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What Causes Jet Lag?
Jet lag is a common sleep disorder suffered by many millions of travelers every day, whether traveling on business or for pleasure. In one recent survey of international business travelers, seventy four percent of those questioned said that they suffered frequently from jet lag. Jet lag affects people of all ages, although its symptoms vary widely from person to person and tend to be more severe the older you get. Jet lag symptoms also tend to be worse if you are already suffering sleeping difficulties in advance of traveling. Jet lag also increases with the number of time zones crossed during your journey. If the time difference between your starting point and destination is just two or three hours, then you are likely to experience little or no jet lag. However, once your journey extends across more than three time zones you will begin to experience the symptoms of jet lag, which will tend to worsen as the number of time zones increases. So what causes jet lag? Jet lag is caused by a significant and rapid change in time zones which result in a difference between the local time and the time recorded by your body's internal clock. Let's say that you leave London at 11 o'clock on a Monday morning flying to Bangkok. The flight lasts twelve hours and you arrive in Bangkok at 11 o'clock that same evening London time. However, because you have flown across several time zones the local time in Bangkok is five o'clock on Tuesday morning. By the time you've cleared immigration and customs and taken a taxi to your hotel, it's probably getting on for seven thirty in the morning and breakfast is being served at the hotel. However, as far as your internal body clock is concerned, it's still only one thirty in the morning and your body wants nothing more than to crawl into bed. Your body contains its own internal clock which takes its time from the environment responding to such things as temperature, humidity and, most importantly, the normal daily change from daylight to darkness. These environmental factors cause your own body clock to run, much like your mantle clock, on a series of twenty four cycles, often referred to as your body's circadian rhythms. Much as our lives are controlled by time today, your body clock is also responsible for many of your body's functions. In particular, your body clock tells your body when it is time to shut down for sleep and when it is time to wake up and start the day's activities. By flying across several time zones and placing your body clock out balance with local time you upset the whole rhythm of your day, giving rise to such things as problems sleeping at night, staying awake during the day and eating when you wouldn't normally eat. This, in turn, leads to jet lag. Copyright 2005 Donald Saunders ? http://help-me-to-sleep.com Donald Saunders is the author of a number of health related publications including "Jet Lag ? A Natural Approach". Learn more about jet lag and pick up your free copy of "How To Get A Good Night's Sleep" to discover the secret to curing insomnia.
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NASA SATS for Point-to-Point Air Travel Solutions It appears NASA's studies of the future of air travel and air taxi concepts. By studying these possible futures we may find our selves ready to accept flying cars in everyone's garage. American Airlines; Crash: Nov. 12, 2001 It seems there were not many comments to the AA crash of November 2001, as soon as it was ruled an accident instead of an attack the media stopped the reports and the story disappeared. The years following have been the safest years in Airline Industry History. What if the terrorists stole an Airbus instead of an easy to fly and reliable Boeing aircraft during 9-11? They may have had the tail fall off and crash it on the way to its destination and their attack would have failed. Maybe Airbus wants US airlines to buy more of their aircraft which fall apart in the air and that will be their contribution to US anti-terrorist policy? In my humble opinion; that Airbus which crashed was a flying hunk of junk anyway. Material Memory and NASA High Tech Plastics for Rotor Blades Some new materials, types of plastics seem to be stronger than steel by quite a bit. Since they are made of polymer plastic blends it will be possible to add in some material memory manufacturing in the process. This would allow the rotor blades made out of this new plastic material to change shape. These materials are said to be ten times the strength of steel and three times lighter than aluminum. Such performance in materials has significant uses in aerospace Future Shuttle Launches The military aircraft we have are all equipped with anti-SAM systems. These prevent SAMs, Surface-to-air-missiles, which are heat seeking from hitting the aircraft. The systems send out many very hot flare type pieces out of the back of the aircraft and fool the Surface to air missile into thinking that those are the targets, thus the missile goes after the chafe flares instead of the actual aircraft. Is it possible to have such a system for the space shuttle launch? Or can we send up fire works along the perimeters of the spectator areas to trick a missile fired by anyone with a hand held surface to air shoulder launched weapon? We know our Space Shuttle could be targeted by International Terrorists. Is there a way to use a similar type system to prevent lightning strikes on the shuttle so we may launch it during thunder and lightning storms? Perhaps using a skin coating, which will melt off as it is launched and gets up to speed, which would have the correct polarity to prevent a lightning strike? Lockheed Loitering Missile Expandable Wing Concept Smart Missiles are expensive, but effective. Efficiency in the the new paradigm of the net-centric warfare will yield results to those who pay attention and do not waste assets. Really Cheap Plane Tickets To begin with, the best place to buy really cheap plane tickets is online. Travel agencies can't compete with discount ticket sites. Search Google ("cheap airfare south america", for example), or try the well-known sites, like Expedia, Travelocity, Cheap Tickets, Hotwire or Priceline. Tactile Strip Sensors on Leading Edge of Material Memory Airfoils Aircraft designers have always tried to figure out the best compromise for the aircraft they build, trying to get maximum performance at both high and low airspeeds. Now with material memory components they will be able to do this. The camber of the leading edge can change to a nice fat round area for slow speeds when Short Take Off and Landing STOL is needed and back to a thin leading edge for the lowest coefficients of drag and optimal cruising speed once airborne. But how will the aircraft know when to do this on its own. After all if the wing has material memory based on a heat, then it might be hotter at lower altitudes and then less ambient temperature (2 degrees per thousand feet) at higher altitudes. Yet when moving much faster the friction will heat up the wing also or you could be flying in an area with temperature inversion like Los Angeles basin where the smog is kept in the valley. (UCLA when the smog clears?) Jet Lag ? 