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Its All About the R Word
What matters most in life to you? Money, Time, Friends, Family? All of those topics have 1 common denominator, Relationships! Relationships are the key to being successful and living life to the fullest. When you work on Realtionships, the rest will follow. What does that word mean to you? Does it have a deep emotional meaning and bring up feelings and memories of people who greatly touched your life? Or does it feel so far away and unattainable because you don't feel you have the skills or the desire to develop them? Hang in there with me and keep reading. 1. We are placed on this planet to connect with others not to be an island. If you are a runner, you understand the term "runner's high", that energy and euphoria you get from the endomorphins that pulse through your body at the end of a run. When you give your full attention and connect with another person, Enjoy your "relationship high". 2. Laugh at your mistakes. Instead of being so afraid of what others think of you, laugh, share, and realize that you have the choice to be embarrassed and angry, distant, however you react, or you can laugh! Instead of pushing someone away or scaring them, you invite them to laugh with you and give an opportunity to connect. Sharing and being vulnerable makes you more approachable and real. 3. Be polite ? Use your manners! This is a lost skill! Do you want to attract people to you or push them away? How do you feel when someone looks you in the eye and says, "Thank you" or "Please"? Write thank you notes. Give encouragement and compliments, even when you have to search for them, make them honest and sincere. People don't care about what you have to say until they know you care about them. 4. Relationships are all about Listening! L = Look them in the eye I = Invest in people. Accept them for who they are. S = STOP doing whatever else you are doing and focus on the other person as you are with them. T = Think about what THEY are saying, not about how you are going to respond. E = Empathize with them. How would you feel? How do you want to be treated? N = Notice body language. Yours and theirs. Are your arms folded in front of you? Are you open to receive them or closed and fearful? Nothing feels so good as being understood! 5. Healthy Relationships build up, not tear down! This may be painful, but think about it, do you put people down to make yourself look better? Now, take comfort because at some time in our lives we have all done it. The question is, will you continue or are you ready to make a change? Find a positive and focus on it whether in yourself, or with the person you are with. Give compliments and encouragement, don't wait for them to be given to you. Procrastination is a relationship robber. So what are you going to do to begin building relationships today? Choose one area and begin to build on it. You have to be a prospector for relationships, get out there and just "do it"! --- Publishing Guidelines: You may publish my article in your newsletter, on your website, or in your print publication provided you include the resource box at the end. Notification would be appreciated but is not required. Kelly Wissink is a successful Home Based Business Owner and former teacher who is coaching a team of entrepreneurs to be successful in their business and in life. A few of her goals are to help others succeed, have fun and live life to it's fullest. She can be reached through her website at http://www.SoyAndBeyond.com
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Aging Gracefully Through Vastu Shastra Aging is inevitable, but its most negative effects can be minimized and turned into a graceful progression. Exercise and proper diet are key factors. But, when your living or working environment is in harmony with nature, it has a positive influence on your well being, slowing the aging process. Stopping Time Six hundred feet straight down! Nothing to break the fall. I've got to switch channels. I don't like my chances on this station. Infused with youthful caprice, I mused to myself about my predicament. Enjoying the intense body rush of imminent danger, I was torn between prolonging the joy-terror and searching for an escape from my imminent demise. Social Skills Training Can Positively Impact Your Life Millions of people become anxious and insecure when speaking in public, starting a conversation, or mingling with others in a social setting. How The Power of Attraction Can Help You Get What You Want? "Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person we become" said Jim Rohn, one of the world's leading motivational speaker, philosopher and entrepreneur. Every great achiever knows that certain mental laws exist by which you can turn all your dreams into reality. The law of attraction is one of the most important to understand, use and abuse! Are You Living? Disclaimer: All the thoughts expressed are my views only! Your perception might differ... Make A Superb First Impression It is extremely important that people have a good first impression of you. Either you make a good impression or you will suffer for it! It is going to affect how your contact views you for the rest of that conversation. It can affect how fast a friendship starts, or how fast business relationships get going. You have got to make a good first impression! 