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Babies & Toddler Information |
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Weaning A Baby Onto Solid Food
The best time to wean your baby onto solid food is at about age 6 months. This is because your baby's mouth will start to change around that time to help her cope with the transition. Another guide is to start when baby doubles in weight. Before then your baby's digestive system and kidneys are able to cope only with breastmilk and formula. But don't leave it too late as baby may find it difficult to adapt to swallowing food, and she will need a balanced varied diet. What You Will Need
You don't need a high chair, not at this stage anyway. Baby won't be able to hold her head up until about age 12 months, so feed her while she is in your lap or in a seat that supports her head. Foods To Try And Some To Avoid
The Transition The move from milk to solid food can take place only gradually. At first, solids should take the place of one of the milk feeds. Then, over the next 3 or 4 months, introduce more solid food and cut down on the milk; and chop and cut food rather than purée after a few weeks. Vegetarian If you are vegetarian and want your baby to avoid meat and fish, this should not be a problem. The same nutrients present in meat are also available in other foods and you will be familiar with what is required for a balanced diet. However, if you are a vegan, your baby could miss out on certain vitamins as well as sufficient protein. Prolong breastfeeding as long as possible, and take expert advice on any necessary supplements. Baby's In Charge Of course no two babies are the same and there are no rules laid down regarding exact timing. Appetites vary too and your baby will tell you by her actions whether she needs to be 'topped-up' with a bottle of milk. ******************************************************************* Author: Tony Luck who runs a website offering advice to moms-to-be and new moms. Included on the site is the Chinese Conception Chart which supposedly tells you whether the baby you are expecting will be a girl or boy.
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Baby Crib Advice and Tips Congratulations! You have just learned that you are having a baby. Whether this is your first or not you need to look at cribs. Do you have one already? Is it an antique? A second hand crib whether antique or not needs to be carefully looked at. This is for the safety of your new baby. Fun Nursery Themes That Will Even Have Your Baby Talking! There are many whimsical, fun baby room themes if you are planning on decorating a nursery. Infants need stimulation, so parents get the chance to be kids again and let their playfulness and imagination run wild. Should Your Baby Sleep In Your Bed? Advantages: Breastfeeding is easier, you don't have to get out of bed to feed baby. Many mothers say baby sleeps better - if she wakes she is more likely to be comforted by your presence and heartbeat and go back to sleep. You will probably get more sleep. Baby Strollers Tips and Advice You have just learned that you are expecting a bundle of joy and now you need to begin getting the things your baby will need. If this is your first baby all the decisions you need to make may seem overwhelming at first. One of the biggest purchases you will need to make is about the type of stroller you will use for your baby. Prepare Your Child For Potty Training When your child shows a majority of the signs of potty training readiness, you can start introducing him to the idea of using the potty. Choose Baby Bedding Wisely Every adorable baby deserves equally adorable baby bedding to complete the nursery. There are other things to consider when deciding on what is right for the nursery. Bedding for your baby must be safe as well as fitting in with your decorating theme. You only need a lightweight blanket, no comforter is necessary. Car Seats and Newborn Babies I remember very clearly the first day we brought our oldest daughter home from the hospital. Lucky for me my husband is a car seat technician, so I had no worries that we had installed our Graco infant carrier correctly. Interestingly, my husband procrastinated installing the seat until the day I was scheduled to go in for my induction (my baby was a week overdue). Baby Clothes for Your Baby Shower Gift Baby clothes are one of the most popular types of gifts for new and expectant parents at a baby shower. Shopping for baby apparel and baby stuff is something a lot of people especially new parents enjoy. Introducing Your New Baby to Your Pet Having a child is a life altering event for you and your family. If you own a pet and are concerned about how your pet will respond to the bringing home of a little bundle of joy, then you are not alone. Hundreds of thousands of new families each year have to deal with how their pet might respond to the new baby. If you have a small child or are expecting in the near future you may have many questions such as, what if my pet gets jealous, what if he or she bites the baby, how do I get my pet used to the new baby, and vice versa? Baby Development - But What Role do Parents Play? It is truly amazing the development that a baby experiences in the first year of life. Every week seems to bring another milestone for parents as well as baby! The primary way a baby learns is through play and baby games, it is how they start to make sense of their world. By providing a nurturing and safe environment for our babies we help to promote this learning that aids their early development. Creative Potty Training When I was potty training my two young boys, I discovered this method of potty training that made it an enjoyable, yet very effective way to potty train toddlers. The Baby Food Debate: The Benefits of Homemade Baby Food Over The Jars Americans have long depended on jarred baby foods for convenient feeding. In the past few years more and more processed food options have entered the children's food market. The big brands have expanded into pre-packaged "toddler meals" and "school lunches" all in the name of helping busy parents who need things to be fast and convenient. Even for those parents with the best effort and intention, there may be times when you just can't make or safely pack your own food. One of my clients had served her eight-month-old homemade, organic baby food from his first bite. However while traveling with her son to England; she brought a few jars of food "just in case" she ran out of fresh items on the flight. Here are some tips for buying commercially jarred foods, when you're in a pinch. Stammering Toddler Some parents have the shock of hearing their young child start stammering as a toddler. I am somebody who runs a speech centre in Birmingham, England, I now help people to achieve fluency. Baby Girl Shower Invitations Baby girl shower invitations basic theme is the welcoming of baby girls into the fold of a family. Baby showers celebrate the arrival of a baby/babies into this world. Actually, a baby born into a family ensures the continuity of the family lineage. Tips for Decorating Your Babys Nursery Decorating your child's nursery is an exciting experience. Your little bundle of joy will finally be in your arms soon, and you want to make sure his or her new home is absolutely perfect. The biggest shock for a child is coming from the warmth and comfort of your stomach into the vastness of the world. Creating a home that is both safe and comfortable is your top priority when decorating your nursery. The Reflux / Asthma Connection Most babies and kids with reflux will have typical symptoms of reflux (spitting up or vomiting, excessive crying and irritability, etc) but some do not express any outward symptoms. They are referred to as having silent reflux. Their only symptom may then become asthma and many doctors may not realize the link between reflux and asthma so the reflux never gets diagnosed or treated. The child's asthma can then be difficult to control with the normal medications. Baby Shower for Twins (Or More) Peas in a Pod Baby shower for twins or multiples can be given when the mother-to-be is expecting twins or more. Having twins is twice as nice. But it's also twice as much work and twice as expensive. Fortunately for Moms expecting twins or multiples, there is usually someone willing to throw a baby shower to help ease the strain on the wallet. Where Will You Give Birth To Your Baby? Where To Give Birth.. Five Reasons For Preparing Your Own Baby Food Are you unsure whether you should make your own baby food at home or just buy it from the store? If so, then take a look at these five good reasons for doing it yourself - they may help you make up your mind... White Noise for Baby Stops Colic Crying Fast It's true. Colic is MUCH harder on the parent than the infant. My daughter survived six months of colic unscathed. My husband and I are a different story. We have deep psychological scars that send us scurrying for the nearest exist every time we hear a baby cry. ![]() |
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