://www.TogetherWeCanChangeTheWorld.com where you can receive complimentary E-cards, E-books, Movies, and Prints.
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