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Aspirations Worth Their Weight in Platinum
"To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improve as well." - Isaac Asimov No matter what your goal is in life, be it a professional secretary or the leader of an important association; a creative arts designer, or the owner of a large corporation, as a total person, you must always strive for improvement. For greater career or business enrichment, there are two aspirations that are worthy of attaining. One is effective communication; the other is a positive self-image. I. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Being able to communicate with others effectively, makes for better human relationships--and builds your self-esteem. Throughout your business and social communications, always be considerate and polite. As often as possible and reasonable, avoid distractions by giving the person you are speaking with your undivided attention. During a conversation, no matter how important a certain point is, there will be times when the other person is not fully attentive. A good way to hold the listener's attention is to keep eye contact. And speak slowly. Don't assume that others can absorb information as quickly as it is spoken. Some are slow to react, so have a little patience. Always make clear, complete statements. A good choice of words leads to less confusion and misunderstanding. When your listener expresses a frown or looks puzzled, ask whether they have a question, or repeat your point. Before speaking it is wise to identify your listener. When possible always consider their age range: teenager, college student, or a senior citizen. Other obvious characteristics may include the hearing or sight impaired person. This prevents the mistake of talking down to them or over their head. Avoid negative impressions. For example: try not to make a habit of telling others your problems. Everyone has problems, some worse than your own. Your opinions are just that - yours only. Don't impose them on others unless you are willing to listen to theirs, too. Speak in a positive manner. Put yourself in the other person's place. If you exaggerate most people can usually tell, and will doubt your reliability. If you sound insincere, people won't trust you. And as you talk, remember to speak up, but don't shout. A voice that is too loud is upsetting and even painful. Speak clearly, but not too soft, or too low - you will lose your listener. Always have your facts together. Remember, the other person's time is valuable, too. So know when to stop talking When it is your turn to listen, be alert to what is being said. Give the speaker time to finish a statement. And if you show enthusiasm and interest, you can be certain your speaker will not only be impressed, but will remember you favorably. Do try to listen for the speaker's feeling behind the message. Remember, effective communication is a two-way game. Play according to the rules of courtesy, clarity, and credibility and you'll always be a winner. II. A POSITIVE SELF-IMAGE The mental picture you carry, the way you think, and the way you feel about yourself is your self-image. Creating and maintaining a positive self-image serves a useful purpose. Each of us at one time or another dreams of being successful in our chosen field or business. Yet, there are many others who aren't too sure of their goals or even too sure of themselves. Have you already made your career choice? Do you already own your own business? Is it the best choice for you? Are you utilizing all of your creative, positive, and effective leadership skills? Do you have an active plan for reaching your career or business goals? Questions like these are meant to challenge your thinking, lend inspiration, and direct your personal or business growth. After being in the hard, cold, and sometimes lonely business world for any length of time - be it a year, or a decade - every now and then each of us could use a bit of real positive inspiration and - aspiration. It may help to periodically review or identify your needs, skills, and goals. And as soon as you condition your mind to develop positive, mental and spiritual energy, you won't have any problem creating good feelings about yourself or your life's goal or purpose. With positive, mental and spiritual energy, you'll have a strong cushion of faith to fall back on when life hands you a challenge. Being able to look inward for the strength and energy necessary in stressful situations is vital for positive thinking, feeling and acting. Building a positive self-image that will help you handle the many hassles in both your business and personal life may include these essential qualities: > Learn to accept your faults, imperfections, and mistakes by constantly focusing on your good points. > Eliminate worry, fear, and negative thinking. > Turn impossibilities into realities by visualizing what you want to happen, then acting to make it come true - or, see yourself already there and your goal already accomplished. > Keep thinking: "You can get whatever it is you want, if you believe that you can." > Improve your physical, mental, and emotional strengths by not dwelling on your weaknesses. > Give you subconscious mind positive goals and successful images to work with. > Try not to hold resentments toward anyone or anything. > Learn to see the other person's view. Get to know yourself and maximize your strengths, remember your successes and the times you have done well. > Remember to thank God for all that you have and all that is to come. Do you know everything there is to know about your business or special field of interest? Continue to acquire and develop your knowledge. How high is your positive energy level? Did you know that people burn physical energy three times faster with negative thinking then with positive thinking? Success can only be achieved by what you accomplish. Plan to saturate your thoughts and your life with positive energy. Success comes from self-discovery, self-improvement, and a positive self-image. What are your aspirations worth? Copyright 2005 Gerri D Smith is publisher and host of multiple Gatways to inspiration, motivation, and support for individuals, women business owners, and entrepreneurs. Gerri's internet resource offers ways to unlock the doors to your personal and business empowerment. Now is a perfect time to own your own business and discover some of the best ways to market a product. One is by letting your customers see it before they buy it. This concept is a sharing of information and is made available by the Internet. Best of all it's delivered right to your email doorstep. Why not invest in your future, now. To help you reach more of your personal and business goals, subscribe to Gerri's Free bi-monthly inspirational newsletter. Visit: http://www.distinctivebusinesswomen.com Or, send a blank email and your correct email address and mailto: gerri@distinctivebusinesswomen.com?Subject=EZ-Scribe
