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Boeing is Really Flying Now
The Boeing Company has completely blown past projections for aircraft sales this month. Before the Annual Paris Air Show the Boeing Company had already made three deals for commercial aircraft of worth over 5 Billion in sales. First they cleared a deal for new 777 Cargo Aircraft, then another for new 737-400s and then another again. Then during the Paris Air Show they had even more commitments for aircraft even tripling the already stunning beginning of the month. Mr. Stoneifer the most recent former CEO of the Boeing Company, who I have only met on one occasion since he was previously in the car wash industry, had an extra martial affair and was ousted from the firm. He would have been given credit for this stellar sales book and perhaps been thought of the as the "Aviation Turn Around King" of the twenty first century? But today the entire Boeing Company Team from the line mechanics to the engineers and sales team are the winners. As the world grows closer together commercial aviation has a chance to take advantage of the new one-world economy. Both Boeing and Airbus have had excellent bookings and sales orders for new aircraft. The Boeing Company's stock performance is that of a maximum takeoff on a VSTOL Fighter jet to say the least. From their commercial aircraft division to their Space Program Boeing is on a roll. It is good to see that the United States still makes some things like aircraft. Many other industries have left our shores to foreign lands. The United States Trade Deficits are at record levels and there is no end in sight to a slowing. The Boeing Company has the expertise to help bring back monies to our country for all those goods we buy from places like India and China. Commercial Aviation has taken quite a hit in the last five years and things did not look so great for Boeing after having massive layoffs, orders for new aircraft cut and lackluster sales. Today is quite a different story, those who betted against the Boeing Company or sold their stock prematurely must be kicking themselves now, they would have made quite a bit on their money had they simply reviewed their history notes of the last few decades. Boeing was not down and out; they had just taxed into position and were holding, waiting to be cleared for take-off. Think on this. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part II What happened to General Aviation after 9-11? Why did we take the ITC away in the late 80's? Why were we hostile with IRS regulations toward Civil Air Patrol pilot owners? What else did this cause and why is it significant to this Part II of aviation mentor-ships for young men? We continue now with Part II of "Young Men trying to imitate the 9-11 Scenario." Mirrors to Redirect Mini Laser Weapons on Fighters for Vortex Airflows Recently a new airborne laser system was announced to be put onto fighter jets, once this technology becomes more advanced we will no longer need missiles for air-to-air combat. The system, which will go onto a fighter jet would be called the; "HELLADS" or High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System, it is being tested now. It would be a system based on Israel's THEL system which is a mobile "Tactical High Energy Laser" Really Cheap Airline Tickets When you're looking for airline tickets to your specific destination, whether it be for business purposes or for a well-deserved holiday, finding really cheap airfare tickets will relieve a lot of your traveling costs. Private Jets: 4 Leaders in Fractional Flying Fractional flying, you say. Is that division? Well, sort of. Fractional flying is where you, the customer, can own a "share" in a private jet. In most cases these shares allow you to own as much as 1/4 to as little as 1/32 of a 40 million dollar private jet. Where full ownership may be out of reach for you fractional ownership may be the best option to getting you in the air. Let's take a look at four companies offering fractional flying in the US. Overcoming Jet Lag Jet lag can be one of the worst, and certainly one of the most frustrating, aspects of long distance travel. Also called desynchronosis (meaning "out of time"), jet lag occurs when travellers pass through multiple time zones, arriving several hours ahead or behind their "home" time. New Airbus A-380 Beats Out 747 The A-380 has beat out the Boeing 747 as a target by International Terrorists. The A-380 will become the largest passenger jet in the world holding the largest number of passengers. If and when an International Terrorist Cell gets one, it will become instantly the largest airline disaster in the history of the world, due to the shear number of passengers on board. Luckily bringing down such a large aircraft will not be easy, nor will it be able to be blown out of the sky with a handheld anti-aircraft missile unless it is lucky enough to hit a fuel tank. This of course is unlikely because most handheld missiles are heat seeking and therefore will generally go to where the heat is instead, thus taking out one of four engines. Private Jet Ownership Indeed Wouldn't you like to own your own private jet? Have you ever thought about it? Many of us have and you know what it is not all that expensive as you might think after all. Private jet ownership is really taking off these days. As a matter of fact manufacturers of business aircraft are quite happy with the market sector and most are completely bullish on their future prospects in the industry. Boeing is Really Flying Now The Boeing Company has completely blown past projections for aircraft sales this month. Before the Annual Paris Air Show the Boeing Company had already made three deals for commercial aircraft of worth over 5 Billion in sales. First they cleared a deal for new 777 Cargo Aircraft, then another for new 737-400s and then another again. Then during the Paris Air Show they had even more commitments for aircraft even tripling the already stunning beginning of the month. AWACS Automated Flight Following System for Nuke Bunker Buster Accuracy The Aerial Fire Fighting Industry