5 In-flight Tips The secret to combating jet lag, and arriving at your destination with little or no jet lag, lies in sound preparation well in advance of your date of travel. This, however, is only the foundation of your "anti jet lag" plan and all of your sound preparatory work will be wasted if you don't also ensure that you follow a sensible routine during your flight. India Air Traffic Issues to Come As India increases its economic growth the population is taking to the air in travel and more and more are flying. Commercial Aviation traffic has increased ten fold in te last five years and is expected to do so again. India will need to set up the latest in air traffic control to handle the crowed skies. Additionally India's private aircraft markets are increasing too along with a brand new general aviation manufacturing sector. Automated Following Jump System for Paratroopers, AFJS There are many problems of safety in paratrooper drops. Many times night jumps are done or drops are made into the battlespace under low visibility. This is good and bad. It is good because the enemy cannot see you as easy to kill you, but bad because you cannot see anything either. At night it is often considered a blessing to make a jump into enemy territory because you do so under cover of darkness. Since modern day soldiers have GPS gear and wrist watches; I propose using them to help prevent entanglements, stealing of air flow to another soldiers canopy and burn-ins. Jet Lag - You Can Suffer From It...Or You Can Do What This International Airline Captain Does Whatever the reason for your travel, you have made a considerable investment. It costs you time and money. If you're stuck in a hotel room suffering from jet lag symptoms, you're missing out. How to Get a Free Airline Upgrade on Your Flight Everyone wants to buy a cheap economy ticket and get bumped up to business or first class. I mean who doesn't want more comfort, more legroom, better service and lounge access? The new generation of flat seats makes flying long-haul more comfortable than ever before. Flying As A Hobby Ask a room full of people what hobby they have and you will get as many answers as there are people. Others will confess that they don't have a hobby. They probably do; but just don't label it as such. By definition, a hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure. Diamond Twinstar Probably one of the coolest experimental aircraft twin-engine aircraft is the Diamond DA 42 Twinstar. The Twinstar is propelled by twin diesel engines which burn Jet A or even conventional diesel fuel. Sounds cool; doesn't it? Think of the money you can save? The Diamond Twinstar was a huge hit at Oshkosh 2005 and for good reason; it is sleek and sexy and the performance is unmatched. The new four-seater twin has retractable landing gear and will cruise at 18,000 feet on 11.8 gallons per hour at 201 Kts, YES! Even down at 10,000 feet ASL it will cruise at 180 kts TAS on only 10.7 gallons per hour at 75 percent power. Private Jets: 4 Leaders in Fractional Flying Fractional flying, you say. Is that division? Well, sort of. Fractional flying is where you, the customer, can own a "share" in a private jet. In most cases these shares allow you to own as much as 1/4 to as little as 1/32 of a 40 million dollar private jet. Where full ownership may be out of reach for you fractional ownership may be the best option to getting you in the air. Let's take a look at four companies offering fractional flying in the US. Cactus Fly-In, Casa Grande AZ Every year in Arizona is the Cactus Fly-in which is one of the largest events in the city of Casa Grande AZ air show and fly-in, which is always well attended and a huge success. The event seems to be growing every year, much busier this year than last year even though general aviation has suffered due to 9-11. It is events like this that help us promote our general aviation business sector in the United States. Common Cockpit Concepts and Convenient Configurations One of the big pushes in aviation and military is to have common cockpit designs, which are ergonomically correct. The Common Cockpit Initiative (CCI) would mean all aircraft have basically the same cockpit; all the instruments would be in the same place, the seats in the same place, in fact nearly everything would be the same. This would make virtual Reality training easy in simulators and allow for maximum efficiency and save lives, as the human component would never be confused and thus fewer mistakes would be made in unfamiliar cockpits under extreme stress during incidents, under fire or during equipment failure. It would allow maximum use of the "human unit" as everyone could do every job. Taken to extreme this would mean your automobile or a commercial truck would be similar to a war fighting tank, jet airliner, private boat, fighter jet, helicopter and school bus. Engineers laugh often at this saying; "oh sure and the commode will also be designed like that; once you take a dump you simply move the joy stick down which signals the toilet to release the human waste and flush?" Then another engineer laughs and says; "Yah or it could be a leveler identical to the "bombs away" switch in a fighter-bomber carrying the latest smart munitions?" Yes, I was listening as this conversation went on for a few minutes in the lobby bar of a hotel in Dayton, OH during an aviation and space conference. Inflatable Slots for STOL Short Take Off and Landing Aircraft are extremely valuable in commercial, private, government and military aviation. It is important for safety and for performance. I propose inflatable slots to increase the short take off and landing performance of aircraft. I propose a kit, which can be installed on any aircraft, which can be run thru ram air and glued to the top of the wing and rapped around the leading edge. Airbus A-380 is Pretty Big You know the Airbus A-380 is so huge it takes 2 hours to load and unload and that is if you are rushing the people on and off like cattle. The aircraft holds more fuel than a Boeing 727 weighs. As a matter of fact it has more water on board for the toilets than the fuel in a Boeing 737. Enormous aircraft indeed, but there are many draw backs some you do not even want to think about; for instance it is a prime target for International Terrorists, if they are able to bring one down, they will be very proud of themselves. Luckily an aircraft that big is not coming down with one little surface to air missile unless it hits in exactly the right spot. What Causes Jet Lag? Jet lag is a common sleep disorder suffered by many millions of travelers every day, whether traveling on business or for pleasure. In one recent survey of international business travelers, seventy four percent of those questioned said that they suffered frequently from jet lag. ![]() |
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