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What Causes Aging?
Although we experience the aging process as a progressive physical deterioration of our bodies, the aging process, according to some preliminary case studies appears to be more easily understood at another level of our being. This is what is called the energy bio-field level. Many of us have heard of the term "aura". Well this is in a small way a reperesentation of that energy bio-field. This bio-field has been shown (see Michael Talbot's "The Holographic Universe") to contain embedded in it one's entire life history. In other words, what you experience as your personality, your consciousness and the memories of your life appear to be stored in this bio-field in energy form. I have over the last ten years been working with a new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that heals an individual of past emotional traumas which are stored in their consciousness and hence in their bio-field. I have made repeated anecdotal observations that reveal that when such trauma is released by MRP an individual begins not only to feel younger but actually starts to "look" younger. These observations have inspired me to try to document the changes by monitoring age related markers such as DHEA levels and testosterone levels in middle aged men in upcoming studies. It is known that both DHEA and testosterone levels decline in a rather predictable manner in mid life. I am planning to administer MRP to men in this age bracket to show whether MRP can be shown to reverse these trends. What does this all mean? Well, it suggests that aging is related to the accumulated "emotional" trauma that we experience and "carry" in our bio-field as toxic information. This toxic information then cascades down (see "The Divine Holographic Energy Field") and disrupts the functioning and integrity of the physical body at all levels. The result is illness and aging. What I am now seeing with MRP is that this information can be released permanently and that this appears to "re-organize" the bio-field so that it can heal the body spontaneously. This appears then to manifest as a more youthful and healthy body. Aging then, at the bio-field level appears to be the result of an accumulation of toxic traumatic emotional memories stored there as disruptive information. What is interesting is that all of this can be cleared (see "Eliminating the Past" and "We Are Not Our Persoanlities")with MRP. So the next question is, is aging really necessary? In an article entitled "Do You Love Your Body?" I make the point that it is the toxic environment created by this stored toxic information, at the bio-field level, that "convinces" or "forces" us to abandon, our physical bodies. If this environment were cleaned up however would there be as much motivation for one to choose to jettison their body? I doubt it. I elaborate on this in a longer article entitled " A Tuned Bio-Field: A New Definition of Consciousness" (Parts 1 &2). Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is a Key Note Speaker, Author of "Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation" (available in ebook format at; http://www.telecoaching4u.com/ebook.htm), Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being. Personal URL: http://www.telecoaching4u.com
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For All Those Beginners: How Do I Put On Make-Up? It is very important to start with a clean slate. Use a gentle cleanser with a light exfoliant. It is important to make sure that it is hypoallergenic. Your face is a very sensitive area and it won't take much to irritate it and make things worse. Whether you are in the shower or standing at the sink, gently apply a small amount, about the size of a pea, onto your face and softly rub onto face in an upwards motion, your forehead and left-right motion. Someday there will be a point when we are all worried about getting wrinkles and bags, and by always touching our face in an upwards motion it will help delay the aging process on our faces. We shouldn't help the aging process along at all, even if our faces are fresh and wrinkle-free now. Gently rinse the cleanser off and pat your face dry with a soft warm towel. Sunglasses ? The Benefits of Wearing Shades You can find many styles of sunglasses in stores today. These styles include everything from fashionably chic to practical and functional to groovy and retro. While looking stylish is one reason to wear sunglasses, there are many other benefits as well. Boost your Natural Beauty Make your hair shine and your skin glow with these all-natural Skin and Hair Nourishing masks & recipes, that you can whip up with just a few simple, easy-to-find ingredients. My Story - Yoga for the Face or Face-lift Through Exercise Here I was, 52 years old and a long-time meditator. I took a good look in the mirror. To my total dismay - gravity was well at work! Breast Augmentation ? Cosmetic Surgery Breast Augmentation ? Cosmetic Surgery Rhinoplasty Facility Costs No matter where the doctor and the anesthesiologist are going to perform a rhinoplasty surgery, there will be a cost for the facility. This cost includes and nurses or other staff necessary for the procedure, equipment and supplies to be used and the facility's general overhead whether that is a rhinoplasty being performed in an office or one being done in a hospital. Obviously, if there is a reason that the work must be performed in a hospital, there is going to be a higher charge involved than merely the fee charged for a simpler office procedure. And finally, this fee will include any costs involved in the anticipated recovery after the surgery. If a small procedure has been performed and a local anesthetic was administered, a short time after