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Airline Fuel Costs Mount
The airlines are huge users of fuel. Fuel costs are higher than even the cost of the aircraft. Surcharges are up to the highest point in the history of the airlines along with the fuel costs at an all time record cost. Airline tickets and airlines live and die on their ability to number one fill up planes and number two, manage their fuel costs. Discount Airlines have been able to keep flights full in order to order to cover costs and keep prices low, but are hurt in quarterly earnings every time fuel prices increase. When fuel prices stay high, you often see massive downward spirals and negative sector rotations in Airline Stocks. Again it is all about the cost and flow of fuel. It is of interest when we hear talk of our National Debt and how important that is. "A Nation is not in danger of financial disaster merely because it owes itself money." The flow of fuel is several times more important than that, because with proper flow and economies of scale, every thing works better and every one wins. Consumers have lower prices and more choices; governments have greater tax revenues due to more commerce and more jobs paying into the system; industry has higher profits and more money to expand; the stock market moves upward provided greater benefits for those who bet on a strong America and therefore greater investment in new companies which provide innovation and research and development to improve the flow of every thing we know. Speaking of the benefits of the flow of fuel to government in the tax revenues, just think of all the fuel the government uses at all levels? Incredible amounts at every level; so incredible that they along with private enterprise spend millions of dollars trying to figure out more efficient methods. The military uses so much fuel it has it's own reserves and oil fields and contracted out refineries. It has about enough supply for the entire country for 60-90 days depending on our conservation levels in a crisis situation. Fighting a war takes a tremendous amount of fuel. The modern Aircraft carriers use nuclear power, like the submarines, but the rest of the world's greatest arsenal uses fuel of various types. And they are always testing different fuels to increase performance in different situations. These reserves have been used when OPEC plays hardball creating fuel prices above our ability to operate our industries and businesses and keep America employed and the wheels of commerce turning. Opening up the floodgate of supply, lowers the prices and puts the cartel in check. If not certain businesses become un-viable when fuel prices go too high. Think of the military aviation, jets, helicopters, UAVs, AWACs, bombers and even flying gas stations in the sky for aerial re-fueling. It is like running several airlines non-stop 24/7. Generally Airlines too are a 24-hour business. The airline industry is under extreme pressure now. If they keep raising their fees to passengers then the passenger per plane ratios drop off, meaning flight are unprofitable. If they do not raise the price then they lose money. It is a no win situation and they need some fuel price stabilization, yet an already hampered industry is facing additional crisis from fuel costs. We have seen already four major airlines file bankruptcy and two out of business, two more are facing bankruptcy and several are considered bad risks from ever emerging from their bankruptcies. The flow and costs of fuel are critical to the airline industry and the future of air travel in the World. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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What Causes Jet Lag? Jet lag is a common sleep disorder suffered by many millions of travelers every day, whether traveling on business or for pleasure. In one recent survey of international business travelers, seventy four percent of those questioned said that they suffered frequently from jet lag. FAA Intervention in Privatized Space Flight is Ridiculous Burt Rutan and his team of designers, engineers and test pilots at Scaled Composites did something no private group had ever done. They proved that private space flight is feasible and safe. With the help of some Billionaire entrepreneurial investors they are poised to build an entire industry of Private Space Flight. This after other said it was impossible. And for their efforts and vision they won a 10-million dollar prize in doing so. This is a true testament to private enterprise and capitalism, it proves that; "Free Enterprise beats out bureaucracy and bullshit every time!" The Wright Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright were mere bicycle mechanics, yet they changed the history of mankind by inventing the first aircraft. It is amazing what one can do when you stop limiting your mind and go for it. There is probably no greater success story than that of Orville and Wilbur Wright. Helicopters - The Multi Utility Machines The vertical lift technology of helicopters has far more utilitarian aspects to its credit than only being an effective mode of transport. In India, civil helicopters are performing transportation business, be it executive or offshore. But, with Indian skies opening up to international aviation and domestic aviation getting global, it is time we understand that helicopters are the connecting links towards its success. Helicopters can reach where nothing else can. Helicopters can perform EMS (Emergency Medical Service), Law Enforcement, Power Line Survey, Fire Fighting, SAR (Search and Rescue), ENG (Electronic News Gathering) at the same time as connecting the remotest places to the center. While effort is on to improvise our country's infrastructure by introducing metro rail, building expressways, modernizing railways, building better airports, it is time to incorporate helicopter services as well. Heliports along the expressways and railway tracks will enable timely rescue services in case of accidents. Starting an Aircraft Washing Business So you love airplanes and you want to start an aircraft washing service? I cannot blame you, as I did the same thing. After cleaning Thousands of aircraft over the years, I have paid for my flight school, first aircraft and then started an aircraft washing franchise as a module of another franchising company I had founded. Named the Aircraft Wash Guys we learned early on what it takes to satisfy aircraft owners, FBOs Fixed Based Operators and Chief Pilots. We always specialized in washing and polishing aircraft. We've cleaned thousands of private planes, corporate jets, flying clubs, flight schools and helicopters. My Car Wash Guys company was originally founded over twenty years ago and started as an aircraft washing service. Secrets to Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Online Knowing where to find really cheap airline tickets is the first step to shopping for the best airfares online but once you've overcome this little hurdle on your race to getting really cheap airline tickets you'll need to know how to book the cheapest airfares. Downed Pilots Hibernating