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Finders Keepers
Do you remember your younger years when you and your friends played all sorts of fun games all day long? I'm sure you do. If there is one thing children know how to do, they know how to have fun. Have you ever caught yourself observing a playground full of children having tons of fun as they run and jump and bounce all over the place and silently wished you could inject a dose of that childlike enthusiasm and exuberance back into your life once again? Well you can, when you believe you can. If life is about any one thing, it is about being happy and feeling fulfilled. We can start living the lives we have always dreamed about as soon as we believe we can do it and more importantly, believe we deserve it. Far too many adults in America have far too little fun and that is indeed a needless shame. If your life could use a little more fun, excitement and happiness (who's life couldn't?), you might want to consider playing a little game of "finders keepers." You need to find the courage to live the life you have always dreamed about. The courage is there, you just need to rediscover it and put it to work for you. You need to once again find the magic that once made your life so very special as a child. These extraordinary, almost mystical powers are still hidden inside of you, you simply need to unleash them once again. You need to find your unique place in life, that distinctive niche that enables you to be your best and do your best. When you begin passionately pursuing those activities that you love to do, you'll find your special niche waiting for you. There are plenty of good times and good things waiting to happen to you, you just need to open up ... and let them happen. Once you find all of the fun, happiness and excitement life has to offer, you need to make certain that you keep these magical moments close to your heart. Wherever and whenever you find something worth keeping, you need to grab it with every ounce of strength you can muster and then hold on tight and never let it go. Find it and keep it -- what a super strategy for success! Find something positive ... and keep it. Find something exciting ... and keep it. Find it ? keep it. Find it ? keep it. You will uncover new opportunities, discover new horizons and have more fun than you ever imagined was possible when you play a little game of finders-keepers every day for the rest of your life. About The Author Greg is President of the Motivational and Inspirational Corner, a motivational and inspirational web-site committed to helping people uncover and realize their enormous God given potential. His web-site address is http://www.motivational-inspirational-corner.com greg@motivational-inspirational-corner.com
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The Manifestations Of Self A man is captive within himself. He dwells in a freedom which is confirmed to bounds, he breathes in an ambience ensnared to limits, he nurtures a shriveled valiance with the quaint promises of trepidation, he is infinite to his content and eternal only to his perception. He lives up to the demure equilibrium in his life and devours the inherited symmetric patterns of faith. His endeavors to abide the rudiments of life, to tread the arduous avenues with fervour, to encroach the realms and intervene the horizons, to be incorrigible, infallible, immaculate and to be the protagonist are just mere participants of his supreme urge to promote self. To him, self is the blatant proposition of an existence without ethics, the ideal definition of a life without morals and a pragmatic conclusion to all dubious queries that scrutinize a man's caliber. Self moulds in a man the unabashed frame that ceases to succumb to fondle the woes of an impertinent macrocosm. It determines in a man the narcissism to occupy the vanity and hence cultivate reluctant perfection. Alas, self never makes a man weak, only too powerful to handle himself. Make A Superb First Impression It is extremely important that people have a good first impression of you. Either you make a good impression or you will suffer for it! It is going to affect how your contact views you for the rest of that conversation. It can affect how fast a friendship starts, or how fast business relationships get going. You have got to make a good first impression! Business Intuition: Using the HeartMind Many scientific studies have demonstrated the reality of intuition for getting information which is remote in space-time. Remote is a euphemism for "can't be explained using currently accepted physical laws." However, respected scientists have studied the ability of humans to gather remote information... and, we can... but, we can't explain it. Follow Your Passion The key to a successful life lies in following your passions. When you do this the Universe responds in a dynamic way. This can only occur when one is fully engaged. We are taught from the time we are young to be practical to carefully consider the why and the how of things. This, my friends is a waste of precious time. The clue to each of our destinies lies in recognizing our deepest passions and becoming fully engaged in them. Give no thought as to how they might be realized the Universe is far more capable in this regard then we could ever hope to be. Just so you don't think I'm talking through my hat I am going to give you a stellar example that illustrates exactly what I'm talking about. This story is true from beginning to end. Law of Attraction Article: How to STOP Being a Person Nothing Works For Do you ever wonder why great things happen to some people but not to you? When You Attract Negative People, Be Thankful Laws of Attraction are clearly defined. What comes back is a reflection of the energy you are radiating. If negative people are being attracted to you, then be self-assured that you are sending out energy that appeared on their radar screen. Two Principles That Can Change Your Life Completely First principle: You and the universe is one. Successful Living: 9 Universal Laws 1. The Law of Balance Awaken The Genie Within Ancient lore tells us that there's a magical genie who lives in a lamp and the person who possesses that lamp has the power to invoke wishes and desires beyond our wildest dreams. What Did You Want To Be When You Grew Up When I was seven years old I wanted to be an author. Not a writer, but an author. As in, "guy who writes books." Why I chose that career, I'm not sure. Maybe I liked writing. Maybe I thought books were cool. Or maybe it was just the first answer I could come up with. How To Be Interesting Most people want to be liked appreciated loved and adored but why those same people are taken as boring while they try so hard? How To Put An End To Rejection Rejection is one of the most painful experiences in relationships. Not only rejection from our partner, but also rejection from ourselves. As soon as some feel their partner is finding fault with them, they quickly begin to reject themselves. Their sense of self-worth and lovability is directly linked to how their partner feels about them. When an individual is in an abusive relationship, where rejection and fault finding is on-going, it is not unusual for them to completely lose confidence in themselves and their ability to ever love again. Ten Ways to Add Abundance To Your Mind, Your Life & Your World Abundance isn't something you find from the outside. Abundance begins within and radiates outward. Find the ways that increase your abundance inside. Add time to your day, simplify, or make a difference in the world. Gratitude multiplies. Find something in these ten ways to add abundance to your life and enjoy the positive results it will attract. Everyday People Are Accomplishing Their Dreams - Now Its Your Turn! If you can do anything in this time in your life what would you do? Attraction Tools for Success: Manifesting Your Intentions There are several books now that discuss the power of thought and I have been experimenting with the concept for the past few years. I understand the concept that "like things" attract more "like things". So the more positive (or negative) I have in my life the more positive (or negative) things I attract. In addition, I was familiar with the idea that just by thinking about someone/thing, it has the habit of materializing. But I thought, was this just coincidence? What the Young Man Heard In the latter half of the 1800s, when the telegraph was still "high tech," a young man in Baltimore, Maryland, woke up one summer morning giddy with excitement. In fact, it had taken him half the night to get to sleep at all. What Do You Want This Year? Christmas is all around us, and many people are making up wish lists. Those who aren't doing that are busy setting down their New Year's Resolutions already. But this is a good time to sit down and do some serious introspection. 10 Ways to Survive and Celebrate Valentine?s Day When You Are Single Do you feel all alone and out of sorts on days like Valentine's Day when you are not in a relationship? Use these suggestions to reframe your experience and set the stage for what you want to attract for yourself. Here are 10 things you can do to make it a great day for you. Creating Your Future The questions of life may call to you. You may wonder about your purpose. You may feel out of place, disconnected, just a bit out of sync. You may want to find clarity; to find the stillness in your mind. That elusive quality where time loses all meaning. You may not even know what it is that you seek but you sit there in your skin and you know something is making you uncomfortable. How Do You Choose To Deal With Your Life? "It's choice ? not chance ? that determines your destiny." --Jean Nidetch ![]() |
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