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Several Facts to Obtaining Cheap Airfares
Airfares Need a vacation but dont want to stay around town? Want to go somewhere exotic, somewhere different? Want to fly but worried about the airfare? Sourcing the cheapest airfare available has been made easier with competition growing between travel agencies as people realize that a vacation need not be all that expensive. Airfare can be a hindrance to the best of vacation plans but it need not be. With so many travel companies vying for your business securing cheaper airfare is a given! The airline companies set airfare prices, with travel agents adding a mark up to the wholesale price. More often than not, the advertised price of an airfare does not include any government taxes or duties. So additional charges such, as these need to be figured into your airfare budget. Aside from the airline companies and travel agencies setting the price, it is important to be aware that many things determine airfare prices, but the most important influence on price is the final destination. Other influences include but are not limited to: - The type of airline class you prefer; do you want comfort or are you ok with being a tad squashed, - The location of your seat; window seat or inside, - The time of day you are prepared to travel; day or night, - How close you book to your departure date; booking closer to your departure date may increase your airfare unless you secure a last minute deal, and - Whether your airfare is part of an all inclusive holiday package; more often than not for these all inclusive packages the airfare has been given with a huge discount as a deal between the resort or hotel, the airline and travel agent. Therefore, being the money savvy person that you are; you need to take into consideration all of the above points before you start searching for an airfare that fits within your budget. Researching airfare is critical to securing the cheapest rate. Research has definitely been made easy thanks to the World Wide Web. Increasingly, last minute deal websites are being developed and there are some great bargains to be had particularly with regard to airfare rates. Checking often and subscribing to these last minute deal web sites will ensure that your vacation is one to remember without the added burden of over spending on airfare! Corsa Dirfes is the owner of Airfares ON which is a premier resource for Airfares information. for more information, go to http://www.airfareson.com
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Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part III What caused a teenager to crash an aircraft into the Bank of America Building in Tampa? It makes no sense. Read more in Part III to try to understand the causes involved in this scenario. Common Cockpit Concepts and Convenient Configurations One of the big pushes in aviation and military is to have common cockpit designs, which are ergonomically correct. The Common Cockpit Initiative (CCI) would mean all aircraft have basically the same cockpit; all the instruments would be in the same place, the seats in the same place, in fact nearly everything would be the same. This would make virtual Reality training easy in simulators and allow for maximum efficiency and save lives, as the human component would never be confused and thus fewer mistakes would be made in unfamiliar cockpits under extreme stress during incidents, under fire or during equipment failure. It would allow maximum use of the "human unit" as everyone could do every job. Taken to extreme this would mean your automobile or a commercial truck would be similar to a war fighting tank, jet airliner, private boat, fighter jet, helicopter and school bus. Engineers laugh often at this saying; "oh sure and the commode will also be designed like that; once you take a dump you simply move the joy stick down which signals the toilet to release the human waste and flush?" Then another engineer laughs and says; "Yah or it could be a leveler identical to the "bombs away" switch in a fighter-bomber carrying the latest smart munitions?" Yes, I was listening as this conversation went on for a few minutes in the lobby bar of a hotel in Dayton, OH during an aviation and space conference. The Wright Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright were mere bicycle mechanics, yet they changed the history of mankind by inventing the first aircraft. It is amazing what one can do when you stop limiting your mind and go for it. There is probably no greater success story than that of Orville and Wilbur Wright. Point to Point VS Spoke and Hub? Air Taxi Boeing it is said took a big gamble in predicting the future of air travel. Instead of going bigger like Airbus and building an aircraft like the A380, the biggest airliner ever built; The Boeing Company decided to go for a more efficient smaller aircraft with better materials and better range. It worked and sales are really going strong for Boeing. The economists in the commercial aviation business were watching the trends and they agreed. Automated Following Jump System for Paratroopers, AFJS There are many problems of safety in paratrooper drops. Many times night jumps are done or drops are made into the battlespace under low visibility. This is good and bad. It is good because the enemy cannot see you as easy to kill you, but bad because you cannot see anything either. At night it is often considered a blessing to make a jump into enemy territory because you do so under cover of darkness. Since modern day soldiers have GPS gear and wrist watches; I propose using them to help prevent entanglements, stealing of air flow to another soldiers canopy and burn-ins. Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Online Trying to find really cheap airline tickets can become very frustrating and time consuming but if you know how and where to search you can quickly and easily find airline tickets online. Top Ten Secrets to Saving Big Money in the Airline Flights Do you know that some people travel around the country and abroad, for both business and pleasure, and save bundles of money in the process? New Airbus A-380 Beats Out 747 The A-380 has beat out the Boeing 747 as a target by International Terrorists. The A-380 will become the largest passenger jet in the world holding the largest number of passengers. If and when an International Terrorist Cell gets one, it will become instantly the largest airline disaster in the history of the world, due to the shear number of passengers on board. Luckily bringing down such a large aircraft will not be easy, nor will it be able to be blown out of the sky with a handheld anti-aircraft missile unless it is lucky enough to hit a fuel tank. This of course is unlikely because most handheld missiles are heat seeking and therefore will generally go to where the heat is instead, thus taking out one of four engines. Airline Fuel Costs Mount The airlines are huge users of fuel. Fuel costs are higher than even the cost of the aircraft. Surcharges are up to the highest point in the history of the airlines along with the fuel costs at an all time record cost. Airline tickets and airlines live and die on their ability to number one fill up planes and number two, manage their fuel costs. Discount Airlines have been able to keep flights full in order to order to cover costs and keep prices low, but are hurt