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What are You Creating?
Before you left school, did any of your teachers sit you down, and ask: 'How will you use your unique gifts in the world? Did they even explore the term 'unique gift' with you? And what about your relationships? The term 'soul-mate' sounds like a wonderful concept, doesn't it? But did anyone point out to you that it would be impossible for your soul mate to discover your soul, before you discovered your own soul for yourself? And what about our own children? What are we teaching them? We'd love them to thrive, be prosperous and go out into the world with confidence. Yet if we lacked an inspirational teacher or important advice from a parent, how can we expect our children to achieve greater richness and abundance than we manage? Clearly there is a need for us all to seek greater wisdom, be that for ourselves or for a youngster. Lost and unclear where to go for such advice we often turn to a friend or family member and ask for their advice. But what happens? Often they have a preconceived idea about the problem based on their own experience. They impart their well-meaning advice based on their view of reality. But what do you get if you listen to their advice? Their life? If their life is something you admire and is full of the happiness and abundance you crave, then perhaps the advice might be okay. But it's probably true that most of the people we turn to for advice are our peers. And by definition they're probably doing no better than we are. So what can you do? If you are single or discontented in your relationship (and even if you are not), my answer is simple. Find out who you are. If you do this then finding the right work and the right relationship becomes simple. Why? Because you're finding who you are and using this as a navigational tool, everything will slot into place so much easier. Sure you'll have bumps, but when we're on the right path, life is so much happier. And if you have a family, what can you do? As a step-parent, I came to the conclusion that our family needed to be gelled. For that we had to look at the purpose of the family. The heads of the family need to impart the wisdom in the home, no Barnie Bear and Homer Simpson. And that meant changes in the home. Tough changes! Like no TV? For us, yes; no game stations, no game boys, mobile phone texting or any electronic device from Monday to Friday. Of course if you're going to remove these things, you have to replace them. And you replace them with ... You. We got creative in the kitchen, made fun out of cooking, experimenting with the children, seeing what we could make from the ingredients they got out the cupboards, made housework entertaining and imparted little bits of wisdom while teaching life skills. We're a long way from perfect but we are practicing and having fun with it all the time. Done well, with the emphasis on fun rather than getting the job done these simple ideas bring a family together like you won't believe. Warm regards Jo Unstoppable Life have a unique approach that imparts wisdom, teaches practical skills and empowerment for the individual, and builds teamwork within a family. So, what's your next move: create something for you, or create something for the family? Check out their free newsletter at http://www.unstoppablelife.com
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The Monkey And The Spreadsheet When the mind was fidgety, like a monkey Whos World Is It? The World Is Yours - Invite Success Who's World Is It? Did Your Personality Choose Your Career? We almost all think we are masters of our own fate. While it is true that we all make our own choices there are many things that influence what we choose. Ask yourself: Why do some people choose professions that help only themselves while others of us choose professions that help those in need? The ?Stand-Out? Principle Think for a moment about all the people you know that Stand Out from their peers. Awaken The Genie Within Ancient lore tells us that there's a magical genie who lives in a lamp and the person who possesses that lamp has the power to invoke wishes and desires beyond our wildest dreams. How to Take Control of Your Self Confidence If you think success, happiness and love are going to happen without learning through mistakes along the way you are mistaken. A Fun Way To Make A Living "You must be willing to do the things today others won't do, in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have." -Les Brown Principles for Total Prosperity In Business And Beyond Are you looking for that "something" to give you the winning edge in your business? Is success still elusive even after burning both ends of the candle? Well, you may be looking for success in al the wrong places or you may not have an accurate picture of what true success is. Wise Hericlitus "You cannot step into the same river twice" Plants, Herbs, And Roots For Love In the column Plants, Herbs and Roots For Prosperity, I explain in detail how to practically use a plant material to attract things to you, so refer to that if you have never used plant matter in magic before. The Winning Combo! What do we all strive for in life? Success! Success is the ultimate destination. Every one of us has the good intentions and capacity to achieve something but we lack the follow-through. A system is needed to keep us focused on the most important thoughts, ideas, people, actions, and results. Perhaps, a life organizer is what we require. What Image Are You Projecting? I want you to think about something for a few moments. Do you have any perception about what sort of image you are projecting? I'm talking about the personal or professional image that you are presenting to the rest of the world. The Real Secret of Attraction The secret of attraction is the unconscious hope for healing and understanding. This is why we are so discriminating in our choice of a marital partner. Not just anyone will do. And when we find the right person we become infatuated and fall head over heels for him or her. Our passion and hope for lifetime mate often borderlines on the absurd. Typically, what we see in him or her is really a self-generated fantasy. We are in "la la" land. We unconsciously block out all of their negative characteristics and distort their positives. We imagine them to be loving, caring, intelligent, funny, patient, giving, attractive, interesting, hard-working when in fact they are often very little of all of this. However, and all fairness, in spite of what we think about ourselves, we are also far from this ideal! The Likeability Factor ? Do You Have It? Growing up, we all had a mental picture of the perfect life partner The person we thought would be our happily-ever-after -- a person with a perfect smile, beautiful eyes, and an adorable button nose. Fast forward to reality and who did you wind up with? What Next? When we are faced with making a change we often feel like we don't know what to do. The kicker is that USUALLY we do know what to do - it just happens to scare us a little bit. This fear is USUALLY a sign that it is exactly what you should be doing even though you will have to Buying the Myth So much life conditioning inhibits the brilliance that is in you. Are you accessing all that is available to you? As a brilliant coach, as a brilliant human-being, as a brilliant spiritual being, as a bright light in the world, you have access to so much abundance. Are you living it? Are you breathing it? Do you believe it in every fibre of your being? Law of Attraction Article: How to STOP Being a Person Nothing Works For Do you ever wonder why great things happen to some people but not to you? Follow Your Dream If you have a dream, follow it. No matter how wild, outrageous, and improbable it may seem. If possible travel on your journey with friends who will support you. Friendship can keep your faith alive long after your energy and hope have been worn away. 5 Tips To Increase Your Personal Power 1. The most important one: Have at least one person in your life who is like-minded. This means someone who wants to be the best they can be, who has dreams and goals and takes action to make them a reality. I know such people can be hard to find! They don't have to be following the same course in life as you. My best friend is studying to become a pilot and I enjoy computers and writing, yet because we love what we do, we help each other stay focused and motivated. But where can you find similar people? Try clubs and associations connected with your interests, the workplace, and of course, the Internet. Pick any subject and I guarantee you will find groups and forums for it online. Be proactive ? seek out positive people. What they bring into your life ? and you theirs ? is priceless. 8 Powerful Tips to a Magnificent Life Tip #1. Find your purpose. Finding one's purpose is the key to having a happy and successful life. It all starts here. Find what you are passionate about. Find what you enjoy doing. Find a way to make a living doing it. ![]() |
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