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Paradigm Shift
Good Morning! It's the Island outlaw here again. You know after my little tirade yesterday about Integrity and ethical behavior I felt compelled to speak on the subject of the paradigm shift in wealth consiousness. For those of you who are not aware of it humanity it seems is finally turning the corner in its awareness of the fact that the universe is a truly limitless place. I just get a little impatient for the day when everyone gets it! Science has borne out what the heart has always known. There is no end to the stuff of creation and in large measure the responsibility of what gets created lies with us. What we think we create and what we think and feel passionately we create rather quickly. The problem lies in the fact that so many of us do not understand how this business of creation actually operates. The universe it seems takes us quite literally. An illustration of this is how a good many of us think and feel about conducting business affairs. We think and feel that it is dog eat dog out there and that we have to fight for customers and market share which leads us into competitive behaviors. Remember! If this is what we think and how we feel then this is how the universe responds. The universe says OK a dog eat dog reality with limited resources on top! Comin right up! The hard pill to swallow is that we are responsible for creating that particular reality. The GOOD news is that we can just as easily create a different reality,a reality of plenty for all. There are those who have begun this work and the more of us who jump on board and provide positive support the quicker the shift will take place. I can tell you that the momentum is increasing and that we are moving towards this new reality and it is making its way into form. I would urge all of those still in the competitive reality to stop for just a moment and think about a reality where there is no fighting over customers,no stressing over ad campaigns designed to draw more market share,no tricks big or small to get customers. In the new reality you create a product or service that empowers the consumer to be all that they can be. You decide based upon your own passions and vision how many people you want to serve. As you create value for the consumer they will come and remember that the universe is a limitless place. You wont be competing with anyone but yourself to bring about greater empowerment and greater benefit for all people. You'll have far greater enjoyment in your own personal reality. Don't take what I'm saying at face value. I challenge you to get out there and research the science and the evidence. Take a few moments and do a search and discover what creatures of bright promise we truly are. If time is an issue and you want to jumpstart your research just drop in to my website http://islandoutlaw.tripod.com. This is not about sales this is about empowerment about getting it. Who knows you could be the one at the fulcrum point shifting us all into this wonderful new reality! Thanks for your time and have a prosperous day. To Your Success The Island Outlaw Website: islandoutlaw.tripod.com.
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Heal Thyself First As I connect with more and more women I am seeing that many have a desperate need for a man. I had one woman tell me that her ex-boyfriend put a gun to her head and told her to get out of his life. Stop following him, stop calling him and leave him alone. This woman felt that he was just having a "bad day" and wanted to know when would be a good time to call him and tell him that she loves him. I was absolutely amazed. This is definitely a woman who doesn't love herself. Why would she constantly pursue a person who clearly doesn't want her? What Message Are You Sending Out? A woman phoned me the other day to ask me about a product that someone else was selling. It was something she really wanted. Transformational Counseling - Part One Transformational Counseling is a process of assisting others to transform their lives. Transformational Counseling is a process of assisting others in their reinventing themselves, of creating a life that they love and living it powerfully. Transformational Counseling is a process of creating a space for others to get present to or become aware of their self limiting belief, to create or invent a possibility for themselves and their life that could not have existed before and to learn how to be in their possibilities as opposed to being that which has always stopped them in the past. How To Know You Are Living Your Dream How To Prove To Yourself That You Are Going After Your Big Dream. Women and Bad Boys: What Is The Attraction? "Bad Boys". Why Do We Lack Character Our people have no character" is acknowledged universally, at home and abroad, in business and government circles, and in every sphere of administrative activity. Lack of character produces social imbalance and leads ultimately to national decline and disintegration. The malady has been eating up the vitals of our social life too fast to withstand an unexpected shock. Living Life to the Full: 20 Steps 1. Emotion: We are emotional creatures and as in all things avoid excess. Who Are You Really? 'Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have.'--Doris Mortman. Etch a Sketch or Oil Painting: Where Do You Need to Take a Stand? Maybe can be a great place. It's full of possibility, it can feel like there's an escape hatch available at all times. Maybe can also be what holds us back the most. The Mind - What An Amazing Universe You are what you think; Coping As A Caregiver Few people are prepared for the responsibilities and tasks involved in caring for loved ones who are ill, elderly, or disabled. The success of the relationship between you and your loved one depends on several factors. One of the most important is how well you take care of yourself, empowering yourself to be there for the person you are caring for. Let's look first at what causes the stress in such a relationship, and then we will explore some ways to care for yourself as you care for another. Putting Yourself on the Road to Success What separates successful people from unsuccessful people, achievers from non-achievers, winners from losers? Are people born that way or do they develop habits as they grow older which determine their stations in life? Business Intuition: Using the HeartMind Many scientific studies have demonstrated the reality of intuition for getting information which is remote in space-time. Remote is a euphemism for "can't be explained using currently accepted physical laws." However, respected scientists have studied the ability of humans to gather remote information... and, we can... but, we can't explain it. A Mini LOA T-ToolTM The Law of Attraction T-ToolTM is the single most useful tool for gaining clarity. This week I discovered the power of a Mini LOA T-ToolTM. So, The Thing Is... We Reap What We Sow So, the thing is? we reap what we sow. Affirmations - Anxiety & Panic Using affirmations can be a very powerful tool. You can use it in many aspects of your life to achieve certain goals and to ultimately effect the way YOU want to feel. Using affirmations can mirror the world you want to live in. The Art of Manifestation We should strive to attain a desireless state. As long as we have desire, we lack. Lack and want are the same thing. Wanting traps us in a world of limitation. Wanting is the greatest enemy of joy.~Lester Levenson. Dont Let Other Peoples Walls Fence You In "How's it going?" I asked the clerk in the new bookstore. "Well you know," she replied "it takes a long time to build a business." I caught myself just before I muttered in agreement and instead said, "Does it?". You see, the clerk is simply repeating a commonly held belief, a global belief that it takes a long time to build a business. This is not a fact just simply a belief and limiting one at that. Unfortunately, it is held by enough people that would begin to believe it's a fact. We are surrounded by limiting global beliefs. Throughout history, people have been held back by these beliefs. The world is flat, man cannot run a four-minute mile, man was not meant to fly and on and on until someone came along and disproved them. There is a commonly held belief that 80% of new businesses fail in their first five years. 5 Simple Ways To Overcome Shyness Shyness is nothing to be ashamed of and you can overcome it when you learn the right way to go about it. The problem is that you have not been exposed to accurate, proven ways to deal with shyness. Aging Gracefully Through Vastu Shastra Aging is inevitable, but its most negative effects can be minimized and turned into a graceful progression. Exercise and proper diet are key factors. But, when your living or working environment is in harmony with nature, it has a positive influence on your well being, slowing the aging process. ![]() |
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