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Make An Easy Lotion For Your Skin
Years ago I found out how incredible easy it is to make lotion. It is so inexpensive and organic that I wondered why anyone would even consider spending a dime on the chemical rich lotions on the market. Besides I had an added incentive, I have eczema, so I am extremely sensitive to what I put on my skin. Making my own lotion was a great alternative for me. To begin, for a lotion base all you need is water, oil and an emulsifier. An emulsifier is simply an ingredient that blends the water and oil together. Here is the base that I begin with to make my lotion: ½ cup distilled water
You can experiment from here by adding essential oils, combining other oils; you can steep beneficial herbs into your water before you add your oil, etc? Here is a nice winter lotion to get you started: ½ cup distilled water
Geranium oil is good for supporting balance and rejuvenating dry skin conditions and for wrinkled and matured skin. Myrrh is a gentle oil that is effective in replenishing moisture. Vitamin E oil is an excellent antioxidant and helps to protect the skin as well as a nice preservative. Blend all ingredients in the blender either on whip or cream. You will have a nice creamy firm lotion. Add more water to make a lighter lotion. Store in the refrigerator in hot climates or store in a cool place. Shake well before use. Enjoy your lotion. Hopefully this little recipe will inspire you to become creative! About The Author Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. Now she offers this information in an e-book entitled Wrap Yourself Slim: Body Wrap Exposed. Monthly newsletter is also available at her web site. for more information go to http://www.wrapyourselfslim.com
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Drop The High Street Drag - Shop For Style Online! Surely it's considered a major fashion faux pas ? turning up somewhere in the same outfit as someone else. If the current crop of high street shops are anything to go by, however, you'd be forgiven for thinking that clothing conformity is something we're all striving towards. Splitting Hairs - What Can You Do About Split Ends Isn't it a shame when you have to worry about covering split ends (or trichoptlosis)-the bane of every self- respecting woman's life! They happen when the protective cuticle has been stripped away from the ends of hair fibers. Split ends are more likely to develop in dry or brittle hair, and typical causes of damage include excessive dying or vigorous brushing. If Youre Not Born With It, You Can Just Buy It! Ring! Ring! Ring! Face Lift Information As you age, your skin becomes slack and your muscles become less taut. This makes your skin sag and you look older than you actually are. People ask you if you are tired or sick or angry when you are actually in a pleasant mood. While it cannot restore skin elasticity, a facelift can make you look and feel years younger. Facelifts (rhytidectomy being the clinical term) are designed to pull the excess skin tight again and tighten the muscles underneath. Should I Have A Face Lift? Good question! A face lift is major surgery and surgery means blood, mess, discomfort, stitches and time out to recover. A face lift is expensive too. Protect Your Eyes with a Wide Variety of Sunglasses Available Online Besides being a wonderful complement to your wardrobe, sunglasses (including discount sunglasses and designer styles), also play an important function in protecting your eyes from the sun's harmful rays. Protecting your eyes with sun glasses is just as important as protecting your skin. UV (ultraviolet) light consists of three bands of light to include UVA, UVB and UVC. UVA light hasn't been proven to lead to any eye disorders but the eyes should still be protected from it. UVB is the most damaging of the three as it will burn skin and damage the eyes, possibly leading to cataracts and UVC is said to be of little worry. When purchasing sunglasses it is important to find a pair of sun glasses that has at least ninety eight percent UVA and UVB protection to ensure your eyes are getting the best protection. Beauty Today: All Smoke and Mirrors? Did you ever notice that the bar is continually being raised on exactly what physical characteristics define beauty? As I sit in front of the TV, I am bombarded by beauties with pouty lips, perfect bone structure, flawless skin, more "voluptuous" upper regions, size 2 waists, and hair that resembles spun silk. Take these same beauties and plop them back in time 20-30 years, when the advent of modern cosmetic technology had not even begun to reach its full potential. Do you think they would have had those same attributes you find yourself longing for when faced with these images? My guess is probably not, or at least not to the same extent. Perfect Lips Nothing impresses your friends more than a perfect lip line, because it is the hardest makeup application to do.To get it, avoid applying the lip pencil too heavily, which will be difficult to blend and soften into the lipstick. Keeping your mouth closed lightly trace the lip line with the lip pencil so it can barely be seen, but can be used as a guide line. Face Off The other day, I indulged in one of my many guilty pleasures. Specifically, I watched a programme called "Face Lifts From Hell." Permanent Cosmetics What is Permanent Makeup? 16 Tips to Looking + Feeling Great Do you want to improve the quality of your life? Do you want to look and feel better than you have in years ? maybe better than you ever have before? Do you want to protect yourself from disease and injury? And do you want to live a longer, more vital life? Sunless Tanning Salons Today When the weather starts to warm up and the days get longer, we are all drawn outdoors to enjoy the sun. Many will recall seemingly endless hours outdoors, soaking up the sun's rays without a care. Unfortunately, sunbathing isn't as carefree an activity as it used to be. These days, there's more to worry about, such as premature aging, scarring and blemishes, or even skin cancer. Facial Exercises - A New Trend in Non-Surgical Facial Toning There is a moment in everyone's life, when you notice for the first time, (it may be for some around your 35th birthday), wrinkles and sagginess on your face. These may appear as a result of stress-filled days, good and bad personal experiences, genetics and a host of other factors influencing your life. Teeth Whitening: Home Treatments Not Without Some Risk Before you start whitening your teeth, you must consider that there is a small danger unless you are just using toothpaste. Create A Home Spa Here are 10 personal little home spa tips that will make you look and feel like a million bucks! An Alternative to Liposuction. Lipoliquidation or Lipodialysis Even though liposuction methods have been greatly refined and simplified since the initial onset of this method of plastic surgery, there still remain however a large amount of people who, had they had an alternative choice of dealing with their fatty deposits other than the method which is currently and most widely used by plastic surgeons, they would have done so. Make Your Own Brown Sugar Body Scrub To promote radiant, shiny skin tone it is advisable to exfoliate on a regular basis at least every 15 days. It removes dead cells and clears your skin. You'll love the results. An Intimate Approach to Beauty An Intimate Approach to Beauty Fashionable Mom You're a mom and you're still thinking about being 'fashionable'? That's the kind of response I got from someone I went shopping with. All I did was go shopping with this mom and when we passed a fashion outlet selling fashionable clothing and apparel, I commented that I wanted to get that frilly pink top with splashes of lime green that is flying off the shelves with a 70% discount tag! 7 Tips to Keep Your Skin Looking Great 1. Healthy Food: Keep your skin fresh and glowing by eating antioxidant-rich foods. Choose foods that are bright in color, such as broccoli, carrots, blueberries and tomatoes. When you eat healthy and exercise regularly you are much more likely to have great skin. ![]() |
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