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If Something Shows Up 3 Times, Is That a Sign That Its Right for Me? Have you heard yourself or others say: "This has shown up 3 times in my life lately. It must be a sign that it's right for me." First, who decided there is something significant about anything showing up 3 times? You see, when you give your attention, energy and focus to something, the Law of Attraction checks in with you and gives you more of whatever you are placing your attention on. The Power of Perspective You limit yourself. Yes, it is true. Each day you behave in much the same way as you have always done. You act out your habitual ways of dealing with people, and you communicate as well or as badly as you normally do. Its Your Life - Take Control If you seem to spend much of your life doing things for other people, if being ordered about from dawn till dusk is a normal component of your life, do something about it. The Power of Focusing on What Vs. How We see it and do it enough times to know just how it works. Resolutions are set, goals written down, strategic action plans put in place. And where does it end up? More often than not, we don't lose the weight, we don't keep the budget, we don't straighten out the relationship ? whatever it is we were after, frustration or despair get in the way and we end up at square one. Are You The Driver Or The Passenger? In your journey through life are you the "driver" or the "passenger"? Brainology... Lets Start Learning Something Everyday, Every Moment Every normal human being learn in his life's each and every minute. He is gaining experience every moment. If he starts transcribing his thoughts daily (once a day) in his life, he will gain a huge progress in the small time. Do You Choose to Believe in Choice? (Not for the Faint of Heart) What role if any, does 'choice' play in the shape and direction our lives take? Is there a choice in what can and will happen in our lives? Hearts Made Strong The heart seems to be one of the most vulnerable in the system because it is the one that has held the most fear, the most old pain, perhaps, and repressed energy. It is the one that is most afraid to open to pure unconditional love, which is indeed where your power lies. Just Allow? But How? If you've been practising the Law of Attraction, then you're probably familiar with the expressions, "just Allow" and "it will come." Well, technically, both expressions are true. However, 'Allowing' is not just thinking that you can have your desire--it's also knowing and feeling that it is possible. When we believe we can have our desire, we have no doubt in receiving it. In other words, we 'Allow'. Simply put, 'Allowing' is the 'Absence of Doubt'. How To Invite Positive Change In Your Life Gnothi seauton,, said Socrates. "Know thyself." Why Do We Settle? You Have the POWER to Change the Outcome Why do we settle for less and then make excuses for everyone? Perhaps it is a way to avoid confrontation, or it could be that we simply don't have time, or choose not to deal with poor customer service and the boss who promised a raise that never quite made its way to our paycheck. Those are some of the possibilities, but there is another option- we settle, or make excuses, for others because we have given away our power to the other person involved in the equation. This stuff makes me just a little nutty, so I thought I'd share a couple of stories with you and the offer my thoughts on how we can take back, or own our power- if you choose. Everyday People Are Accomplishing Their Dreams - Now Its Your Turn! If you can do anything in this time in your life what would you do? The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Most of us don't want to admit we have a dark side. And from that dark side we do attract some ugly stuff. I was given the gift of a vivid display of just how ugly my anger and feelings of injustice truly are. Talk Your Way to Financial Freedom Feeling trapped by lack of funds? We can learn from those who live comfortably and retire early. They use language differently from those who are stuck in a scarcity process. How To Know You Are Living Your Dream How To Prove To Yourself That You Are Going After Your Big Dream. Part II--The Journey to a State Called Authentic Are you on the road yet? If not, pony up your?.um, pony and pretend that you are gracefully cantering down the road toward that state called Authentic. Imagine that you're riding smoothly just like in the movies. But all of a sudden, your pony hits a rock and you go flying. This will happen. Perhaps not while riding a pony, but in some way as you are living your Authentic Self. Roadblocks surface usually when you're in a wonderful flow, suddenly turning harmonious song into banshee wail. Here are a few tricky roadblocks to watch out for: Blushing Blushing can be a curse. Blushers experience a range of effects, including loss of confidence and fear of meeting new people. Blushing is an interesting phenomenon, as there is no generally accepted psychological theory to explain it (although many theories have been put forward). Nevertheless, some of the characteristics of blushing have been clarified. Make Money by Making a Life as Mother Teresa Did Many people forget business is a way of service. When you serve others, you make a life instead of making a living. Jesus said he came to serve others in his Father's business. I am not religious, but it is very important to understand the point. If you think of business as a spiritual event, you are co-creating with the Universe. That is to say, it is an opportunity to make this world a better place to live. October: A Month of Personal Harvest October is hands down my favorite month. Every year l look forward to a visit to Lynd's Fruit Farm in Pataskala, Ohio. My husband and I get in the car on a crisp day and take in the leaves displaying their glorious colors as we travel the country road. Once we reach the farm, I pour through bushel baskets brimming with gourds and Indian corn, wander the pumpkin patch, and pluck ripe apples from the trees. In addition, I reflect upon the hard work that was put in months before by the Lynd's in anticipation of this one month of autumn abundance. How to Make Self-Improvement Work Every Time! There is an inherent problem with the approach most people take to self-improvement of any kind. There is a presupposition that there is something wrong that needs fixing. Perhaps it is true that there are areas in their lives that they wish to change. However, the mindset with which they approach transformation will very often NEGATE any positive results they might have. Why? Because all of their focus is on the PROBLEM they are trying to solve, rather than their vision for what their life will be like on without the alleged problem. ![]() |
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