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Babies & Toddler Information |
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Babies & Toddler InformationTale of the Missing NubThe extent of the memory loss that accompanies new parenthood really surprised me the first few times I experienced it. My task is especially difficult when I must not only to retrace my own footsteps, but figure out what my toddler might have seen fit to do with that half-gnawed cookie, the crayons she was supposed to pick up and put away, and the box of peppermints I just bought. Your Baby?s Nursery ? What You Will NeedAs an expectant mother, you are full of excitement and anticipation for the arrival of your little baby. You are picking out names, attending baby showers, and learning all there is to know about being a mother. One good and productive way to channel some of this excitement is to prepare the nursery in advance. Some items you will need are listed below. Bye-Bye BottleIt's finally time. My child is old enough to be drinking from a cup; a sippy, if not an open-mouthed one. I reason that we've been making the switch for some time?after all, it is only milk that is served in a bottle. Juice comes from a sippy cup or a juice-box?we've even learned to get all of the juice out of the box without spilling or squeezing. But alas, it's time for us to change the way we consume liquids. Wheres My Mother of The Year Award?With orange juice spilled over the kitchen table, Playdough in the cracks of the hardwood floor and a pacifier floating in the toilet, I wanted to scream phrases like, ?How much more of this can I take?? and ?I am not a maid!? and most of all, as the characters in Peanuts do, the long and profound, ?AAUGH!? As I wiped the kitchen table, dug out the Playdough and retrieved the pacifier, I muttered, ?Surely I deserve an award for mother of the year.? Baby Shower Games to Make Your Baby Shower ExcitingThe perfect way to spoil the baby shower games is when there is less involvement and participation from your guests. Have you ever been to a baby shower party, any kind of party, and been bored to death? Well, I have, and let me tell you, they are as boring as they get. Baby Shower Hostess EtiquetteDoes baby shower hostess etiquette allow for gift suggestions, if yes, how? Here you will find numerous ways how the baby shower host can provide the baby shower gift suggestions to everyone invited in a most systematic way. 14 Steps To Reducing Your Infants RefluxMany of the things listed below will help with your baby's discomfort and spitting up, eliminating the need for medication. Is It Colic, Infant Reflux, Or GERD? Learn How To Tell The DifferenceIt can sometimes be difficult for a parent to understand whether the baby has colic or reflux (and even GERD) since some of the symptoms (eg. poor sleep, constant crying) can be similiar. It's also extremely important to rule out reflux as a cause of this crying, as it's becoming widely acknowledged that many cases of colic are actually undiagnosed and untreated cases of reflux. In these cases, simply treating the reflux may eliminate the colicky behavior. Baby Shower GiftsAs a host, you need to consider the people that will be on the invitation list. Sometimes, finances are tight and buying gifts are tough. You have a couple of options. First, you could set the tone on the invitations advising that while gifts are appreciated, they are not mandatory. This way, people know they can attend the shower but not feel embarrassed if they come without a gift. Aromatherapy For BabiesBefore reading this article keep in mind that most doctors don't recommend the use of aromatherapy on babies that re less than three months old. This is because the nasal and skin tissues of an infant are very sensitive and easily irritated by anything but the blandest of substances. Once your baby is past that age consult with your doctor to make sure that the use of essential oils is right for your child. Under Carpet Heating In The Nursery ? To Help Your Baby Sleep Through The Night And More!As new parents, we all want what?s best for our babies. There are so many things to worry about, not the least of which are colds, allergies, sleeping through the night, and keeping their delicate skin soft and moisturized. So, you ask, what can I do to help with all of these dilemmas? The answer is a product that is little-known to the general public, called under carpet heating, which eliminates several problems with your traditional forced air heating systems that can result in all of these concerns and more. Moses Baby BasketsMoses Baby Baskets are a traditional, convenient place for babies especially for one who cannot sit up or cannot push itself up on its hands and knees. Modern moses baby baskets are distinct improvements over conventional ones. The fabric is made of 100 percent cotton, designed for the perfect safety and comfort of the baby. Ideally the mattress is designed in such a way that it is convenient to remove it before giving it to the laundry. The same goes for the moses basket bumper inserts also. The mattress and bumper inserts could be made of polyesters. Wash the moses basket mattress by hand in mild detergent and warm water. Potty Training in One Day - Can You Really Potty Train in a Day? What Does It Mean?Sounds great ? doesn?t it? Potty Training Resistance - Is Your Child Resisting Your Potty Training Efforts?Potty Training Resistance Potty Training Readiness Signals - Is Your Child Ready To Be Potty Trained?So, you are thinking about potty training your toddler and you want to make sure that your child is ready.
