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Hypersonic or Ultrasonic Sound to Disrupt Laser Beam Attack on Commercial Airliners
In large buildings to prevent sound pollution often double paned glass is used with music or flowing air between the panes, this works very well and is sufficient to prevent the noise. Since many commercial airliners have double paned glass already if we are careful to watch the harmonics as to not cause structural problems to the aircraft (remember the Comet), then we propose hypersound or ultrasonic sound within the panes to prevent laser light from entering the cockpit and inhibiting or blinding the pilots. As we recently saw with the Delta Airlines scare where the pilots were nearly blinded by what they described as a laser light, we believe that this idea may be the answer. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washingt...o_blind_pilots/ http://www.worldaffairsboard.com/showthread.php?t=3967 http://www.libertyforum.org/printthread.ph...197&type=thread We believe such a device could be easily and cheaply built and installed in airliners. Such a device and use of hypersound might even be an option for those who fly into combat where THEL systems are guarding the region. Once seen by the enemy it maybe too late to dodge the lasers, as it takes such a small time to burn the retinas of a pilots eyes. It is possible that such a method may give the pilots a few seconds extra time to put on anti-laser head gear. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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How Cheap Can You Get? Try Online for Cheap Air Tickets Most consumers feel the airline travel is very costly. We can end up spending a fortune when we add up the various costs, such as flights, accommodation, taxes and insurance, hotel services and car hire. There are so many ways to cut back these expenses without having compromise with the quality or the comfort of the travel and hotel stay. Several Facts to Obtaining Cheap Airfares Airfares Entering Business Aviation, Part I: Types of Aircraft The jets that people fly in corporate aviation are usually a lot smaller than those found with the airlines. Exceptions to the rule are Boeing's BBJ and Airbus' Corporate Jet, both of which are based on some of the smaller types of aircraft marketed to the airlines. How to Save on Airfare The Internet has provided a revolution in the way people shop for airfares. What used to be the province only of connected travel agents is now the province of every Internet connected traveler. Recent studies have shown that online airfare shoppers visit more than three sites on average to shop for airfares. How to Overcome Jetlag Jetlag seems to be every traveler's worst nightmare ? especially if you're going away for just a short while. Entering Business Aviation, Part V: Tips on Finding Work I will not pretend that this is the easiest topic to write about. In fact, my knowledge of how one finds work as a private flight attendant is based chiefly on what others have shared with me. You can find some useful tips within the many threads written on the Corporate Flight Attendant Community message boards, but to save you from culling through hundreds of threads I will highlight various standout points and include others that have been shared with me over the past several years by industry insiders: Entering Business Aviation, Part III: Training Options Time for some training! So, you are not sure what type of training you will need or how it compares to the commercial side of aviation. For starters, there are some very big differences. The History of the Aircraft Wash Guys, Part Two The continuation of the history of a small service franchise business in the aviation sector; whose humble beginnings began in the middle of a recession. This proves that anything is possible and that with enough will and entrepreneurial spirit no matter what the condition of your industry sector, you can succeed in America. Now then to continue the saga; Twelve year old Lance Winslow, the founder is almost twenty years old and is making a name for himself at several local airports. It is still a long road ahead but slowly the journey progresses like it has for countless young entrepreneurs before him. We continue: First Class Airfare: How the Rich Travel Have you ever wondered what all entails first class airfare, but never knew where to look? First class airfare can cost up to 15 times more than the regular fares for the same trip. So what do travelers living the high life actually get for these super inflated prices? Well, a lot. This article will detail the major carriers, and what they provide their first class airfare clients with. It's a wild ride ? are you ready? Making a Mechanical Manta with Material Memory Manufacturing Methods I propose building a mechanical manta ray as a Underwater Unmanned Vehicle; UUV. The manta ray will have air tanks inside of its wings and a sound