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A Look At Tooth Whiteners
All we see on television in the movies is bright white smiles. With the release of several over the counter teeth whitening products over the past few years, it can be hard to know which one is going to give you the Hollywood smile that you dream about. Whitening Toothpastes Whitening toothpastes generally cost between $2-$10. Several studies have been done on these toothpastes to see if they really can whiten your teeth just while you brush. Studies have shown that you they can help a bit, and also that the same results can be achieved with normal toothpastes with a little extra brushing every day. The simple fact is that the toothpastes doesn't sit on your teeth for long enough to actually bleach any discoloring that is present. Bleaching Trays Bleaching trays are usually obtained through a dentist. What happens is that the dentist will take an impression of your teeth, and make a mold. You will then have to wear that mold with bleaching solution in it for a certain amount of time each day. Experts all agree that this is the most effective method however the price is more than most people are willing to pay. Bleaching trays can cost between $300-$2000. If this is a method you are interesting in I would recommend talking to your dentist for more information. Over the Counter There are several brands of over the counter whiteners. The two largest ones that I am familiar with are Crest Whitestrips, and Colgate Night Effects. Both of these products work in a similar way although have completely different application. Crest Whitestrips are small plastic strips, that you rap around the upper and bottom sections of your teeth. The bleaching solution is on one side of the strip, and rests along your teeth while you wear the strips. You must wear the product twice a day for 30minutes for two weeks. Colgate Night Effects is a paste, that is "painted" on your teeth before you go to bed, for 14 days as well. I have personally tested out both of these products and have found that most others agree that the Crest Whitestrips are the superior method. I noticed a much greater level of whitening after using the Whitestrips, and was much more impressed with the ease of application, and the time involved in using them. Whitestrips are simple to use, and can be used anywhere. I've popped them on at work, and no one will even notice that I'm wearing them. Crest Night Effects are a bit cheaper of a solution and if you don't mind waking up with a chalky feeling in your mouth, they might be the product for you. Before trying out any bleaching solution I would recommend talking to your dentist, as he or she knows your teeth the best, and will be able to guide you in the right direction. Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the following caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks. Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Toothwhitening Area. Which is a great web directory and information center on Tooth Whitening and related issues like Teeth Bleaching.
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Risks Of Tanning Beds - Not All They Are Hyped Up To Be The risks of tanning beds aren't all that it's hyped up to now-a-days. For example, all of the skin cancer horror stories that you hear about all came from people who went about tanning the wrong way 20 to 30 years ago. You see, skin cancer has a latency of about 20-30 years. That long ago almost everyone that that getting a sunburn would fade into a nice looking tan, so most people would go to the beach and keep up with a pattern of getting sun burnt. This is what causes skin cancer, the repetitiveness of getting sun burnt. So there is common misconception of the risks of tanning beds. It's not all cancer in a box as many people say. Healthier Skin Naturally in 7 Days or Less Many people think that drastic measures are required in order to have flawless, youthful skin. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's possible to have better looking skin starting with things you already have in your home; no cosmetic surgery or expensive makeup required! Seven Things to do Now to Look Good Always! Fashion magazines target people every day with lists and charts telling them the latest trends and techniques to look better, skinnier, smarter, where to buy the hippest clothes or the latest shoes! If you're a woman, you are probably bombarded more often than you like, and if you're a man, you may not get the information that you really want to know! Due to the glut of information available, most people know the obvious things to do to look elegant or well groomed, such as getting a good haircut or wearing certain brand name clothes. However, this may lead people to overlook some simple, basic things that can be done RIGHT NOW to add that subtle flair and polish to your everyday look! Get Rid Of All Those Expensive Skin Creams - They Could Be Causing You To Look Older Than You Are! To drastically improve your skin tone simply add two to three tablespoons of - and this is a long one - The Importance Of Moisturizing The age of your skin has no bearing on whether you should moisturize. Even women in their 20s should us a good moisturizer to keep their skin young and supple for many years, and of course to help stave off those wrinkles. Things You Ought To Know First Before Undergoing Liposuction Surgery