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Planning the Perfect Baby Shower One of the most exciting events an expecting mother looks forward to is celebrating her baby shower. Baby Names - Choosing Trendy or Traditional Lists of baby names are always fun to look at, whether you're seeking a name for your soon-to-be-born baby boy or baby girl, wondering about the popularity of your own first name, or just curious about what baby names are currently hot. Using Music To Calm Your Baby Music is a wonderful way for you to calm and soothe your baby, especially during the first year. How many times have your heard parents say that there was nothing that they could do with their crying, fussing baby until they tried music. This is because music does indeed soothe the savage beast, or in this case, the baby. Make Your Own Baby Food Those little containers of baby food sure are expensive once you start totaling up how much you use in a day. And now you are probably wondering how you could possibly save money on baby food (besides those $.25 coupons). Well, you can't save money on those little containers, but you can on baby food itself. How? Make it yourself! It's really not as hard as you think. Do a search on the internet for "homemade baby food" and you'll find tons of recipes on how to make just about anything perfect for your little one. Babies Born With A Cleft Palate Or Lip As many as one in 700 babies are born with either a cleft palate or cleft lip. Often these can cause a number of related problems including glue ear, crooked teeth and hearing difficulties. The good news is that almost all babies go on to have successful corrective surgery. 3 Simple Steps In Searching For A Baby Name 1) BRAINSTORM Baby Crib Advice and Tips Congratulations! You have just learned that you are having a baby. Whether this is your first or not you need to look at cribs. Do you have one already? Is it an antique? A second hand crib whether antique or not needs to be carefully looked at. This is for the safety of your new baby. When Your Wee One Goes Wee Wee Well After reading several books about potty training (my son was a little tyke pre-Internet) and having little success, I found some helpful information tucked way in the back of a woman's magazine's classified section. Potty Training Facts Potty training, toilet training, toilet teaching or toilet learning are names frequently used to describe how kids learn to use the bathroom independently. Five Reasons For Preparing Your Own Baby Food Are you unsure whether you should make your own baby food at home or just buy it from the store? If so, then take a look at these five good reasons for doing it yourself - they may help you make up your mind... Strange Facts About Babies And Parenting Did You Know: Baby Car Seats Safety - Frequently Asked Questions In this article you will be provided with information about baby car seats and keeping your baby safe while in the car. There are tips for buying new and used baby car seats. Answers to some of the most asked questions about car seats are provided as well. Potty Training Your Child: The Five Potty Training Methods There are many different ways to potty train your toddler. At last count, I had found 35 different books for parents on potty training and I own most of those books. Based on my research and understanding, I break HOW to potty train down into the following five methods: Baby Shower Centerpieces That Double as a Gift! Here you will learn how to make and where to purchase your baby shower centerpieces. As the centerpiece is the focal point of the baby shower, it is very important for you to design or purchase the right one. White Noise for Baby Stops Colic Crying Fast It's true. Colic is MUCH harder on the parent than the infant. My daughter survived six months of colic unscathed. My husband and I are a different story. We have deep psychological scars that send us scurrying for the nearest exist every time we hear a baby cry. Tale of the Missing Nub The extent of the memory loss that accompanies new parenthood really surprised me the first few times I experienced it. My task is especially difficult when I must not only to retrace my own footsteps, but figure out what my toddler might have seen fit to do with that half-gnawed cookie, the crayons she was supposed to pick up and put away, and the box of peppermints I just bought. Baby Monitor Technology - A Buyers Guide What is a baby monitor & why do I need one? Couples Baby Shower Honors Both Mom and Dad If having a Couples Baby Shower seems odd to you, consider this: Mom-to-be did not get pregnant on her own. Nor will she likely be raising the baby on her own. So why should she get to celebrate on her own? How Much TV Is Too Much For Your Toddler At least one third of households have their TV turned on all the time. This I can understand. But would you believe one in four children under the age of 2 have a TV in their bedroom? 20 Popular Quotations About Babies 1. "A baby is God's way of saying the world should go on." - Doris Smith ![]() |
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