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Using Water to Get Glowing, Vibrant Skin
I've mentioned your skin's need for water before, but it's such an important topic that it deserves a section all its own. We sometimes forget our skin -- until something goes wrong! Your skin is the largest organ of your body. The skin protects us from infections, guards us against harmful effects of the sun's rays, and helps to regulate our body temperature. But what most of us think about with the skin is how it looks. All of us have seen those with unhealthy skin or complexions. Their skin has a sallow look, pasty, or drawn. It's not a pretty sight. And, of course, what the skin needs is moisture. When the body is inadequately hydrated, there's not enough moisture in the skin tissues, and that can contribute to the drawn and haggard look so many have. The skin also needs hydration to clean the body of toxins. Your body is constantly in contact with things that are not good for us. Those things can come from the food we eat, the air we breathe, and things we come into contact with by touching. (And in some places in the world -- thankfully not usually in North America! -- even water itself can bring in those toxins). The simplest way the body gets rid of toxins is through washing. Washing your hands is probably the very best thing you can do to prevent infections, whether your own or someone else's. Bathing or showering (and shampooing) also get rid of toxic materials our bodies don't need. But the cleaning works internally, too. Water courses through your body, a never-ending stream flushing out harmful substances. And if there's not enough of that water, your body itself can become polluted, something like a river in a time of drought, when there's just not enough water to clean out all the junk. Your body can operate like that, too. Because there's not enough fluid to clean out the toxins, they accumulate in the body's tissues. The whole body can start to act sluggish, but the place where we see it first is in our skin. And while we are quick to put on lotions and skin treatments, the primary and most important "skin treatment" you can use comes in a glass -- and it's available from the tap! Again, the most important means of taking care of your skin is our regular, 20 glasses a day water plan. Keep drinking on a regular basis. You will find that it becomes a wonderful habit very quickly, and you come to miss it if you're separated from a water source for very long. Prevention is of first importance, but if you find you've been exposed to something toxic (such as secondhand smoke), first wipe your face with cool (not cold) tap water, and then drink a couple of glasses of water right away. You want to give your body a chance to get rid of the toxins right away, and there's no better way than water. You may also notice times when your skin looks drawn or haggard, even when you're drinking enough (or at least think you are!) In most of these cases, what has happened is that you have become busy or pre-occupied, and haven't been drinking enough. Whatever the reason, start pumping the water right away. You will even find that water will help you to look better if you've temporarily not had enough sleep. If you have to miss a few hour's sleep (or even a whole night) really load up on the water. It will make you feel better and look better until you can catch up on sleep. Jim Huffman, RN specializes in natural and alternative healing therapies. His first book is 'Dare to Be Free: How to Get Control of Your Time, Your Life, and Your Nursing Career,' and is aimed at helping other nurses find satisfying, dynamic careers. His website is http://www.NetworkForNurses.com and his health blog is at http://www.shababa.blogspot.com
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Botox Toxin Not So Toxic The Botox toxin is not so toxic if you're trying to take the crinkle out of your wrinkles. The clostridium botulinum bacteria produce Botox. Now you see why we call it Botox for short. The protein toxin is being used around the world to help produce a healthier, more youthful appearance. Simple Beauty - 10 Tips that are Free and Easy It is simple to look and feel more beautiful starting today. You can even put away your pocketbook because these tips are free. Are Tanning Lotions What You Need To Make Tanning Beds safe? Long debates on advantages and disadvantages of tanning beds and sunbathing are a good reason for many people to view a tan with suspicion. The Facts About Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic surgery is big business now, the advances of science and technology meaning it has become more affordable and much more accessible for anyone to consider it. Far from breast enhancements being the only option anymore, there are operations that can be done on virtually any part of your body to aesthetically enhance your appearance. Getting the 'body beautiful' has never been such a viable option as it is now. 6 Ways to Destroy a Beautiful Complexion Women (and men. too) spend billions of dollars trying to make their complexions look great. Sometimes their efforts are self-defeating. Some of the following problems you have heard of before but I bet you haven't heard of all of this. Tired Of Tweezing? A Better Way To A More Beautiful You Any drug store has a section full of products to deal with the problem of unwanted facial hair: tweezers, waxes, bleaches, and even sugaring kits. Some salons have a trained electrolysist on staff to remove hairs by electrolysis (electric charge put through a needle to kill hair follicles at their root). Some dermatologists now offer laser removal of hair that removes hair. What is Lasik Eye Surgery? Individuals with imperfect vision now have an option available