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Dermaglow For Natural Skin
Bring natural beauty to your skin with the launch of Dermaglow an extensive assortment of skin care treats to heal, soothe and protect. Developed in Canada by pharmacist Dr Calvin Davies, Dermaglow have captured the essence of magical botanical ingredients to feed your skin and bring paradise to your senses. Pure, natural and with nothing but goodness straight from nature itself, choose a variety of luxurious and sensual goodies that will leave your skin buffed and polished to perfection. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS EXTRAORDINARY EYE CARE MAGICAL MARINE PROTEIN SIMPLY SENSATIONAL SENSITIVE SKIN For more information on Dermaglow telephone +44(0)800 328 7612 or e-mail info@dermaglow.co.uk; web site http://www.dermaglow.co.uk
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The Secret to Shiny Hair I'm sure you've seen on TV the Pantene commercial where the hair shines like a mirror. I don't know why other hair commercials don't do the same thing with all that shine. 17 Top Tips for Great Holiday Hair When you are away from home in a different climate your hair will be subjected to weather it is not used to. Makeup Tips for Eyes, Lips and Face When I hit my 30's, I decided to get more serious about skin care and makeup. I've become a regular at Department Store 'Bonus Days', when you buy an item and get a bunch of samples for free! Cosmetics and makeup can be fun, easy and inexpensive if you follow these tips! Dry Skin - Causes and Solutions For Great Looking and Feeling Skin Dry skin, also referred to as xerosis or eczema or asteatosis, and erroneously as icthyosis, is a multi-faceted condition which periodically afflicts most of the population regardless of race or sex at one time or another, and through a wide age range. Dry skin may become more pronounced with aging if not treated when young. The symptoms of dry skin range from mild to severe, and may afflict virtually any part of the body. Arms, hands and legs are most frequently involved. Most dry skin conditions arise from conditions which can be modified or prevented and treated without medical intervention.. People residing in areas where climatic conditions include cold dry air accompanied by strong winds are most often affected during the winter months. Dry skin results from lack of water in the outer layer of skin cells known as the stratum corneum. When this layer becomes dehydrated it loses its flexibility and becomes cracked, scaly and sometimes itchy. The stratum corneum contains natural water-holding substances, including urea, which retain water seeping up from the deeper layers of the skin. Water is also normally retained in the stratum corneum by a surface film of natural oil (sebum) and broken-down skin cells, which slow down evaporation of water from the skin surface. Important Facts You Must Know About Dandruff Do you know that dandruff affects about 70% of the American population? Do you know that they spend $300,000,000 trying to get rid of it? Lens Materials Found On Sunglasses Did you know that there are multiple types of lens materials used on glasses of all types? Most people would give you a blank stare if asked about some of the names below. It's true; glass isn't the only stuff in town. Belly Fat and Cellulite Realities and Remedies About Consumer products: As a scientist coming from the drug industry and skincare industry I find it interesting how companies exploit human insecurities. We all have fat cells which store fat; our bodies are designed to do that. While society today may perceive belly fat and cellulite as unattractive it is a fact of life. Most marketers want to make that promise of a miracle diet, exercise routine, treatment, pill or cream... Isn't it time you stop trusting those miracle cures which promise everything. Natural Ways to Treat Stretch Marks Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life. One aspect of child-bearing, however, may not be so welcomed. For 75-90% of pregnant women, stretch marks, or striae gravidum, can appear in the later half of pregnancy. Stretch marks do not pose any health risk to either the mother or child, but can cause anxiety over their appearance for those who develop them. Stretch marks first appear as raised striations which vary in colour from pink, purple or brown, depending on the mother's normal skin colour. Striations develop where fat is stored in the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, breasts and arms. Discover Why Tanning Beds Wed Technology With Cosmetics Since a sun tan tan is in vogue, it has created high demand for tanning equipment such as tanning beds and tanning booths. This has motivated research for sophisticated and affordable tanning equipment. Deception Wrinkle Cream Watch this recent ABC News clip and see the results for yourself! An ndependent news organization persuaded two volunteers to try the product and tell them what they thought about it! Beauty and Raw Food One of the best ways to improve the appearance of your skin is by incorporating raw food into your diet. Beautiful skin starts from the inside out. People who switch to eating mostly raw food often see an improvement in their skin and look younger. Wheres The Plastic In Plastic Surgery? Don't be looking for the Dupont Company sales rep the next time you visit a Plastic Surgeon's office because, despite popular belief, there's no "Plastic" in Plastic Surgery. The name is taken from the Greek word "plastikos" which means to "mold or shape." History of Plastic Surgery When most people use the term Plastic Surgery, they more often than not use it in reference to cosmetic surgery. Few people actually stop to think that Plastic Surgery covers a far wider range of surgical procedures and that cosmetic surgery is only one type of surgery related to Plastic Surgery. The full scope of Plastic Surgery is quite wide if one stops to think about it and more often than not, is related to, and, plays a fundamental role in conjunction with other fields of medicine and surgical procedures pertaining to the field of general surgery. Plastic Surgery is basically concerned with the reconstruction of the surface of the body whether that has to do with the reconstruction of facial or body disfigurations that are either congenital in nature or, acquired due to accidents or illness for example, cancer related disfigurations. Living Water A wellness of beauty for mind, body & spiritby Cathy Gatson Lady Godiva Hair I love long hair! Especially mine. Hair Care Home Remedies Save money and give yourself a break from the chemicals found in most hair care products by using the following natural home remedies. Permanent Cosmetics What is Permanent Makeup? Cellulite Clinical Study results A clinical study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and benefits of Vital Science's Cellu-System products which consist of the following four items: Modern SkinCare from an Age Old Source Beauty from the Inside Out Boost your Natural Beauty Make your hair shine and your skin glow with these all-natural Skin and Hair Nourishing masks & recipes, that you can whip up with just a few simple, easy-to-find ingredients. ![]() |
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