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Laser Beam Guidance for Oshkosh Air Show
The Federal Aviation Administration is devising a method of alerting pilots who enter a restricted airspace to leave immediately. To do this is will use a laser beam pointed at the aircraft in a certain color. This is something new, but the concept is probably something, which came from the VASI light system for glide paths on landing. VASI is Vertical Air Situation Indicator. General Aviation pilots are familiar with the sayings; "Red over red you're Dead." The VASI lights had a set of green and red lights three rows. If you only saw green in the middle you were on a proper glide path, but if you saw the red only you were too low and liable to hit something and ruin your whole day, bite the farm or not walk away from that landing. Each year at Oshkosh Wisconsin is the annual Experimental Aircraft Association, the largest event of its kind in the world. Planes fly in from all over and converge at Oshkosh. There are always a few deaths and mid-air collisions and hundreds of near misses. I propose the FAA allow the EAA to use the laser system to alert pilots that they are on the proper approach and heading. Thus preventing any crashes. Currently you have probably heard on the news that the FAA wants to use these lasers to prevent pilots from entering restricted airspace, especially around Washington DC or Crawford TX, etc. The Military would also like to keep general aviation pilots away, so they do not have to shoot them down. The whole thing is a bit controversial. Airplane Owners and Pilots Association states their position: "Safety of the nation's pilots should be the highest priority for government agencies charged with regulating the use of lasers. While AOPA does not believe that lasers pose a significant safety issue that warrants the use of temporary or permanent airspace restrictions, general aviation pilots should be aware that higher power lasers are more readily available, and at least one study shows that they may cause temporary vision changes from lasers. Because general aviation aircraft often fly at relatively low altitudes, today's strongest lasers may pose a threat to the safety of the flight in all flight regimes." The FAA assures the AOPA, EAA and other pilot's association not to worry it will not be using any high powered lasers like was used against the Delta Heavy on its way into Salt Lake City or the many others we heard about in the news. Many pilots blamed the AFRL Air Force Research Lab for doing some sort of tests and the conspiracy theorists of course blamed the UFOs and aliens? Hard to keep everyone happy these days. The AOPA http://www.aopa.org/whatsnew/air_traffic/lasers.html also noted that: "AOPA has also learned that the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is evaluating the use of laser beam technology to visually alert to aircraft that violate the security-restricted airspace around Washington, D.C. Very few details have emerged about this research project; however, AOPA is concerned about the safety of general aviation. According to NORAD officials, the ground-based laser system uses safety-tested low-level beams of alternating green and red laser lights to alert pilots that they are flying without approval in designated airspace. This system would be used when the aircraft in question cannot be contacted on VHF voice radio by ATC. According to the FAA, a preliminary test of the system showed that the laser illumination is "eye safe." However, the FAA contends, and AOPA agrees, that a number of important steps must be taken before the system is fielded. A special advisory must be developed to alert pilots of the new system, operational procedures must be developed, and a broad education and outreach effort must be made to the pilot community. The Department of Transportation (DOT) is aware of this research and the need to prevent potential safety hazards to pilots." So with all this said it does appear that a low intensity laser beam guidance system might come in very handy as 50,000 private aircraft converge on this years Oshkosh air show in less than 4-days? Think on this and see you there. Oshkosh 2005; http://www.airventure.org/ "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Airline Travel Lingo! Does The Language Need An Interpreter? With airline travel increasing in record numbers, more people are experiencing the frustration of understanding the airlines industry language, and leaving them feeling that they need an interpreter for the travel information they're receiving from the airline industry! Increasing TAS in Modern Day Fighters with Expandable Wing Tips As fighter aircraft get faster and faster there is a diminishing return on more aerodynamic streamlining in designs. You can only build the aircraft so "Aerodynamically Correct" once you have the best optimum design for speed, there is little you can do without changing the aircraft in-flight or the air itself. Of course both of those possibilities have been and are being looked at. Let's think on the many types of fighter aircraft, which change their configurations in-flight. You have the F-8 Crusader which changed its angle of attack in-flight so it could land at slower speeds, while achieving very high speeds in flight. The F-111 and the F-14 Tomcat both have wings which sweep back in flight as the airspeed increases. Many newer fighter designs have "thrust vectoring nozzles" to help them with maneuverability and quick turns, well that is as long as the pilot can take the additional "G's" without passing out or imploding. The new JSF, B-1 Bomber and other fighters like the F-117 can store their munitions inside the aircraft so they are not hanging out there causing incessant parasite drag or adding to the extremely low radar signatures needed to maintain a stealth configuration. Many fighters will have additional drop tanks for extra fuel, which once used up are dropped. Once dropped the aircraft can then have additional maneuverability and shed the extra drag hanging below. Designers and engineers, even pilots have often thought of ways to redesign the fastest and best performing aircraft in the modern era. Flying As A Hobby Ask a room full of people what hobby they have and you will get as many