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Choosing The Right Cosmetic Colors For YOU!
The first thing you need to do before picking out colors is to decide if you have a Warm, Neutral or Cool skin tone. One way to do this is to take a good look at yourself in a mirror in natural sunlight. Decide if your skin color has more Blue or Yellow to it, or if they are pretty well even. More Blue = Cool Another way to find out what skin tone you have is to compare your skin to the colors Silver and Gold. Generally if your skin looks good with Gold, you have a warm skin tone, Silver means cool, and if it looks good with both, then you have Neutral. Sometimes it can be hard to tell on yourself, so you may want to ask a friend to help you decide. Once you have decided your skin tone, it is time to choose a Concealer, Foundation and Powder. Depending on where you buy your cosmetics from, you may have a hard time figuring out which one looks best on your skin tone. Avon products are labeled with a W, C or N to decipher which skin tone they are best for. After this, the best way to choose a Concealer, foundation and powder is to try it out! Generally for concealer, you should pick one that is a shade lighter than your natural skin tone, so that when you use it to cover dark areas and imperfections it will blend and look natural. If you have a lot of red spots (acne, scars, etc.) then you should also look into getting a Green spot neutralizer, you use this under concealer to neutralize the red spot and make it look natural. After you have chosen the right concealer for yourself, you should choose a liquid foundation that matches your skin tone as closely as possible. If you have freckles it is recommended to match the color with your lightest freckles to help even out your skin color. Your powder should match your liquid foundation as closely as possible and be used last out of the 3. After this you should choose an eye shadow. Again, depending on where you purchase your cosmetics you may have trouble finding shades that look good on you as they arent always labeled for skin tones. From my experience I have found that for Cool skin tones, Pinks, Berries and Blue/greys seem to look best, for Warm skin tones Earth tones tend to look best (greens & browns and some reds ESPECIALLY for redheads), and for Neutral Skin tones, I try to combine the 2. After you have chosen and applied the appropriate eyeshadow, you should apply an eyeliner and Mascara. For people with light colored hair, brown or brown/black is an excellent choice of eyeliner and mascara. For people with Darker hair, Black is best, Although black looks very dramatic on anyone, it is a great choice for evening time. After eyeliner and mascara it is time to choose and apply a lipstick. Generally you should match your lipstick to your eyeshadow, keep it in the same general color family, so if you are wearing pink eyeshadow, try a similar color lipstick, maybe a shade darker or lighter. Grey eyeshadow looks great with different shades of red lipstick! As a rule of thumb, if your eyeshadow is shimmery, you should avoid shimmery lipsticks, and vice-versa. I recommend to all of my clients to DAB lipstick on, not to swipe it across their lips. By dabbing you have more control over the intensity of the color and you can make a more natural or bold look. As with everything, this is just a guideline, play around with your makeup, take whatever seems helpful and leave the rest, this is just meant to give some suggestions, the best way to find out what looks best on you, is to try different things out! Good luck! Jessica Tracy is a work at home mom of 2 little boys, and currently runs 2 home based businesses. One as an Avon Beauty Advisor and Leadership Representative, and another as a distributor for Enchanted Potions. You can contact Jessica through her website http://enchantedscents.cjb.cc This article may be reprinted so long as the Author Bio is attached.
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Colored Contact Lenses Guide ? Picking The Right Color Every Time Choosing the perfect colored contact lens can be a daunting task. But the good news is that it doesn't have to be. With improved colors and a wider variety of tints to choose from, you will have the most spectacular eyes in the house in no time at all. Are Parabens Really Safe You've probably heard the news stories about parabens and the controversy surrounding their use in personal care products. Here's a brief, but fair, look at this complicated issue: Face Lift Information As you age, your skin becomes slack and your muscles become less taut. This makes your skin sag and you look older than you actually are. People ask you if you are tired or sick or angry when you are actually in a pleasant mood. While it cannot restore skin elasticity, a facelift can make you look and feel years younger. 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Baby Boomers Seek Hold on Youth Through Cosmetic Surgery Procedures Elkhart-IN -People in the 35-50 age group comprise the largest percentage (40 percent) of individuals who had cosmetic procedures last year, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). In all, more than 8.7 million procedures were performed on people who took action to proactively manage signs of aging or enhance their appearance. Face Off The other day, I indulged in one of my many guilty pleasures. Specifically, I watched a programme called "Face Lifts From Hell." Chemical Peels: Phenol, Carbolic Acid, TCA, Alphahydroxy, Beta Hydroxy Chemical peeling is a process whereby the skin (usually of the face) is subjected to minor chemical burning in order to make the skin healthier and younger looking. The way this works is when the skin is burned, it jump starts the healing process. So the skin is burned enough to trigger the immune and defense system but not enough that serious damage is done or that the rejuvenation only equalizes the damage. Beauty Tip: Perfect Eyebrows Eyebrows are a natural frame for the eyes and should be in proportion to the face. Perfectly shaped eyebrows will enhance the look of your eyes, your face and will accentuate your makeup while; ill kept, unruly eyebrows will hide the beauty of your eyes. Tips on Choosing the Best Skin Care Product for You Your face is the first thing that people notice when they meet you. So, it is no wonder that skin care is big business! Millions are spent each year to treat acne, under eye circles, wrinkles, discolorations, and a variety of other ailments. If you are in the market for a skin care line, there are a few things that you should consider before settling on a product. First you need to look at the type of ingredients the product contains, and then find out what works best for your particular skin type. So, get ready to put your best face forward! Crazy Contact Lenses ? Freak Out Your Friends! You've seen them before either in music videos, in theatre, or maybe even while out shopping. They always get a second and third look. People don't know what to make of them. Small children either love them or are terrified by them. But that is part of their appeal. They are meant to generate attention and interest. Why else buy crazy contact lenses if you can't freak a few people out with them? Dry Skin - Causes and Solutions For Great Looking and Feeling Skin Dry skin, also referred to as xerosis or eczema or asteatosis, and erroneously as icthyosis, is a multi-faceted condition which periodically afflicts most of the population regardless of race or sex at one time or another, and through a wide age range. Dry skin may become more pronounced with aging if not treated when young. The symptoms of dry skin range from mild to severe, and may afflict virtually any part of the body. Arms, hands and legs are most frequently involved. Most dry skin conditions arise from conditions which can be modified or prevented and treated without medical intervention.. People residing in areas where climatic conditions include cold dry air accompanied by strong winds are most often affected during the winter months. Dry skin results from lack of water in the outer layer of skin cells known as the stratum corneum. When this layer becomes dehydrated it loses its flexibility and becomes cracked, scaly and sometimes itchy. The stratum corneum contains natural water-holding substances, including urea, which retain water seeping up from the deeper layers of the skin. Water is also normally retained in the stratum corneum by a surface film of natural oil (sebum) and broken-down skin cells, which slow down evaporation of water from the skin surface. Beauty Secrets How many times have you looked at yourself in the mirror and wished you could change a minor problem? To look even more beautiful. Here are five helpful & easy ways to achieve beauty secrets. Skin Care Secrets ? You Can Have Beautiful Skin Your skin is the largest organ of your body, just like your heart or your kidney. Its job is to protect your insides so it is important for it to be healthy. If you eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, keep it clean, and protect it from the sun, your skin will stay healthy all your life. Contact Lens Cases ? Caring For Them The Right Way A patient of mine called me a few weeks ago complaining that her eyes were hurting. I told her to come by the office and I would check her out. After looking at her eyes, I noticed some redness and slight corneal swelling. This concerned me because she was a fairly new patient who had just recently begun wearing contact lens within the past three months. ![]() |
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