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Wise Hericlitus
"You cannot step into the same river twice" Hericlitus spoke those words around 500BC. A very wise man, Hericlitus. The phrase points out to us that just as rivers flow on, so does time. Just as your foot will dip into the river, but it wont be the same water as before, so too, we only get one shot at each moment. We must make full use of each of our moments, each toe in the river. For we cannot have them back, should we waste them. Take today and make a commitment to your OWN health. Make a commitment to live as fully and healthfully as you can. Make a commitment to be good to yourself, by pushing yourself to full health. We are like the river. We change moment by moment. You are not exactly the same person you were an hour ago. New cells have grown, hair is longer (if only by a micro-bit) and you have had thoughts for an hour longer than before. Perhaps a new piece of wisdom has been gained. The trick, is to accept and revel in the ever-changing flow of life. Allow yourself to change. Grow. When we try to make life remain the same, we wonder why we fail. Life changes just like the river. Just like us. Life moves along, with no attention to whether we're moving with it. Life doesn't care if we do or not. Life offers us its new self each moment. It is up to us whether we reach out and embrace it in all its panoramic change. One can never know what lies ahead on this ever-changing road. Might be good, might be not so good. But we cannot know until we set out. We cannot reap the possible rewards unless we keep on going. Stagnation only leads to death of the spirit. Be ACTIVE in seeking the nectar in life and drink it down. You deserve it. About The Author Lee Davis has been writing for over 35 years and is published in many formats including print books, print articles, online publications and poetry and erotica collections. Her work ranges from op-ed pieces to humor to new age to adult fiction. See a selection of Lee's work at http://www.1pov.info
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Right Thinking Nothing ever happens by chance. Everything, good or bad, that comes into our lives is a result of the thoughts we have engaged in, or by what God has ordained to get our attention. 10 Common Money And Success Myths ? Part 3 Here we continue to discuss a few commonly held beliefs, or "myths," that hold many of us back from achieving success... Give The Wrong Words An Inch And They May Take A Mile! What do you do when circumstances seem out of control? What's the first thing you look for? Or Whom? What immediately runs through your mind? Do you yell? Do you curse? Do you go bow up your back like a porcupine getting ready for all out war? The Metrosexual Male vs. The Cowboy - What Do Women Want? He always looks perfectly put together. He can be in a t-shirt and jeans or heading out to a black-tie event. His hair never has a bad day. His nails are clean and buffed. His clothes are perfectly pressed and exquisitely coordinated. He smells like flowers and spice. Is he gay? No, he's the new metrosexual man. Aspirations Worth Their Weight in Platinum "To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improve as well." - Isaac Asimov You Teach People How to Treat You So often we hear people ask the question, "Why does he/she/they treat me/us so badly?". The honest answer, in most cases, is "Because you let him, her or they!" Visualization: Attracting Your Dreams and Desires Visualization is an essential tool for attracting your dreams and desires. To manifest in your outer life, your dreams must first manifest inside your mind. Jerry Green?s Top Ten Adversity Busters I've navigated plenty of speed bumps on life's road. My father's death led me to an entirely different career than my planned one. My business burned to the ground. Unscrupulous partners left me with a $15 million dollar debt. My doctor diagnosed me with a disease that a year earlier would have meant probable death. Blushing Blushing can be a curse. Blushers experience a range of effects, including loss of confidence and fear of meeting new people. Blushing is an interesting phenomenon, as there is no generally accepted psychological theory to explain it (although many theories have been put forward). Nevertheless, some of the characteristics of blushing have been clarified. Four Proven Techniques On How To Capture Positive Habits Bad habits, we all have them. They keep us from accomplishing our dreams, make us say and do things that really aren't in our integrity. Theres No Glory In Being The Richest Man In The Graveyard! What was your energy level like today? Did you wake up this morning like Tony the Tiger feeling Grrr---ate?.? Did you jump into all your activities today with enthusiasm? Were you rarin' to go at the first chance? Did your "get-up-and-go" rare up and roar, or, did it get up and went? Jekyll vs. Hyde, 2 Faces of Immortality! Meet the most important person you will ever meet in your life. You better! For sometime during your life you will meet him. He could appear very suddenly with such shock that his recognition will change your life forever. The Friend Crush: Is This Love Or Friendship He's your good friend. She's your best confidant. You have known each other for a few years and have shared meals, movies, hobbies and vacations. You have confided to each other about your latest love interest and turned to one another for support when the relationship(s) failed. You can't imagine life without your good friend. Hearts Made Strong The heart seems to be one of the most vulnerable in the system because it is the one that has held the most fear, the most old pain, perhaps, and repressed energy. It is the one that is most afraid to open to pure unconditional love, which is indeed where your power lies. Make A Superb First Impression It is extremely important that people have a good first impression of you. Either you make a good impression or you will suffer for it! It is going to affect how your contact views you for the rest of that conversation. It can affect how fast a friendship starts, or how fast business relationships get going. You have got to make a good first impression! The Manifestations Of Self A man is captive within himself. He dwells in a freedom which is confirmed to bounds, he breathes in an ambience ensnared to limits, he nurtures a shriveled valiance with the quaint promises of trepidation, he is infinite to his content and eternal only to his perception. He lives up to the demure equilibrium in his life and devours the inherited symmetric patterns of faith. His endeavors to abide the rudiments of life, to tread the arduous avenues with fervour, to encroach the realms and intervene the horizons, to be incorrigible, infallible, immaculate and to be the protagonist are just mere participants of his supreme urge to promote self. To him, self is the blatant proposition of an existence without ethics, the ideal definition of a life without morals and a pragmatic conclusion to all dubious queries that scrutinize a man's caliber. Self moulds in a man the unabashed frame that ceases to succumb to fondle the woes of an impertinent macrocosm. It determines in a man the narcissism to occupy the vanity and hence cultivate reluctant perfection. Alas, self never makes a man weak, only too powerful to handle himself. Im Thinking...But Im not Growing Rich! So you've read "Think and Grow Rich", and you've got an intellectual understanding that you "become what you think about". You have a list of affirmations about wealth, and you recite them every day. How To Make Your Dreams Come True Editors Note: Family Circle Interview (2003) with Dr. Wayne Dyer: Listening Is As Important As Speaking While engaging in conversations with friends and co-workers, how often do you feel that the other person has truly heard what you've said? Just Allow? But How? If you've been practising the Law of Attraction, then you're probably familiar with the expressions, "just Allow" and "it will come." Well, technically, both expressions are true. However, 'Allowing' is not just thinking that you can have your desire--it's also knowing and feeling that it is possible. When we believe we can have our desire, we have no doubt in receiving it. In other words, we 'Allow'. Simply put, 'Allowing' is the 'Absence of Doubt'. ![]() |
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