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Aviation Lawyer: Whether Passenger, Pilot or Owner, You May Need an Aviation Lawyer
If you or a family member has been the victim of an airplane accident, you should find an Aviation Lawyer (Attorney) to help you. It is important to contact an Aviation Lawyer because of the highly specialized nature of Aviation Law. An Aviation Lawyer will understand law involving the industry, the mechanics of aircraft, types of aircraft, and how defects in these put passengers at risk. Aviation Lawyers do not just work for passengers, but for pilots and aircraft owners as well. Aviation Law is a very specialized area of law that regulates the operation, safety and maintenance of aircraft and aircraft facilities. Despite increased safety standards, accidents still happen due to the widespread use of air travel which speeds up the wear and damage to airplane parts and mechanisms, and the complex nature of overlying airspace. This airplane wear and damage as well as pilot mistakes cause unnecessary accidents. Aviation Law began in 1926 with the formation of the Air Commerce Act which regulated the use of aircraft in interstate or foreign business. The next step that Aviation Law took was in 1938 with the Civil Aeronautics Act which created a five person panel which dealt with aircraft, facility, and aviation law within the United States. Then the FAA, the Federal Aviation Agency, was created. Violations of Aviation Law which justify the seeking of an Aviation Lawyer include (but are not limited to) Aviation Accident Law, FAA License Violation, Aviation Business Disputes, minimizing ownership liability, aircraft ownership problems, sale or purchase of aircraft, negotiating or enforcing contracts, warranty compliance, major overhaul or maintenance deficiencies, loss of use and "down time" claims, first and third party denial of insurance coverage/claims, security breaches, product liability avoidance, fractional ownership contracts, FAA regulatory approval, protection of aviation business, governmental investigations, and hazardous substance transport violations. Since 2000, the aviation industry has been in financial difficulty due to changes in world economy, the entrance of low-cost carriers, SARS, war, and, of course, terrorism. These factors have led airlines to cut any costs they can to maintain their fragile financial balance. Thus, accidents still occur despite the increased security and safety laws and precautions. These accidents are unnecessary and if you or a family member has been a victim of airline negligence or outright, purposeful ignorance, you should contact an Aviation Lawyer who can help you. Contact an experienced Aviation Lawyer today. Find an Aviation Lawyer associated with a major Aviation Law Firm today at hugesettlements
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Concorde Crash Conspiracy - It Could Have Been Prevented In studying the Concorde crash the investigators determined it was caused by debris on the runway, which had fallen off a Continental Airlines Aircraft, which went down the same runway prior to the Concorde. Some thought the crash was an International Terrorist Attack. Had the debris, which had fallen off been known it could have been picked up prior to the Concorde's take off roll. Helicopters - The Multi Utility Machines The vertical lift technology of helicopters has far more utilitarian aspects to its credit than only being an effective mode of transport. In India, civil helicopters are performing transportation business, be it executive or offshore. But, with Indian skies opening up to international aviation and domestic aviation getting global, it is time we understand that helicopters are the connecting links towards its success. Helicopters can reach where nothing else can. Helicopters can perform EMS (Emergency Medical Service), Law Enforcement, Power Line Survey, Fire Fighting, SAR (Search and Rescue), ENG (Electronic News Gathering) at the same time as connecting the remotest places to the center. While effort is on to improvise our country's infrastructure by introducing metro rail, building expressways, modernizing railways, building better airports, it is time to incorporate helicopter services as well. Heliports along the expressways and railway tracks will enable timely rescue services in case of accidents. Entering Business Aviation, Part III: Training Options Time for some training! So, you are not sure what type of training you will need or how it compares to the commercial side of aviation. For starters, there are some very big differences. Aerodynamic Inflatable Wing Gates for STOL Low speed flight characteristic are crucial to safety. Those aircraft that have good flight characteristics at low speeds are favored by pilots and the companies, military, NGO or private individuals who operate them. One way to increase positive slow speed flight characteristics is to install vertical gates on top of the wings of the aircraft to keep the air flowing over the wing at slow speeds. The only problem is that at high speeds these gates may also cause increased parasite drag which effects performance. Mirrors to Redirect Mini Laser Weapons on Fighters for Vortex Airflows Recently a new airborne laser system was announced to be put onto fighter jets, once this technology becomes more advanced we will no longer need missiles for air-to-air combat. The system, which will go onto a fighter jet would be called the; "HELLADS" or High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System, it is being tested now. It would be a system based on Israel's THEL system which is a mobile "Tactical High Energy Laser" Sex in a Cessna, Part II Sex in a Cessna or any light plane can be exhilarating and since your flight instructor never trained you how to do this you will need to read all of this several part series of articles, we do not want you screwing things up so to speak. In part one, we explained the need for a practice area and separation between other aircraft, staying out of flight path of other aircraft and setting the aircraft up in level flight. Airline Travel Lingo! Does The Language Need An Interpreter? With airline travel increasing in record numbers, more people are experiencing the frustration of understanding the airlines industry language, and leaving them feeling that they need an interpreter for the travel information they're receiving from the airline industry! Laser Beam Guidance for Oshkosh Air Show The Federal Aviation Administration is devising a method of alerting pilots who enter a restricted airspace to leave immediately. To do this is will use a laser beam pointed at the aircraft in a certain color. This is something new, but the concept is probably something, which came from the VASI light system for glide paths on landing. VASI is Vertical Air Situation Indicator. Finding the Cheapest Airfares To find the best