From the Enemy When we watch Oliver North's "War Stories" or the "Wings Discovery Channel" we often see the problematic issues with downed pilots trying to evade the enemy. They have limited if any food supply and lots of people looking for them. There is a solution or there will be soon as hibernation techniques and technologies become better. Recently Mark Roth and his medical research associates found that by administering hydrogen sulfide gas to mice in a specific ratio they could put the little mammals into suspended animation or hibernation; slowing their bodies down by over 90%. Aluminum Cleaner for Aircraft Detailing by Alcoa There are many choices for aircraft detailing when it comes to aviation uses. One product we like after tying them all out was a product by Alcoa Corporation. The product is distributed by CLB Enterprises at Alcoa Corporation for aluminum polish in all aspects of detailing. We used this on some museum pieces and noticed the ease of use as we polished out an all aluminum T-33 the trainer version of the F-80 Korean War Vintage "Shooting Star." It took approximately 22 man-hours with Alcoa's Aluminum Polish to complete this project. We bid the job at 40-hours because generally that is what it would take with other brands. Boeing is Really Flying Now The Boeing Company has completely blown past projections for aircraft sales this month. Before the Annual Paris Air Show the Boeing Company had already made three deals for commercial aircraft of worth over 5 Billion in sales. First they cleared a deal for new 777 Cargo Aircraft, then another for new 737-400s and then another again. Then during the Paris Air Show they had even more commitments for aircraft even tripling the already stunning beginning of the month. Getting Cheap Airfares Airlines offer tickets at a fraction of the cost you buy tickets. These offers are given to wholesalers and agencies that bring good business to them. If you can trace out these wholesalers and agencies, you may get cheap airfares from them. These are seasonal and vary from time to time. You cannot expect the same price all the time. It could be cheaper or slightly higher than what you bought the previous time. Moreover, prices vary with the destination for which you are buying the tickets. Group Check-in At Airports Plan Ahead For A Smooth Check-in and Flight Sex in a Cessna, Part I If you have never had sex in a Cessna or other small aircraft then you probably might wish to read this article. It is fun, exhilarating and can get a little tricky if you do not do it correctly. Yes, in fact there is a right way and a wrong way to have sex in a Cessna. The reason I chose Cessna for this article is not because it is the only aircraft I have done it in; but because it is the most popular light aircraft. If you are two guys reading this article, I do not have any pointers for you, as I am into only the heterosexual endeavors in that regard. Mexico to Manufacture Aircraft It appears Mexico with its 120 million population is considering getting into the lucrative aviation manufacturing sector. Of course this will mean that they must acquire some expertise and some trading partners to sell to once they build these aircraft. Mexico is looking to team up with the Ukraine to make this happen. Vicenti Fox. Mexico's President met with the Ukraine and offered to build the An-140. Also to do major repairs there as well. The An-140 is a twin engine turbo prop aircraft used primarily for passengers and cargo; although it has also been used in an AWCS configuration for military and security purposes in Russia. Here is a picture of the aircraft: New Airbus A-380 Beats Out 747 The A-380 has beat out the Boeing 747 as a target by International Terrorists. The A-380 will become the largest passenger jet in the world holding the largest number of passengers. If and when an International Terrorist Cell gets one, it will become instantly the largest airline disaster in the history of the world, due to the shear number of passengers on board. Luckily bringing down such a large aircraft will not be easy, nor will it be able to be blown out of the sky with a handheld anti-aircraft missile unless it is lucky enough to hit a fuel tank. This of course is unlikely because most handheld missiles are heat seeking and therefore will generally go to where the heat is instead, thus taking out one of four engines. Jet Lag ? 5 In-flight Tips The secret to combating jet lag, and arriving at your destination with little or no jet lag, lies in sound preparation well in advance of your date of travel. This, however, is only the foundation of your "anti jet lag" plan and all of your sound preparatory work will be wasted if you don't also ensure that you follow a sensible routine during your flight. Laser Beam Guidance for Oshkosh Air Show The Federal Aviation Administration is devising a method of alerting pilots who enter a restricted airspace to leave immediately. To do this is will use a laser beam pointed at the aircraft in a certain color. This is something new, but the concept is probably something, which came from the VASI light system for glide paths on landing. VASI is Vertical Air Situation Indicator. Entering Business Aviation, Part II: Pay Rates for Flight Attendants Pay. You know that aviation pays better than commercial, in most cases a lot better, but you aren't sure what the going rate is for a corporate flight attendant. It might surprise you to learn that pay rates vary widely depending on the type of account, your location, your responsibilities, experience, and more. Cracking Aircraft Windows with Directed Sound Waves Today our modern military scientists have found many uses for directed energy beams. Some of these uses include communication, non-lethal weapons and high-energy lasers. Directed sound waves and harmonics maybe the answer to stopping manned aircraft in the battlespace on its way to find our blue force as its next target. Using such directed waves we can penetrate and crack aircraft canopies, rendering the aircraft useless to continue the mission. Or so disrupt the enemies mission that it is forced to turn back completely and abort or even force the enemy pilot to eject immediately. Aerodynamic Inflatable Wing Gates for STOL Low speed flight characteristic are crucial to safety. Those aircraft that have good flight characteristics at low speeds are favored by pilots and the companies, military, NGO or private individuals who operate them. One way to increase positive slow speed flight characteristics is to install vertical gates on top of the wings of the aircraft to keep the air flowing over the wing at slow speeds. The only problem is that at high speeds these gates may also cause increased parasite drag which effects performance. How to Get a Free Airline Upgrade on Your Flight Everyone wants to buy a cheap economy ticket and get bumped up to business or first class. I mean who doesn't want more comfort, more legroom, better service and lounge access? The new generation of flat seats makes flying long-haul more comfortable than ever before. ![]() |
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