completion, the patient may be up, walking around, feeling fine and ready to leave after a final examination by the surgeon. However, if the work was more complex, if an anesthetic was necessary to keep the patient asleep for several hours, if the pain quotient is expected to be higher due to the nature of the problem being addressed, it will be several hours after the surgery has been completed before the patient will be awake and several more hours before the patient is examined and allowed to leave. Lens Materials Found On Sunglasses Did you know that there are multiple types of lens materials used on glasses of all types? Most people would give you a blank stare if asked about some of the names below. It's true; glass isn't the only stuff in town. What is the Real Price of a Spray Tan? Looking tanned is such a great feeling, isn't it? The Best Tan is a Sunless Tan! Never used a sunless tanner? Don't sweat it?it's a no brainer. These products are available in the local pharmacy, department store and/or from your local beauty consultant. They come in many forms; spray-on oil, foam, mousse, lotion, gel and creams. Always test a small area first, on your inner arm for instance. If you are happy with the results, then continue applying to the rest of your body. (You're probably thinking about the time you turned your entire body orange.) Fortunately, today's formulas are an improvement from the products of the past. Most contain a derivative of sugarcane or sugar beets that oxidizes with the top layer of the skin. This gives the skin a realistic looking tan without altering the structure or function of the skin. Since our body naturally sheds the top layer of dead skin cells regularly, you will see your tan fading fast. You will need to re-apply every two to three days, especially if you shower every day. Just refresh as necessary. A word to the wise, don't use your sunless tanner immediately after shaving. Shaving opens up the pores and the product will find its way into those open pores, giving you a polka-dotted appearance. Also, sunless tanners do not provide protection against the sun. Don't get lulled into thinking that the darker you are, the more protected you are! Sunless tanners provide ZERO sun protection. They are strictly cosmetic. Silicone Breast Implants Revived by FDA On July 28 2005, the FDA issued a letter of approval to Mentor Corp ending the the thirteen year old ban on silicone-gel breast implants. This move came about as Mentor Corp. persuaded the FDA that its newer silicone implants are less dangerous and more durable than older versions. The company will employ these implants only under the following strict safety conditions approved by the FDA. Hair Raising Stuff Definately without a doubt it was a new image that was needed for my summer holiday. I was sick and tired of looking like the queen with the same hairstyle for as long as I could remember. Beauty Sleep Beauty SleepThe health and beauty of a good night's sleep A Beautiful Skin is Every Man and Womans Dream! She was so upset that day. She could not concentrate on her work in office. Her friends started asking her what happened to her. Anything amiss? They wondered. Eye Spy - In Search of a Greater Lash In search of a greater lash I secretly spied into the makeup bags of my most well painted friends, casually slipped in "so what mascara do you use" to unsuspecting co-workers, and polled long lashed strangers to uncover their mascara of choice. To my surprise, friends and strangers alike were wide eyed and bushy tailed to share the secrets of their lash life. So if you're interested in peaking into what's keeping these women's eyes wide open? read 'em and wink: A Crazy Life and Pimples The factors contributing to acne breakouts are many. Hormonal influences, environmental conditions, and stress can lead to the noticeable red inflammation that occupies our face, chest, and backs to various degrees. Home Tanning Beds More and more people are opting to buy their own tanning beds rather than frequent a tanning salon. The main reason for this is that over a period of months or years, frequenting a salon can cost you thousands of dollars. That's money you could have spent on your own machine. And then there's the matter of time spent traveling to and from the salon. If you tan often, why not invest in a home tanning bed? Choosing The Right Cosmetic Colors For YOU! The first thing you need to do before picking out colors is to decide if you have a Warm, Neutral or Cool skin tone. One way to do this is to take a good look at yourself in a mirror in natural sunlight. Decide if your skin color has more Blue or Yellow to it, or if they are pretty well even. Lip Magic: Tips for Lips As we get older our lips get smaller and thinner ? it's a fact of life, but it need not be the end of the world or our attractiveness. If you don't have the money or the inclination to run off and get collagen injections there are ways you can keep your lips looking great and desirable. By using simple techniques you can create illusions of larger, pouty and more balanced lips. The History Of Aviator Sunglasses Have you ever wondered where those cool big lenses and signature frame originated from? Maybe you are a little curious as to how aviation shades have gotten so big in recent years? Importance of Your Skins pH One of the most important roles of our skin is to protect our 'insides' from the external environment, acting both as a barrier and a filter between 'outside' and 'inside'. In addition, the skin is involved in regulating our body's temperature, like when we have a fever or we're physically working hard, we tend to sweat, which is the body's way to attempt to lower the temperature. ![]() |
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