According to the medical dictionary of Medline Plus, liposuction is the removal of excess body fat by suction with specialized surgical equipments, typically performed by a plastic surgeon. Natural Hair - Get Creative With Homemade Recipes Do you wear your hair natural? No lye? As many will tell you, once you make a change to go natural your hair regimen must also change. This frequently includes an adjustment to the types of products you use on your coils. A number of your old stand-bys may no longer lend you the same results on your kinks as they did on your straight hair. 8 Spray Tanning Tips With the recent surge in the popularity of tanning, many people are flocking to salons to use tanning booths or beds to build and maintain a healthy tan, but some people are still leery of the effects of ultraviolet light, and other people simply cannot afford to pay for tanning sessions. Help Prevent Wrinkles Through Dieting How many times has your mother told you, you are what you eat? As you probably know, Mom knows best. So it's no surprise that what we feed our bodies does affect what the final product is. For healthier, younger skin it's no different. But what should we eat in order to have the radiant skin we all covet? Here is a list of simple things we can all incorporate into our diet to help fend off wrinkles. Natural Ways to Treat Stretch Marks Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life. One aspect of child-bearing, however, may not be so welcomed. For 75-90% of pregnant women, stretch marks, or striae gravidum, can appear in the later half of pregnancy. Stretch marks do not pose any health risk to either the mother or child, but can cause anxiety over their appearance for those who develop them. Stretch marks first appear as raised striations which vary in colour from pink, purple or brown, depending on the mother's normal skin colour. Striations develop where fat is stored in the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, breasts and arms. Tired Of Tweezing? A Better Way To A More Beautiful You Any drug store has a section full of products to deal with the problem of unwanted facial hair: tweezers, waxes, bleaches, and even sugaring kits. Some salons have a trained electrolysist on staff to remove hairs by electrolysis (electric charge put through a needle to kill hair follicles at their root). Some dermatologists now offer laser removal of hair that removes hair. Sunblock. Your Most Important Cosmetic Your Most Important Cosmetic? Sunblock by a mile! 6 Ways to Destroy a Beautiful Complexion Women (and men. too) spend billions of dollars trying to make their complexions look great. Sometimes their efforts are self-defeating. Some of the following problems you have heard of before but I bet you haven't heard of all of this. Tanning Bed Tips -- Enhancing Your Tanning Experience! If you are reading this, you have probably experienced the joys of the tanning bed and are now looking for tanning bed tips to enhance the pleasure of donning the tanned look. With several different opinions flying around, we thought it best to house some of the best proven tanning bed tips at a single point to facilitate your endeavor. Buying A Wholesale Tanning Bed The tanning industry is showing no signs of stopping. If you ever wanted to open a tanning salon, now is the time to buy wholesale tanning beds. Many retailers sell tanning beds at wholesale costs. The best place to buy wholesale is online, since there are no warehouses or sales staff to pay. Online vendors have special buying relationships with manufacturers because of the high sales volume they generate. (Furthermore, even if you want to buy a single bed at wholesale cost, just contact a web vendor and ask whether you can piggyback on another customer's large order.) Skin Care Secrets ? You Can Have Beautiful Skin Your skin is the largest organ of your body, just like your heart or your kidney. Its job is to protect your insides so it is important for it to be healthy. If you eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, keep it clean, and protect it from the sun, your skin will stay healthy all your life. Beauty and Raw Food One of the best ways to improve the appearance of your skin is by incorporating raw food into your diet. Beautiful skin starts from the inside out. People who switch to eating mostly raw food often see an improvement in their skin and look younger. Commercial Tanning Beds: An Overview Commercial tanning beds come in two basic formats. Horizontal tanning beds are the tanning beds you most often see in both residential and commercial settings. These capsule or clamshell tanning beds consist of a lid lined with tubular ultraviolet lamps, and a glass or plastic "bench" contoured for optimal relaxation. Simply lie down, close the lid, and allow the UV light to penetrate your skin. Turn your body over one time halfway through your session for even tanning. Create A Home Spa Here are 10 personal little home spa tips that will make you look and feel like a million bucks! Beauty Secrets of the Stars It comes as no surprise that many of the most beautiful and famous people go to great lengths to maintain their youthful appearance. They work out with personal trainers. They go to the best hair salons and rejuvenating spas. They use exotic skin care products. And they go to the best cosmetic surgeons. ![]() |
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