device, which will also operate a sonar and an ELF communication system. The air tanks will be flexible rubber type tanks with an array of gases which when hit with a directional sound device will excite the air and gas molecules and expand the tanks, thus flapping the wings. The wings on the down stoke will have material memory making them go back to a neutral position. Material Memory Muscles: Flying VS Driving When fuel costs are so high, people favor flying to driving. If the distance to be traveled is over 500 miles it often makes sense to fly. If the distance is over 1000 miles then it definitely makes sense to fly to save fuel. In fact unless you really need a car once you get there and unless you will be staying for a long time or taking quite a bit of luggage, driving makes little sense. Some of us may be setting our sights on destinations which are not close to large airports, meaning we will need to jump onto a commuter airline to complete the trip, which does raise the cost. Still, it is hard to beat the trip on cost if you are paying $2.35 per gallon. Aluminum Cleaner for Aircraft Detailing by Alcoa There are many choices for aircraft detailing when it comes to aviation uses. One product we like after tying them all out was a product by Alcoa Corporation. The product is distributed by CLB Enterprises at Alcoa Corporation for aluminum polish in all aspects of detailing. We used this on some museum pieces and noticed the ease of use as we polished out an all aluminum T-33 the trainer version of the F-80 Korean War Vintage "Shooting Star." It took approximately 22 man-hours with Alcoa's Aluminum Polish to complete this project. We bid the job at 40-hours because generally that is what it would take with other brands. Whos Paying for the Private Jet? One of the major perks of being a celebrity is the free stuff. Just ask the famous attendees of this week's VMA music works. Flying around with the entourage can get expensive, and don't except these kiddies to be sitting in coach. Private jets all the way. But are all these extravegences ruining them? Getting Cheap Airfares Airlines offer tickets at a fraction of the cost you buy tickets. These offers are given to wholesalers and agencies that bring good business to them. If you can trace out these wholesalers and agencies, you may get cheap airfares from them. These are seasonal and vary from time to time. You cannot expect the same price all the time. It could be cheaper or slightly higher than what you bought the previous time. Moreover, prices vary with the destination for which you are buying the tickets. Do Jet Lag Diets Work? Anti jet lag diets have been around for some time now, but do they work? 5 Tips for Stress Free Long Haul Flights The world is becoming smaller by the day. Flying long haul to distant locations for business or pleasure is becoming increasingly more popular. There are more aircraft, more airports to fly to and more people ready to spend half a day or longer in the air. It is quite simply easier and cheaper than it used to be fly long haul. Unfortunately, the experience of traveling to the other side of the world can very often be a stressful and exhausting affair, especially for the uninitiated or unprepared. This doesn't have to be the case. Just follow this guide to a stress free long haul flight and you can sit back and enjoy the whole experience! Entering Business Aviation, Part IV: Crafting a Resume Writing a résumé can be one of the most daunting parts of any job search. Quite frankly, it is one of the most important elements in helping you finding work. A good résumé can ease doors open while a poorly written one will certainly shut these very same doors. In aviation, there are certain things that must be included in a résumé to help you get noticed: getting noticed is, of course, the first step in securing an interview which may lead to employment. Sport Aviation and Jet Aircraft Do you want a little business jet with a lot of power? Well hold on, as we are almost here. There are many new little Biz Jets about to come to the market place. So what is happening in the Biz Jet marketing the last 2-years? Oh not much, except Cessna now has a new little Biz Jet; General Aviation Manufacturing is in the Tank; Hang On It is Going to Get Worse Change is a constant, Outsourcing Jobs, Capital flows, Emerging Markets are a given and this includes the Aviation Manufacturing Sector as we watch the current Migration pick up speed. Sex in a Cessna, Part II Sex in a Cessna or any light plane can be exhilarating and since your flight instructor never trained you how to do this you will need to read all of this several part series of articles, we do not want you screwing things up so to speak. In part one, we explained the need for a practice area and separation between other aircraft, staying out of flight path of other aircraft and setting the aircraft up in level flight. ![]() |
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