uses a system called AFF Automated Flight Following System. It works from a satellite. We are noticing an increase in robotic flying machines, which are called UAVs Unmanned Aerial vehicles. These aerial vehicles use tele-robotics. Soon we will be able to have many aerial unmanned vehicles fly in swarms keying of one in five, ten or even a hundred aircraft. Some of this technology is being tested now and some even in the Middle East battlespace; the "Sandbox." Budget Airlines ? Cheap Airfares for Flights around Europe can Reduce Your Vacation Costs Here's a good tip to help cut the cost of flying to many European cities and make your dollar go a little bit further. Sex in a Cessna, Part I If you have never had sex in a Cessna or other small aircraft then you probably might wish to read this article. It is fun, exhilarating and can get a little tricky if you do not do it correctly. Yes, in fact there is a right way and a wrong way to have sex in a Cessna. The reason I chose Cessna for this article is not because it is the only aircraft I have done it in; but because it is the most popular light aircraft. If you are two guys reading this article, I do not have any pointers for you, as I am into only the heterosexual endeavors in that regard. Hypersonic or Ultrasonic Sound to Disrupt Laser Beam Attack on Commercial Airliners In large buildings to prevent sound pollution often double paned glass is used with music or flowing air between the panes, this works very well and is sufficient to prevent the noise. Since many commercial airliners have double paned glass already if we are careful to watch the harmonics as to not cause structural problems to the aircraft (remember the Comet), then we propose hypersound or ultrasonic sound within the panes to prevent laser light from entering the cockpit and inhibiting or blinding the pilots. Lockheed Loitering Missile Expandable Wing Concept Smart Missiles are expensive, but effective. Efficiency in the the new paradigm of the net-centric warfare will yield results to those who pay attention and do not waste assets. How Cheap Can You Get? Try Online for Cheap Air Tickets Most consumers feel the airline travel is very costly. We can end up spending a fortune when we add up the various costs, such as flights, accommodation, taxes and insurance, hotel services and car hire. There are so many ways to cut back these expenses without having compromise with the quality or the comfort of the travel and hotel stay. International Corporate Catering Guide One of the more challenging aspects of being a flight attendant is providing in-flight service excellence to your customers. When operating out of familiar territory selecting a highly regarded caterer is usually not a problem. However, can that high level of service be found in Boise as well as in Beijing? And, if so, where can this information be found? Moving Troops and Evacuation Strategies There are many ways to evacuate people from disasters like Hurricane Katrina for instance. There are also many ways to move troops to the area of conflict. One way to move vast amounts of people, is to do so with large aircraft. Another idea, which has been kicked around, was lowering body functions to a near standstill through human hibernation techniques like what an anesthesiologist would do. First Class Airfare: How the Rich Travel Have you ever wondered what all entails first class airfare, but never knew where to look? First class airfare can cost up to 15 times more than the regular fares for the same trip. So what do travelers living the high life actually get for these super inflated prices? Well, a lot. This article will detail the major carriers, and what they provide their first class airfare clients with. It's a wild ride ? are you ready? Inflatable Aircraft Wing Camber Modification Every aircraft is a compromise. It is either built to fly fast or slow to land in tight distances and carry more weight. It is a jet or propeller driven craft. It costs a lot with high tech materials or it is simplistic and has less performance. Aircraft are built for many reasons, each one maybe more or less important for its intended purpose. Some aircraft are made to slightly change in flight to serve a niche or a couple of niches better than comparable type aircraft. As we learn more about our options of materials in aerospace we learn of was to incorporate multiple uses and still maintain safety at low airspeeds and efficiency at high speeds. Aviation Lawyer: Whether Passenger, Pilot or Owner, You May Need an Aviation Lawyer If you or a family member has been the victim of an airplane accident, you should find an Aviation Lawyer (Attorney) to help you. It is important to contact an Aviation Lawyer because of the highly specialized nature of Aviation Law. An Aviation Lawyer will understand law involving the industry, the mechanics of aircraft, types of aircraft, and how defects in these put passengers at risk. Aviation Lawyers do not just work for passengers, but for pilots and aircraft owners as well. The History of the Aircraft Wash Guys, Part Three As we study this grass roots history of a franchise company in the making we see how opportunity in the market grows companies and how entrepreneurial thinkers take advantage of those opportunities to deliver goods and services, which match the desires of the market place. In this review of the history of the aircraft wash guys we see the company diversifying and finding other niches to serve, some of which were actually better than the original plan. This is very common and typical of entrepreneurial from the ground up companies, yet all to often government regulators and rules fail to see how real companies come to be. This study shows similarities to many of the humble beginnings. If you look at Walt Disney who started in a shed behind the studio or Apple's jobs in the garage or even Bill Gates and his car counting machine you can see how things grow and build and entrepreneurs find and exploit niches. Now back to our story of the History of the Aircraft Wash Guys Part III: ![]() |
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