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Preventing Rapid Decompression In Commercial Airliners
In Flight Airline Rapid Decompression Breached Window (Airline Safety) Here is a concept worthy of mention about the issues concerning Airline International Terrorists and Guns in the Cockpit and of course Federal Air Marshals. If a gun goes off in a smaller airliner, 737 or 767 then a bullet could penetrate a window and breach the pressurization system. Now if you read science fiction there is this cool Author named Ben Bova and in one of his books return to Mars, which is worth a read since we are getting back some interesting photos now. He talks about the outpost and enclosed colony where the hull was breached and the air was escaping, valuable oxygen, the members of the team quickly threw up small patches which as the air escaped flung themselves to the breached hole and sealed by way of vacuum. I propose a similar notion and this is one of the safety protocols of former MIR and International Space Station now. The over head bins above the windows are shaped the same shape as the fuselage interior and when the air escapes and sucks everything towards it the first thing it sucks down is the bottom of the baggage overhead bin which is on a hinge. It then sucks itself in place while the pressurization system works to bring the stability back. In a 747 this is not too critical as the inlet for the pressurization cabin system is twice the size of a window and the pressurization system could keep up with a breach the size of a window. With these small modifications and molding shape of the overhead bins the problem is solved. The bottom of the bins would need to be a tad bit stronger such as carbon fiber to withstand the suction, but double strengthened re-enforced plastic, composite or fiberglass coated with rubber ought to work fine. This way bullets in cockpits intended for terrorists will not be an issue with pressure at those altitudes above 10,000 feet. Another idea is to neoprene covered mini Frisbees made of high tech super strength plastic in the pockets of stewardesses, and in the event of a small breach they simply pick them up and toss them towards the hole which will suck them into place. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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What Causes Jet Lag? Jet lag is a common sleep disorder suffered by many millions of travelers every day, whether traveling on business or for pleasure. In one recent survey of international business travelers, seventy four percent of those questioned said that they suffered frequently from jet lag. Fuselage Mounted Laser Vortex Enhancer Directed to Airfoils DARPA has developed a small laser cannon, just like Star Wars to use as a weapon in a fighter plane for air to air combat, destroying enemy missiles or perhaps using a combination later on of Argon or CO2 (depending on altitude) for close air support. Recently it was announced that they would put this new airborne laser system onto fighter jets. The system, which will go onto a fighter jet would be called the; "HELLADS" or High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System, it is being tested now. It would be a system based on Israel's THEL system, which is a mobile "Tactical High Energy Laser." Jet Lag - You Can Suffer From It...Or You Can Do What This International Airline Captain Does Whatever the reason for your travel, you have made a considerable investment. It costs you time and money. If you're stuck in a hotel room suffering from jet lag symptoms, you're missing out. Sex in a Cessna, Part III So far we have learned the safety aspect of setting the aircraft up in non-restricted airspace, with auto-pilot and away from other aircraft traffic. Now we will describe sexual positions, which will help you maintain controlled flight without restricting visibility. Remember fly the plane first and worry about the sex second. Secrets to Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Online Knowing where to find really cheap airline tickets is the first step to shopping for the best airfares online but once you've overcome this little hurdle on your race to getting really cheap airline tickets you'll need to know how to book the cheapest airfares. Entering Business Aviation, Part III: Training Options Time for some training! So, you are not sure what type of training you will need or how it compares to the commercial side of aviation. For starters, there are some very big differences. How to Overcome Jetlag Jetlag seems to be every traveler's worst nightmare ? especially if you're going away for just a short while. Top Ten Secrets to Saving Big Money in the Airline Flights Do you know that some people travel around the country and abroad, for both business and pleasure, and save bundles of money in the process? Entering Business Aviation, Part IV: Crafting a Resume Writing a résumé can be one of the most daunting parts of any job search. Quite frankly, it is one of the most important elements in helping you finding work. A good résumé can ease doors open while a poorly written one will certainly shut these very same doors. In aviation, there are certain things that must be included in a résumé to help you get noticed: getting noticed is, of course, the first step in securing an interview which may lead to employment. Essential Oil Skin Care Tips for Frequent Fliers Are you one of those people that has lots and lots of airline miles, so many that if you had a dollar for each one, you could stop working for a living? Do you know exactly where all the Auntie Anne's Pretzels are located at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport? Do you book your flights by typing in the 3-letter airport code instead of the city name into the "Destination" box on-line? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you fly too much ? and if you fly too much, chances are, it has taken a toll on your skin! Entering Business Aviation, Part I: Types of Aircraft The jets that people fly in corporate aviation are usually a lot smaller than those found with the airlines. Exceptions to the rule are Boeing's BBJ and Airbus' Corporate Jet, both of which are based on some of the smaller types of aircraft marketed to the airlines. Inflatable Slots for STOL Short Take Off and Landing Aircraft are extremely valuable in commercial, private, government and military aviation. It is important for safety and for performance. I propose inflatable slots to increase the short take off and landing performance of aircraft. I propose a kit, which can be installed on any aircraft, which can be run thru ram air and glued to the top of the wing and rapped around the leading edge. Finding the Cheapest Airfares To find the best airfares, it takes a series of actions to be accomplished during the same period of time. Airfare rates change suddenly online, so when you see a price that you are comfortable with, grab it. Business Aviation Networking Notes The process of finding out about a job, getting interviewed, and eventually receiving an offer for employment starts with networking. By networking I don't mean sending hundreds of copies of your resume unsolicited to H.R. managers throughout the country, but by establishing contacts with people who may be in a position to hire you or refer you to someone who does the hiring. Let's take a look at some ways to help you break in to business aviation by following certain tips. Flying VS Driving When fuel costs are so high, people favor flying to driving. If the distance to be traveled is over 500 miles it often makes sense to fly. If the distance is over 1000 miles then it definitely makes sense to fly to save fuel. In fact unless you really need a car once you get there and unless you will be staying for a long time or taking quite a bit of luggage, driving makes little sense. Some of us may be setting our sights on destinations which are not close to large airports, meaning we will need to jump onto a commuter airline to complete the trip, which does raise the cost. Still, it is hard to beat the trip on cost if you are paying $2.35 per gallon. Fuel Costs and Air Fares Set To Rocket After Hurricane Katrina Punishes The US It now looks certain that Hurricane Katrina will push fuel prices - and air fares - up through the roof. Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part III What caused a teenager to crash an aircraft into the Bank of America Building in Tampa? It makes no sense. Read more in Part III to try to understand the causes involved in this scenario. Airlines, Price Wars, and Branding Here are some thoughts on the study of the theory of price wars as they relate to the industries like the Airlines and others. Comments on an article in Harvard Business Review in March-April edition 2000. The article was called 'How to Win a PRICE WAR'. Written by Akshay R. Rao, Mark E. Bergen and Scott Davis. Group Check-in At Airports Plan Ahead For A Smooth Check-in and Flight Overcoming Jet Lag Jet lag can be one of the worst, and certainly one of the most frustrating, aspects of long distance travel. Also called desynchronosis (meaning "out of time"), jet lag occurs when travellers pass through multiple time zones, arriving several hours ahead or behind their "home" time. ![]() |
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