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Theres No Glory In Being The Richest Man In The Graveyard!
What was your energy level like today? Did you wake up this morning like Tony the Tiger feeling Grrr---ate?.? Did you jump into all your activities today with enthusiasm? Were you rarin' to go at the first chance? Did your "get-up-and-go" rare up and roar, or, did it get up and went? Down For The Count! Well, if your get-up-and-go got up and went, let's see if we can do something about it. First thing to realize is, you have two types of energy; Physical and mental and spiritual. For the sake of this article, let's just say that mental and spiritual are one. It is very important that you condition your mind and body together. There's not much benefit in having a body full of muscles if your mind is full of jello. And, there's certainly no benefit in having an extremely conditioned mind with no physical energy. No matter how well conditioned our bodies are, the great majority of our strength comes from the vast power of our subconscious. I'm sure you have heard of phenomenal feats of strength that would, under normal circumstances, have been impossible. No Pain No Gain! There are two principles used in the training of athletes. (1), Train the whole body, and, (2) Push the body to the limit of endurance and then extend the limit with each additional workout. The subconscious, on the other hand, has no limit. It can be pushed and pushed and pushed to the point of mental exhaustion. When this happens, you can turn your emotions into mush; and, physically, not be able to punch your way out of a wet paper bag. The subconscious needs rest as much as the body does. We all know the signs and symptoms of pain when our bodies become exhausted. When we become exhausted mentally, there is no clear signs of pain, just some definitive behavior patterns. Give It A Rest! Unfortunately, we don't always listen to our subconscious as well as we do our bodies. We just keep going and going until others around us notice some of the changes in our behavior or until we realize we need a rest. If we don't give our body and mind the rest they need, severe damage even death can result. For example; here is how to tell if your batteries need recharging. If you feel you are a well balanced person then you should be on the lookout for any of these signs. If regularly sleepy or tired, unfriendly or suspicious, quarrelsome, insulting and hostile, irritable, sarcastic and mean, nervous, excitable and hysterical, worrisome, fearful and jealous, ruthless and excessively selfish, excessively depressed or frustrated. I know, I know, I can hear some of you ladies now saying, "that's my husband all the time"; the skunk! Seriously though, when you are fatigued your usually positive desirable feelings, emotions and actions have a tendency to turn very negative. When properly rested, the direction turns back positive. His Days Are Numbered! If your behavior indicates that your better qualities have taken a hike, then you need to recharge your batteries before you end up being the richest man in the graveyard. In effect, your subconscious mind is like a reservoir. From it our bodies can obtain large amounts of energy stimulus that can translate into physical energy. And, our subconscious just keeps going and going like that energizer bunny. Obviously, that could be a blessing or a curse. Here is what happens. We know that the flow of energy never stops from the subconscious, so, the body gets weary. And, since the subconscious is supplying the fuel, which causes all of our physical movements, our behavior becomes those danger signs I mentioned above. That is when the wreck happens. As those negative emotions slo--wly begin to take over, the flow of energy from the subconscious keeps on pushing through. But, now, instead of filling us with productive vitality, we get slapped upside the head with a dead fish. Why is that? Well, because the subconscious doesn't know any better. It just takes whatever emotion that's currently "there", and being displayed, it analyzes it and notices how quarrelsome or hostile the behavior is, and then ramrods a boot where the sun won't shine. Open The Floodgates! It's just doing what it was designed to do: When the behavioral actions heat up, you can depend on your subconscious to throw some fuel on the fire; whether the behavior is beneficial or not, because it doesn't know or care. It just reinforces the actions, and then says to you, "didn't I do good?" Yeah, right dummy. That's why you see some people's behavior get worse before it gets better. The intensity of actions is being fed by the subconscious and the actions keep getting worse because the subconscious is reinforcing them. And, it's a vicious cycle. The same process works on the positive side. When the subconscious notices behavior that is desirable and helpful, it will come on the scene quicker than a New York minute, and help you blow your own trumpet all over town; because even then, it doesn't know the difference. Like A Loose Cannon! When the subconscious is empowering the wrong actions, this is wasted energy. Worry, fear, anger, rage, etc. all have the same need for fuel to thrive. They get that fuel from the subconscious. You can't cut the fuel line, because without a subconscious you would just be a fruit cake. That is its job; to supply fuel. The actions are our choice. Watch someone throw a fit sometime and watch how, if they allow the actions to continue, how the actions get heated up. Watch someone sometime who is really in his groove and going with the flow how those actions just continue to create more enthusiasm. It's a self-propelling mechanism; it feeds on itself. All we have to do is exhibit the action; the subconscious will take over and feed it the fuel it needs to survive. And, the flow will be enough to keep it alive. Unfortunately, on the negative side, it is wasted energy because it brings failure. An activity that brings failure, uses up as much energy, from the subconscious, to fail, as a winning activity uses to succeed; but, the condition that a failing activity leaves us in is emotionally drained. The Net Result! Man is the only species who can control his actions through his conscious decisions from within rather than being influenced by outward circumstances. The more refined you are the easier you can control the actions that your subconscious will empower. The ball is in your court. Richard Vegas © About The Author Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" The Success System That Never Fails at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com/Articles/articles.html. You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at: http://www.richardvegas.com webmaster@1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com
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