6 Great Ways To Improve Your Social Skills If you are looking for a way to improve your social skills, there are many resources available that will assist you in refining your social skills and improving the way you communicate with others. How to Make Self-Improvement Work Every Time! There is an inherent problem with the approach most people take to self-improvement of any kind. There is a presupposition that there is something wrong that needs fixing. Perhaps it is true that there are areas in their lives that they wish to change. However, the mindset with which they approach transformation will very often NEGATE any positive results they might have. Why? Because all of their focus is on the PROBLEM they are trying to solve, rather than their vision for what their life will be like on without the alleged problem. If You Want Others to Like You, Like Yourself First! Many of us mistakenly believe that it's wrong or conceited, to think we have any good qualities. We may spend a lot of time berating ourselves for our negative qualities, thinking that self criticism is the key to improving our performance. However, a constant focus on our supposed shortcomings can hinder our efforts to make friends with other people. Rising Above the Average There is nothing more motivating than reading a story about someone who comes from a poor, difficult life and rises above it to do so much with their life. Reading about a person who had so many obstacles in their way and they overcame them to be the most incredible people. We adore reading those stories and they are so inspiring. They also can tie you to a place of average. It is possible though to rise above the average! Do Good Deeds & Get Rewarded? A Universal Mystery Uncovered Do you believe in the idea of "abundance" or do you see the whole notion as just a load of "airy-fairy" nonsense spouted by "new age" goody goodies? Creativity, The Law of Attraction, & Networking Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! Great Things Cannot Happen Without Change If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. The Top 10 Roadblocks to Attracting Prosperity and what We can Do About Them! If it were easy, everyone would do IT; everyone would have IT. 10 Simple Ways to Honor Your Uniqueness One message we hear from the time we are children is that it is better to give than receive. It is best to be humble. It is best to not shine a light on ourselves. The Power of Perspective You limit yourself. Yes, it is true. Each day you behave in much the same way as you have always done. You act out your habitual ways of dealing with people, and you communicate as well or as badly as you normally do. The Big Secret "Within you is the power to change your life" Step-By-Step Guide to Manifest Your Desires I have been talking about manifestation for a long time. My intention is to make people be aware of the unlimited power they have been given since the moment they were born and hopefully I can help to awaken their inner potential to get them connected back to the source of creation. A Lesson in Letting Go Do you hear yourself saying? Pretending Your Life As You Want It - True Power Series This is the sixth article in our "True Power" series. If you haven't been following the series, visit The ARTrepreneur to read the foundational material on beliefs before continuing. All people live a structured existence that is entirely make-believe. For example, though we act as if it's true, there is no such thing as days of the week or hours in a day. These things are completely fabricated conventions. If an alien were to visit New York, and someone said, "Well it's Monday morning, everyone's off to work," the alien would nod politely and think, "How quaint. They regulate their lives into compartments." The alien would in no way mistake the custom for reality. He would recognize the custom as an idea. We pretend it's real, but we could pretend other customs just as easily. There is no such thing as time really ? no minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. We pretend they exist, and structure our lives accordingly, but we could just as easily do it a different way. The day could be split in half and called "up" and "down." Someone named some cycles. There are other cycles and other names. Musicians, for example, often operate in a no-time zone. Lots of writers have inverted or highly individualistic work schedules. Many artists have made successful careers by following their own personal rhythms and beliefs. They never fell for, "That's the way it is," because they knew it was all pretend, and they could pretend their own structure just as easily as following someone else's. If someone says to you, "the music business is brutal," refuse to believe it. If they want to pretend it's brutal, then they'll get that result. You won't be so easily deceived. There are actors who have made careers quickly in Hollywood because they didn't realize it was supposed to be hard. They weren't aware of the convention. Realize that all conventions that we call modern society are just ideas. Ideas are mobile. You can use them, discard them, and invent new ideas. In reality, there is no movie industry or art industry. In reality, there are never "Seven Steps to Anything." There are only ideas, and your ideas are as valid as anyone's, and certainly more valid for you. Pretending Your Life As You Want It Exercise There are two ways to do this exercise. Choose a time everyday, and pretend your life just the way you want it. See yourself in your mind doing the things you want to do the way you want to do them. This is much like the internal visualization exercises. You try to trick your mind into believing you're experiencing the ideal now. If you are bolder, you can pick a day or even a longer period of time, and while you go about your day-to-day life, pretend that what you really want is happening. Have imaginary meetings, imaginary bank deposits, imaginary shows, imaginary dinners out. Physically, you may be doing the dishes, but mentally you're making your subconscious become accustomed to the ideal. The minute you do this, it starts to create the circumstances to make it happen. The less you negate the ideal, the less you say to yourself, "That's not realistic. I can't have it," the easier and faster it will be produced. By thinking freely about the ideal, you begin to whittle away at doubts. At some point you'll accept the ideal, and the pretend world and the actual world will begin to mesh. Every successful person ignored the pretend circumstances outside themselves, and pretended, instead, to be who they wanted to be and live how they wanted to live. Pretending, then, is the essence of experience and, therefore, an essential quality. Your life is a masterpiece composed of ideas that motivate you to act. Be the creator of those ideas. Be moved by your own impulses and desires. Pretend your existence into what you want it to be. That's all anyone's doing anyways. ![]() |
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