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Affirmations - Anxiety & Panic
Using affirmations can be a very powerful tool. You can use it in many aspects of your life to achieve certain goals and to ultimately effect the way YOU want to feel. Using affirmations can mirror the world you want to live in. If you are not sure of what an affirmation is I will explain this now. An affirmation is a statement that you repeat to yourself over and over again until it penetrates into your sub-conscious and becomes a belief. This is what you do. You can either write your affirmation down or you can just make one up in your head. Think of something that you really want to achieve, or something you really want to feel. What's important when you make an affirmation is that the words you use are positive words and they reflect the present, not the future. It doesn't matter whether you believe your affirmation or not, because the main goal is that you will believe in it in time. It will become your belief! Words you want to avoid when making affirmations are: anxious (I know this is what you're trying to get rid of, but anxiety is a negative word and a negative feeling, you don't need to remind yourself of this). Most people when first learning affirmations feel compelled to make their statement like this: I no longer feel anxious. This is a big NO NO! I repeat DO NOT place any negative words in your affirmations AT ALL. If you do this, it will be affective. All affirmations should be short and straight to the point. Do not put big lengthy words in your affirmation. This will only clutter and confuse your mind and take much longer to work. I strongly recommend only concentrating on one affirmation at a time until you receive those results. Some people might disagree with me on this. But I find using only one at a time brings faster results. It's extremely important that you repeat your affirmation to yourself as often as possible. I usually repeat mine in my head hundreds of times in a day. Persistence is also very important. You may not get results right away, but do not give up on it. Stick with it, the results will be worth it in the long run. Here is an example of an affirmation you can use if you suffer from Anxiety & Panic Disorder. I am strong, I am healthy, I am happy. © Joanne King - http://www.anxiety-panic-free.com About the Author - Joanne King is a former sufferer of Anxiety & Panic Attacks. She is the author of "How to Overcome Anxiety & Panic Attacks". She has helped other sufferers Worldwide to eliminate their Anxiety & Panic attacks. http://www.anxiety-panic-free.com
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The Revolution Begins When YOU take Control I'd like to share a story with you about two interesting people that we ALL know. 5 Tips To Increase Your Personal Power 1. The most important one: Have at least one person in your life who is like-minded. This means someone who wants to be the best they can be, who has dreams and goals and takes action to make them a reality. I know such people can be hard to find! They don't have to be following the same course in life as you. My best friend is studying to become a pilot and I enjoy computers and writing, yet because we love what we do, we help each other stay focused and motivated. But where can you find similar people? Try clubs and associations connected with your interests, the workplace, and of course, the Internet. Pick any subject and I guarantee you will find groups and forums for it online. Be proactive ? seek out positive people. What they bring into your life ? and you theirs ? is priceless. 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Later when I'm at home I yell at myself for not trying. I know they're not all going to come to me. It really bothers me that I'm so shy. I'm really afraid that if this keeps up I'll miss my chance to find my one true love. " The Magic of Breathing So, what is magic? Is it an illusion or is it real? The Webster's dictionary describes magic as "The art of producing affects by superhuman means; Any mysterious power, ex: the magic of love. Producing extraordinary results, as if by magic". Miracles are made from the same stuff as magic. They defy explanation by the rational logical mind. The Power of Desire- Part 2 Let's continue where we left off in Part 1... Heal Thyself First As I connect with more and more women I am seeing that many have a desperate need for a man. I had one woman tell me that her ex-boyfriend put a gun to her head and told her to get out of his life. Stop following him, stop calling him and leave him alone. 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