airfares, it takes a series of actions to be accomplished during the same period of time. Airfare rates change suddenly online, so when you see a price that you are comfortable with, grab it. A380 Bathrooms Bathroom seat with a view; That's right! The all-new A-380 is trying to make air-travel fun again, with a bathroom with a view. But Airbus is not the only commercial aircraft company, which has their shit together. Boeing is also planning as a standard feature on its 787 airliners to have a window in the laboratories. Will this get more air travelers out of their SUVs and into airliners for those 350 plus mile journeys? Some industry analysts think it just might be the ticket the market sector needs. Jet Lag - You Can Suffer From It...Or You Can Do What This International Airline Captain Does Whatever the reason for your travel, you have made a considerable investment. It costs you time and money. If you're stuck in a hotel room suffering from jet lag symptoms, you're missing out. Automated Satellite Following System for UAV Swarms Much work is being done and the USAF has implemented systems to fly UAVs Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in ah hoc formations like swarms of insects or flock of birds. We cannot quite match evolution and bird flock formations but we are on our way. I propose keeping this task of swarming UAVs simple. I propose having every fifth, twentieth or hundredth UAV flown tele-robotically sending information to the satellite. All other UAVs will be controlled thru that data and by satellite in grid formations every half to three miles. All data will be collected by the larger control UAV which is tele-robotically flown. This queen bee, or swarm commander will interpret data and send in relevant data to the command and control tele-robotic augments simulator pilot. Each drone UAV will fly its line on the grid using an offset AFF. Entering Business Aviation, Part V: Tips on Finding Work I will not pretend that this is the easiest topic to write about. In fact, my knowledge of how one finds work as a private flight attendant is based chiefly on what others have shared with me. You can find some useful tips within the many threads written on the Corporate Flight Attendant Community message boards, but to save you from culling through hundreds of threads I will highlight various standout points and include others that have been shared with me over the past several years by industry insiders: Flying VS Driving When fuel costs are so high, people favor flying to driving. If the distance to be traveled is over 500 miles it often makes sense to fly. If the distance is over 1000 miles then it definitely makes sense to fly to save fuel. In fact unless you really need a car once you get there and unless you will be staying for a long time or taking quite a bit of luggage, driving makes little sense. Some of us may be setting our sights on destinations which are not close to large airports, meaning we will need to jump onto a commuter airline to complete the trip, which does raise the cost. Still, it is hard to beat the trip on cost if you are paying $2.35 per gallon. Find Cheap Tickets From all the Major Airlines All of the major airlines are now associated with different web sites allowing for you to find discount airfare and cheap tickets on the internet. One of the reasons the airlines have done this is because so many people now have access to computers and the internet. Moving Troops and Evacuation Strategies There are many ways to evacuate people from disasters like Hurricane Katrina for instance. There are also many ways to move troops to the area of conflict. One way to move vast amounts of people, is to do so with large aircraft. Another idea, which has been kicked around, was lowering body functions to a near standstill through human hibernation techniques like what an anesthesiologist would do. Static Electricity to Flap UAV Material Memory Wings How can we keep aircraft and UAVs aloft longer and conserve fuel? How can we have a small MAV or UAV remain airborne for hours on end? Perhaps we should design a unit, which flies like a bird but uses the energy, which is all around us to do so. Electromagnetic Energy is everywhere. Can we design a light-weight vehicle which floats about and flaps every so often to remain airborne? Well as technology gets better with polymer muscles and built in material memory; where the substance is manufactured to keep its original shape like the toy; "Stretch Armstrong." The History of the Aircraft Wash Guys, Part Three As we study this grass roots history of a franchise company in the making we see how opportunity in the market grows companies and how entrepreneurial thinkers take advantage of those opportunities to deliver goods and services, which match the desires of the market place. In this review of the history of the aircraft wash guys we see the company diversifying and finding other niches to serve, some of which were actually better than the original plan. This is very common and typical of entrepreneurial from the ground up companies, yet all to often government regulators and rules fail to see how real companies come to be. This study shows similarities to many of the humble beginnings. If you look at Walt Disney who started in a shed behind the studio or Apple's jobs in the garage or even Bill Gates and his car counting machine you can see how things grow and build and entrepreneurs find and exploit niches. Now back to our story of the History of the Aircraft Wash Guys Part III: American Airlines; Crash: Nov. 12, 2001 It seems there were not many comments to the AA crash of November 2001, as soon as it was ruled an accident instead of an attack the media stopped the reports and the story disappeared. The years following have been the safest years in Airline Industry History. What if the terrorists stole an Airbus instead of an easy to fly and reliable Boeing aircraft during 9-11? They may have had the tail fall off and crash it on the way to its destination and their attack would have failed. Maybe Airbus wants US airlines to buy more of their aircraft which fall apart in the air and that will be their contribution to US anti-terrorist policy? In my humble opinion; that Airbus which crashed was a flying hunk of junk anyway. AWACS Automated Flight Following System for Nuke Bunker Buster Accuracy The Aerial Fire Fighting Industry uses a system called AFF Automated Flight Following System. It works from a satellite. We are noticing an increase in robotic flying machines, which are called UAVs Unmanned Aerial vehicles. These aerial vehicles use tele-robotics. Soon we will be able to have many aerial unmanned vehicles fly in swarms keying of one in five, ten or even a hundred aircraft. Some of this technology is being tested now and some even in the Middle East battlespace; the "Sandbox." ![]() |
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