in quarterly earnings every time fuel prices increase. Sex in a Cessna, Part I If you have never had sex in a Cessna or other small aircraft then you probably might wish to read this article. It is fun, exhilarating and can get a little tricky if you do not do it correctly. Yes, in fact there is a right way and a wrong way to have sex in a Cessna. The reason I chose Cessna for this article is not because it is the only aircraft I have done it in; but because it is the most popular light aircraft. If you are two guys reading this article, I do not have any pointers for you, as I am into only the heterosexual endeavors in that regard. Jet Lag - You Can Suffer From It...Or You Can Do What This International Airline Captain Does Whatever the reason for your travel, you have made a considerable investment. It costs you time and money. If you're stuck in a hotel room suffering from jet lag symptoms, you're missing out. 17 Ways to Keep Safe and Secure When Flying Here are 17 ways to keep safe and secure when flying domestic or abroad. Air travelers need to keep a sharp eye and an ever present focus on what's going on around them. Even though it has been a few years since the September 11th 2001 hijackings, the threat of terrorist actions against air travelers is still ever present. Not to mention with the hustle and bustle of a busy airport. This is a prime place to be potentially burglarized by a professional thief or criminal. Is your air traffic control person real? Have you ever been flying around in your private plane and the control tower or approach control has sent you on a vector or asked you to do something, which made no sense at all? But of course you did it anyway, because they are in charge right? You might have thought to yourself; "Is this guy for real?" "Is this guy in some kind of dreamland, asleep up there?" Well in the future such questions may not be too far off actually. For instance your air traffic control tower professional maybe in augmented reality, sitting in a room with no windows looking at your aircraft on a TV screen or video monitor. A picture of a Beechcraft, not an image of your exact plane. Now a days the air traffic controlers train in the VR, Virtual Reality World. Flying VS Driving When fuel costs are so high, people favor flying to driving. If the distance to be traveled is over 500 miles it often makes sense to fly. If the distance is over 1000 miles then it definitely makes sense to fly to save fuel. In fact unless you really need a car once you get there and unless you will be staying for a long time or taking quite a bit of luggage, driving makes little sense. Some of us may be setting our sights on destinations which are not close to large airports, meaning we will need to jump onto a commuter airline to complete the trip, which does raise the cost. Still, it is hard to beat the trip on cost if you are paying $2.35 per gallon. Increasing TAS in Modern Day Fighters with Expandable Wing Tips As fighter aircraft get faster and faster there is a diminishing return on more aerodynamic streamlining in designs. You can only build the aircraft so "Aerodynamically Correct" once you have the best optimum design for speed, there is little you can do without changing the aircraft in-flight or the air itself. Of course both of those possibilities have been and are being looked at. Let's think on the many types of fighter aircraft, which change their configurations in-flight. You have the F-8 Crusader which changed its angle of attack in-flight so it could land at slower speeds, while achieving very high speeds in flight. The F-111 and the F-14 Tomcat both have wings which sweep back in flight as the airspeed increases. Many newer fighter designs have "thrust vectoring nozzles" to help them with maneuverability and quick turns, well that is as long as the pilot can take the additional "G's" without passing out or imploding. The new JSF, B-1 Bomber and other fighters like the F-117 can store their munitions inside the aircraft so they are not hanging out there causing incessant parasite drag or adding to the extremely low radar signatures needed to maintain a stealth configuration. Many fighters will have additional drop tanks for extra fuel, which once used up are dropped. Once dropped the aircraft can then have additional maneuverability and shed the extra drag hanging below. Designers and engineers, even pilots have often thought of ways to redesign the fastest and best performing aircraft in the modern era. Airbus to Build $600 Million Aircraft Manufacturing Plant in US Airbus has announced that it will build a $600 million aircraft manufacturing plant in Mobile Alabama. This is significant news and will open doors to US based commercial airlines to buy more Airbus Aircraft in the future. Alabama is quite good at attracting manufacturing facilities such as Mercedes, Nissan and other automobile manufacturers and is known for their tax incentives and pro-business stance. Automated Satellite Following System for UAV Swarms Much work is being done and the USAF has implemented systems to fly UAVs Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in ah hoc formations like swarms of insects or flock of birds. We cannot quite match evolution and bird flock formations but we are on our way. I propose keeping this task of swarming UAVs simple. I propose having every fifth, twentieth or hundredth UAV flown tele-robotically sending information to the satellite. All other UAVs will be controlled thru that data and by satellite in grid formations every half to three miles. All data will be collected by the larger control UAV which is tele-robotically flown. This queen bee, or swarm commander will interpret data and send in relevant data to the command and control tele-robotic augments simulator pilot. Each drone UAV will fly its line on the grid using an offset AFF. I Am Afraid Of Flying; You Are Not Getting Me A Light Plane Boy I have heard it all from my friends. I am afraid of flying. I am afraid of heights. I do not trust you as a pilot; yah thanks? You are not getting me in a light plane, sober; fine have a drink? I am not joining the mile high club; well that is what she said at first? You are not getting me in one of those contraptions; they always crash. Over the years, I have heard every excuse. But each time I have over come their objections; all I hear is thank you and remember that time we flew over such and such or so in so's house? Just too funny really. Fuel Costs and Air Fares Set To Rocket After Hurricane Katrina Punishes The US It now looks certain that Hurricane Katrina will push fuel prices - and air fares - up through the roof. Mexico to Manufacture Aircraft It appears Mexico with its 120 million population is considering getting into the lucrative aviation manufacturing sector. Of course this will mean that they must acquire some expertise and some trading partners to sell to once they build these aircraft. Mexico is looking to team up with the Ukraine to make this happen. Vicenti Fox. Mexico's President met with the Ukraine and offered to build the An-140. Also to do major repairs there as well. The An-140 is a twin engine turbo prop aircraft used primarily for passengers and cargo; although it has also been used in an AWCS configuration for military and security purposes in Russia. Here is a picture of the aircraft: ![]() |
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