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Creating Your Future
The questions of life may call to you. You may wonder about your purpose. You may feel out of place, disconnected, just a bit out of sync. You may want to find clarity; to find the stillness in your mind. That elusive quality where time loses all meaning. You may not even know what it is that you seek but you sit there in your skin and you know something is making you uncomfortable. Well, I'm here to tell you that it's okay. It's not unusual or abnormal. The bigger questions of life and the role you want to play in that are great questions! Important questions! To not ask them and seek your own answers would resign you to an existence of numbness and one day, possibly regret. But it doesn't have to be that way. It's never too late and there is no deadline. The journey itself can be a tremendous reward. And don't be fooled! The pursuit of worthy goals and self-discovery is not easy. There will be plenty of tough times, inner soul searching, periods of enormous movement and change, periods of stagnation and possibly even despair. There will be times when you think you have found that groove you've always been looking for and then there will be times when you feel as though you haven't a hope in the world of finding your place. This is normal. Everyone who experiences life will encounter variations of questions pertaining to their values that will challenge them at crossroads in life. Sometimes we heed these inner callings but often times, external forces to our sense of security in the world will push these inner callings deep into the mud. Instead we are fearful of change or to focused on the negatives or "what if" scenarios. So we play it safe and ignore our inner callings. We're all looking for "that career" that will reward us in the way we need to be rewarded. For some it may be money. For others it may be prestige, recognition and yet someone else it is just the fact they get to "do what they love doing." Everyone will have a unique journey to reach their discovery. The journey will be made intentionally or unintentionally. It will be confused and painful or it can be enlightened by your own self-awareness. Don't get so focused on the goal that you don't get the full experience of the journey. The journey is so critical. During the journey your experiences will offer you with so many valuable clues about yourself. Who you are. What makes you thrive. What puts you to sleep. The kind of people you like to work with. The environments you prefer. All of these experiences and many many more specific pieces relevant to you, your profession, passion, skills, and personality. All of them can be incorporated into your goal. You, your life, your values, and beliefs, and many other things, will change. So keep dreaming, keep looking at the goal. But do so with the knowledge and understanding of your journey. Implement adjustments to your navigation system towards your goal if it changes. The experiences of your life and the decisions and their consequences will teach you so much. Allow yourself to take that journey, without knowing when it will end nor where it will take you. Get comfortable with not knowing. Keep seeking. Don't be afraid to take that next step. This is the very thing I too have to challenge myself on every day. Lee Down is a Professional Coach, Trainer/Facilitator, Speaker, & Writer of One Man Can Human Capital Development that focuses on relationships, the key foundation to success in business and life. With more than 15 years professional experience and a thirst for truth and understanding, he focuses on the human spirit and human capacity. Working with clients, he facilitates the breaking down of beliefs, barriers or obstacles that bring clients forward on their journey of discovery with spirit, energy, abundance, passion and purpose, integrating the mind and body experience. Working with business, he brings visionary leadership and relationship skills to the forefront that witnesses an empowered culture evolve and develop directly impacting the improvement to the bottom-line.
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We're more tuned to what's going wrong than what's going right. We can't help it. The cave men who sat around and admired how white the teeth on the saber toothed tiger were, didn't last long enough to reproduce. The ones who realized those teeth were a bad thing are our ancestors, so to speak. Do You Have the Skills to be a Secret Service Agent? Do you have the necessary attributes to be a successful secret services agent? Do you melt into the background where no one can see you? Do you hide behind someone else? Would you describe yourself as having an incognito life? Are you capable of always putting yourself second? Do you constantly defer to another person? Do people see right through you and ignore you? Become a Practicing Artist At heart, everyone's an artist. In practice, of course, this is not so. You may be surprised to learn that, despite your artistic endeavors, you are not an artist, not a practicing artist at any rate. Be Not Afraid of Greatness Have you noticed how the workplace seems to be a little more stressful if not downright hostile, how each day you feel a little more reluctant to get out of bed to go to a job you don't really like. Have you noticed how the workday seems a little longer and the job a little less fulfilling. Have you noticed how those you worked their business seem a little less appreciative of you, how they ask more of you, for less of their substance. Have you noticed how what they pay you seem to do a little less and how your bills seem to grow a little bigger than your pay packet. Have you noticed that little tug at your heart that keeps pulling you away on a path to self-actualization. Have you heard that little voice deep within you that says "strike out on your own". Limited Thought, Limited Experience I was reminded once again the other day about how well we limit ourselves and take on the values of others and their limitations. Who Do You Want to Meet? One of the goals that I encourage my clients to work on is to create a list of people they wish to meet. Talk Your Way to Financial Freedom Feeling trapped by lack of funds? We can learn from those who live comfortably and retire early. They use language differently from those who are stuck in a scarcity process. 4 Important Conversation Tips for Your Personal and Professional Lives If you are searching for a way to improve your communication skills at work and in your personal life, here are some conversation tips that will give you a good starting point. The Law of Attraction - Make it Work For You The Law of Attraction responds to whatever vibration you are sending out into the Universe. You will receive more of what you are vibrating whether it is desired or not. This law does not decide whether what it is returning is good for you or not, it simply responds to your vibration. Affirm Actions: Stop Lying to Your Soul and Make It Real! I hear of so many people using affirmations as the universal remedy for everything that ails them. They wake up in the morning and verbalize their affirmations. They go through their days verbalizing positive statements about situations and their lives. Then, they go to bed saying their affirmations like bed-time prayers. Whats Your Plan? Designing Your Future So you have set your goals for the year. Congratulations! Your #1 Path to Hidden Power Imagine that you could boost your confidence, courage, and compassion by 100% in the next three months. Imagine that you could learn five new skills you've been dying to learn all your life. Imagine that you could finally experience the kind of intimacy, connection, and love you've been longing for. You Think That You?re Listening?. But Are You Actually Hearing What Im Saying? "We have two ears and one mouth, so that we can listen twice as much as we speak" ? Epictetus, Greek Stoic Philosopher. (55AD-135AD) Affirmations - Anxiety & Panic Using affirmations can be a very powerful tool. You can use it in many aspects of your life to achieve certain goals and to ultimately effect the way YOU want to feel. Using affirmations can mirror the world you want to live in. Who are You Listening To? Have you ever noticed that there is no shortage of people willing to give you advice, whether or not you asked for it? I've developed some simple rules about from whom I will accept advice and suggestions. I do not ask for heath advice from people who are sick, I do not ask for financial advice from people who are broke and I do not ask for business advice from people who are not in their own business. Over the years I've watched hundreds of people go into a business venture and excitedly tell their family and friends about their new enterprise. Big mistake! How many of your friends and relatives own their own business? Probably few or none. Plants, Herbs, And Roots For Love In the column Plants, Herbs and Roots For Prosperity, I explain in detail how to practically use a plant material to attract things to you, so refer to that if you have never used plant matter in magic before. How To Improve Your Life Instantly! Your mind power makes what you focus on happen. You create what you think about and then live in that experience. Your attention determines your destiny. ![]() |
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