answers as there are people. Others will confess that they don't have a hobby. They probably do; but just don't label it as such. By definition, a hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure. AWACS Automated Flight Following System for Nuke Bunker Buster Accuracy The Aerial Fire Fighting Industry uses a system called AFF Automated Flight Following System. It works from a satellite. We are noticing an increase in robotic flying machines, which are called UAVs Unmanned Aerial vehicles. These aerial vehicles use tele-robotics. Soon we will be able to have many aerial unmanned vehicles fly in swarms keying of one in five, ten or even a hundred aircraft. Some of this technology is being tested now and some even in the Middle East battlespace; the "Sandbox." I Am Afraid Of Flying; You Are Not Getting Me A Light Plane Boy I have heard it all from my friends. I am afraid of flying. I am afraid of heights. I do not trust you as a pilot; yah thanks? You are not getting me in a light plane, sober; fine have a drink? I am not joining the mile high club; well that is what she said at first? You are not getting me in one of those contraptions; they always crash. Over the years, I have heard every excuse. But each time I have over come their objections; all I hear is thank you and remember that time we flew over such and such or so in so's house? Just too funny really. Future Shuttle Launches The military aircraft we have are all equipped with anti-SAM systems. These prevent SAMs, Surface-to-air-missiles, which are heat seeking from hitting the aircraft. The systems send out many very hot flare type pieces out of the back of the aircraft and fool the Surface to air missile into thinking that those are the targets, thus the missile goes after the chafe flares instead of the actual aircraft. Is it possible to have such a system for the space shuttle launch? Or can we send up fire works along the perimeters of the spectator areas to trick a missile fired by anyone with a hand held surface to air shoulder launched weapon? We know our Space Shuttle could be targeted by International Terrorists. Is there a way to use a similar type system to prevent lightning strikes on the shuttle so we may launch it during thunder and lightning storms? Perhaps using a skin coating, which will melt off as it is launched and gets up to speed, which would have the correct polarity to prevent a lightning strike? Flying With Your Dog A pet owner must research the many requirements before taking a dog on an airplane. Different airlines have slightly different regulations, but most airlines follow the same basic set of rules in regards to flying with a dog. So You Want to Get Free Airline Tickets: Should You Choose a Reward or Cash Back Credit Card? If you want to use a reward credit card for getting free airline tickets, you have a choice of choosing a dedicated airline credit card, a travel reward credit card or a cash back credit card. A dedicated airline credit credit card has hefty annual fees and may not be worth it if you are not a very frequent traveller or do not spend enough on your credit card. If you decide to get either a no annual fee travel reward or cash back credit card, how would you decide which is better? This article examines how you should go about making this decision. Let us assume we now have one reward credit card and one cash back credit card to choose from. The reward credit card pays one point for every dollar you spend on purchases. The cash back credit card pays a 1% rebate. Essentially, they both have identical payout formula of 1%. Let us assume both have no annual fee (very realistic) and both have identical apr. Would there be any difference between the two credit cards? Should we be indifferent? How do we decide which is better? How much does your typical vacation airline ticket cost? The most important factor that in this decision is actually the average cost of your airline ticket when you take your vacation. Why? Because most travel reward program (in fact, most frequent flyer program) require that you earn 25,000 miles or points to redeem a roundtrip restricted economy ticket within continental US. You are required to purchase the ticket either through the specific airline directly (in the case of a specific frequent flyer program) or through the reward program's agent. If you have a cash back credit card, 25,000 points will get you a $250 cash rebate (assuming a 1% formula). But we all know that a domestic economy ticket cost can vary anywhere from about $99.00 to $350.00. If you are flying short haul, you can get a $99.00 ticket from a low cost discount carrier. If you fly from coast to coast, you are likely to have to folk out over $300 for a ticket. If you use get a special deal from expedia or priceline, you may get it cheaper. Choose a cash back credit card if you airline ticket cost less than $250 Hence, it is very important to know your vacation habits. Where do you tend to go for your vacations? How much does your average airline ticket cost you? If you tend to fly short haul to a nearby place for your vacation and your airline ticket cost about less than $250 (say for example $150), you are better off using cash rebates from a cash back credit card. This is because you only need to spend $15,000 on your credit card to get a $150 cash rebate. Spending $15,000 on a reward credit card only earns you 15,000 points, not enough on most reward program to earn a free domestic economy flight. Choose a travel credit card if your airline ticket cost more than $250 However, if you fly long distance (New York to LA for example) and your airline ticket tends to cost over $300, then using a reward credit card makes more sense. This is because if you use a cash rebate credit card, you need to earn over $300 in cash rebates (ie spend over $30,000). However, with a regular reward program credit card, you only need to spend $25,000 to earn your 25,000 points. So if you tend to take vacations that require long haul flights that cost more than $250, use a travel reward card. If your vacation flights cost less than $250, use a cash rebate credit instead. Some reward program only require 22,000 points to redeem a domestic roundtrip flight. In that case, use $220 or 22,000 points as your guide when you are choosing between a travel or cash back credit card. Flying Blimp Walrus Could Have Assisted in Evacuations What is a Walrus Super Blimp? It is a giant heavy lift Blimp being evaluated by the United States Department of Defense's special research division; DARPA. What is DARPA? Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. You see they have been looking at how to move more for less? Imagine having to move millions of tons of fighting gear to the battle area? Well giant blimps may hold the key, because they are cheap to operate, can carry lots of weight and save lots of money. Airline Fuel Costs Mount The airlines are huge users of fuel. Fuel costs are higher than even the cost of the aircraft. Surcharges are up to the highest point in the history of the airlines along with the fuel costs at an all time record cost. Airline tickets and airlines live and die on their ability to number one fill up planes and number two, manage their fuel costs. Discount Airlines have been able to keep flights full in order to order to cover costs and keep prices low, but are hurt in quarterly earnings every time fuel prices increase. Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part II What happened to General Aviation after 9-11? Why did we take the ITC away in the late 80's? Why were we hostile with IRS regulations toward Civil Air Patrol pilot owners? What else did this cause and why is it significant to this Part II of aviation mentor-ships for young men? We continue now with Part II of "Young Men trying to imitate the 9-11 Scenario." The Wright Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright were mere bicycle mechanics, yet they changed the history of mankind by inventing the first aircraft. It is amazing what one can do when you stop limiting your mind and go for it. There is probably no greater success story than that of Orville and Wilbur Wright. Material Memory and NASA High Tech Plastics for Rotor Blades Some new materials, types of plastics seem to be stronger than steel by quite a bit. Since they are made of polymer plastic blends it will be possible to add in some material memory manufacturing in the process. This would allow the rotor blades made out of this new plastic material to change shape. These materials are said to be ten times the strength of steel and three times lighter than aluminum. Such performance in materials has significant uses in aerospace Boeing is Really Flying Now The Boeing Company has completely blown past projections for aircraft sales this month. Before the Annual Paris Air Show the Boeing Company had already made three deals for commercial aircraft of worth over 5 Billion in sales. First they cleared a deal for new 777 Cargo Aircraft, then another for new 737-400s and then another again. Then during the Paris Air Show they had even more commitments for aircraft even tripling the already stunning beginning of the month. Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Online Trying to find really cheap airline tickets can become very frustrating and time consuming but if you know how and where to search you can quickly and easily find airline tickets online. NASA SATS for Point-to-Point Air Travel Solutions It appears NASA's studies of the future of air travel and air taxi concepts. By studying these possible futures we may find our selves ready to accept flying cars in everyone's garage. Airbus A-380 is Pretty Big You know the Airbus A-380 is so huge it takes 2 hours to load and unload and that is if you are rushing the people on and off like cattle. The aircraft holds more fuel than a Boeing 727 weighs. As a matter of fact it has more water on board for the toilets than the fuel in a Boeing 737. Enormous aircraft indeed, but there are many draw backs some you do not even want to think about; for instance it is a prime target for International Terrorists, if they are able to bring one down, they will be very proud of themselves. Luckily an aircraft that big is not coming down with one little surface to air missile unless it hits in exactly the right spot. Tactile Strip Sensors on Leading Edge of Material Memory Airfoils Aircraft designers have always tried to figure out the best compromise for the aircraft they build, trying to get maximum performance at both high and low airspeeds. Now with material memory components they will be able to do this. The camber of the leading edge can change to a nice fat round area for slow speeds when Short Take Off and Landing STOL is needed and back to a thin leading edge for the lowest coefficients of drag and optimal cruising speed once airborne. But how will the aircraft know when to do this on its own. After all if the wing has material memory based on a heat, then it might be hotter at lower altitudes and then less ambient temperature (2 degrees per thousand feet) at higher altitudes. Yet when moving much faster the friction will heat up the wing also or you could be flying in an area with temperature inversion like Los Angeles basin where the smog is kept in the valley. (UCLA when the smog clears?) Cleaning Air Cargo Containers If you own a pressure washing business, janitorial service or truck washing business you owe it to yourself to look into the cleaning of air cargo containers. The cleaning of air-cargo containers is a necessity and it is a consistent business. These containers must be cleaned off to protect the contents inside. In our company we have established an industrial division from our car and truck washing business, The Car Wash Guys, which specializes in unique type cleaning. The Car Wash Guys industrial division specializes in steam cleaning of air cargo containers, ground equipment and loading docks. If you wish to get into this lucrative line of cleaning there are some things you will need. We maintain excessive insurance liability coverage to work on airports, excessive worker's compensation insurance, business licenses and state and county wastewater permits. Really Cheap Plane Tickets To begin with, the best place to buy really cheap plane tickets is online. Travel agencies can't compete with discount ticket sites. Search Google ("cheap airfare south america", for example), or try the well-known sites, like Expedia, Travelocity, Cheap Tickets, Hotwire or Priceline. ![]() |
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