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Why Highways Are So ImportantNews Canada NC—Transportation is fundamental to the prosperity and quality of life of all Canadians. Much of Canadas domestic and international freight is hauled on Canadas 24,400-kilometre National Highway System, the backbone of Canadian trade. In fact, the Canadian transportation system carries more than $1 trillion worth of goods every year. If our transportation system isnt running smoothly, it affects our quality of life — from how much time we spend commuting, to what is available on store shelves and how much it costs. While every province and territory is responsible for highway safety by enforcing laws and maintaining highway infrastructure, Transport Canada is investing $600 million under the Strategic Highway Infrastructure Program SHIP to improve Canadas highways over five years. Its working with the provinces and territories to identify those parts of the national highway system that — because of growing traffic and increased trade — need immediate attention. In addition, SHIP includes $100 million to fund initiatives to better integrate our national transportation system. This includes funding to deploy intelligent transportation systems across Canada to improve things such as traffic and cargo flow, traveller information, toll collecting and public transit, and resources to improve traffic flows at border crossings. Improving the efficiency of border crossings is important to Canadas economic development. For example, the Lacolle-Champlain border crossing forms the most important trade corridor between Quebec and New York State. More than $15 billion worth of exported goods travel through this border crossing annually, with a daily volume of more than 2,000 trucks. A SHIP project is now underway that will improve the flow of people and goods at this vital crossing, as well as enhance safety and security. Similar projects are in place at border crossings in Windsor, Ontario, and in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. The Strategic Highway Infrastructure Program SHIP supports trade, tourism and investment in Canada; sustains strategic investments in all parts of the country to reflect regional needs; makes the Canadian highway transportation system more reliable, efficient, and technologically advanced; and improves the quality of life of Canadians by promoting safer and more environmentally sustainable transportation. For more information on SHIP, and Government of Canada highway improvement programs in your area, visit http://www.tc.gc.ca. - News Canada
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The Three Basic Methods Of Car Pinstriping Before we talk about the different auto pinstriping methods we need to cover a couple of basic points : The Right Auto Insurance Can Save You Money! Auto insurance is a protective feature that everyone needs who owns a car. Auto insurance allows you to have financial coverage in case you are involved in an auto accident; regardless of who is at fault. When shopping for auto insurance keep in mind that rates will vary dramatically for the same driver, depending on which company you ask. The key to savings lies in comparing many auto insurance quotes, to find the insurer that will give you the best rates. A Ship For Canadian Highways NC—Say the word "ship," and the first thing that comes to mind is an image of a boat. But say the acronym "SHIP," and now youre talking about improving our national highways, making border crossings more efficient, upgrading intersections, refitting bridges and making our national road system safer and more efficient. Car Insurance No Claims Bonus Explained No Claims Bonus is a term used to describe the number of years you have had Car Insurance without making a claim. Put simply, if you have had Car Insurance for 4 years and you have not made a claim in that time, then you have 4 years No Claims Bonus. No Claim Bonus is probably the single biggest factor affecting the cost of your Car Insurance premium. Every year that goes by without you making a claim is another year of No Claims Bonus. Generally speaking, the more No Claims Bonus years you have, the cheaper your premium will be for the car you need to insure. This is because Car Insurance companies can see that your history regarding making any claims is a good one. When changing provider, Car Insurance companies will usually ask you to prove your No Claims Bonus in the form of a renewal notice or a letter from your current Car Insurance company. If you have several years of No Claims Bonus but then make a claim, the Car Insurance company will usually apply its rules of how much to knock back your No Claims Bonus Years. Some companies such as Accept Directhttp://www.acceptdirect.co.ukoffer to protect your No Claims Bonus for an extra fee during the quotation process.Having full no claims bonus can also entitle you up to 75% discount on your car insurance premium. FAQ on Modifying the Toyota Supra What does BPU™ stand for BPU™ is a trademark of SupraStore.com 7 Easy Ways To Slash Your Auto Insurance Costs The law requires you buy auto insurance. So if you must get cover, how can you reduce costsHeres 7 easy ways to get the best possible auto insurance deal. Robot. With the release of I ROBOT, one is immediately reminded of Professor Ken Warwick, and the research or experiments that he was involved in. His chip implant in 1998 was the source of some curiosity and debate. His building was retro-wired to interact with his movement or position within it. Doors could open and lights were configured to illuminate his journey throughout. So, his environmental control was somewhat extended, in this case to the limits, or within the perimeter of a building. His influence was increased. It was more about Cyborgs though, which is a robot and a human, in one or many configurations. Closing The Deal Congratulations !!!!You got the deal you were looking for.Now is the perfect time to mention to the dealer that you are looking to trade in that car you are currently driving.This way they cannot jack up the new car costs and offer you more for your car to make it seem like a better deal.If your trade-in is in good shape you should be looking for a price somewhere between retail and wholesale.If your car is spotless make sure the dealer knows he will not have to recondition it.Most research sites list trade-in value in the pricing reports, this is a good starting point.If your trade-in is less than perfect dont expect more than wholesale price.The dealers will take clunkers but they end up on the auction block the next week. Website Launch in 5...4...3...2...1 JC Customs Web Site Launched! Changing a Tire It always happens at the worst times! You need to know how to change a tire even if you have an auto club membership. Depending on where you get a flat, there may not be a phone nearby to call a tow truck. Lets take is step by step and always remember to read your owners manual, there will be detailed instructions relating to your car there. I should mention also a few tips for getting to the side of the road safely if you have a blowout on the road.Stay calm, do not panicSlowly take your foot off of the gas and let the vehicle coast to a stop.Do not make any sudden braking or steering actions.Put your flashers on to alert other drivers.Now that you are safely off of the road. The Great Value Of Accident Photographs You were humming along on a bright and sunny day when suddenly Fred Fuddle, a local character from a nearby town, drunk as a skunk and zooming along in his pickup, flew through stop sign crashing into the right front of your motor vehicle. You had no choice to avoid him. Now the time has come to settle your claim for property damage and personal injuries. Let’s talk about photographs one of the basics that should have been taking place - - just as soon as possible - - after that impact had taken place. ![]() |
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