to them that will correct their vision while reducing the need for glasses or contacts. This procedure is called Lasik eye surgery and it corrects vision problems for patients. No Flab With That Blouse is So Necessary by Cathy GatsonWith Spring in the air and Summer just around the corner?it will soon be time to "change clothes and go"?sleeveless. If you've been shopping lately, you may have noticed many of the blouses, tops and dresses for Spring/Summer are haltered, strapless, or sleeveless, exposing lots of skin. The styles are sexy but flabby arms are not. If the backs of your arms are waving in the wind, then here are the most recommended and easiest exercises that I've found to improve muscle tone to your arms, shoulders and chest just in time for Spring. A Guide to Hair Extension Salons It can be difficult to find a hair extension stylist near you, and you don't always have the time to drive hours to get your hair done. Luckily, several online resources are available to help. Lens Technologies Found On Glasses With so many glass lens technologies out there designed to block out all sorts of light, where do you turn? Don't worry; terms like photochromic and polarized may have stumped even Einstein! These words don't have to be as near as confusing as they sound. Brow Lift - Cosmetic Surgery Procedure Brow Lift ? Cosmetic Surgery Procedures Breast Implants Cost and Quality If you've finally made the decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery, you now are faced with the practical and financial decisions of cosmetic surgery. Safety is of course a primary concern, but the cost of plastic surgery is a great factor as well. Many people have great difficulty balancing these two, trying to find a good doctor who will work within their price range. Medical expenses for breast augmentation surgery include not only the surgical procedure but also the implants, anesthesia, medication and the cost of using the operating room, and can run from $4,000 to $10,000. Does Your Skin Tell Your Secrets? Age - It is going to affect each and everyone of us, you cannot stop the aging process but you can influence the impact it has on your skin, Whether you are young or more mature, it is never to late to start a skin care program that will improve the skins hydration and overall appearance Regardless of your age, keeping your complexion healthy and glowing is one of the smartest things you can do. Beauty Sleep Beauty SleepThe health and beauty of a good night's sleep Tanning Bed Lights - The heart of your Tanning Bed ! Much like the way the overwhelming power of the Ferrari emanates from her gentle and supreme engine, the power of the tanning bed lies in the tanning bed lights that make up the heart of the best tanning beds. And the more you know about tanning bed lights, the more you grow to love it, for therein lie the seeds of beautiful bronzed skin! Read on to know more about tanning bed lights or tanning bed bulbs as they are often called and make them work for you in the best possible way. The Manicure - More than Pretty Nails! Pretty and well cared for hands are more than a delight to the eye. In the business world the two things often considered the most important in presenting yourself, are a good pair of shoes and well-groomed hands. Our hands say a lot about us and well-groomed hands make a good impression. Business and social occasions often require us to meet and greet colleagues and acquaintances. The first thing we do when we met someone is hold out a hand to greet the person. Differences Between Perfume And Perfume Oils The history of perfume oils dates back to ancient Egypt when these fine scented oils were presented to royalty as gifts. In modern times, however, when the word "perfume" is said, most people think of department store fragrances, which consist mainly of the concentrated oil and alcohol solution. Nevertheless, as more and more people are finding out about them, perfume oils are experiencing great popularity. Here are some interesting facts about perfume oils: Foundation Top Picks! Hi, I'm the Fashion & Beauty Consultant for Estate Jewelry International where we don't just sell jewelry but "pamper" the whole you! Do-It-Yourself Manicure Your hands are as obvious as any part of your body; you use them to emphasize points in a conversation and to do daily tasks, therefore they should look as well groomed as the rest of you. A good manicure is important to your appearance. Whether or not you use polish, your nails should be conservative, healthy, and always well manicured. To keep your hands attractive give yourself a weekly manicure. Exercise and Your Plastic Surgery Cosmetic surgery can make an exciting and lasting difference in the way your face and body look. Many see the results as 'life-changing'. You will feel more confident and positive about yourself. It marks the beginning of a new attitude about you and your health. When you look good you'll want to maintain that appearance. Not surprisingly, many start incorporating exercise and better eating habits into their daily routine, habits that will help you look and feel younger longer. The better your physical condition is prior to surgery, the better your surgical outcome will be. Elective surgery will give you time to prepare to be as healthy as possible. An added bonus for those who are fit beforehand is they won't gain as much weight when they are inactive after surgery. Because you have more muscle from an active lifestyle your metabolism will remain higher. You will be given strict instructions by your doctor on when to return to an exercise regimen. It's usually three to four weeks after a facelift, and a month after any type of body surgery, like breast augmentation or liposuction. Once back to working out or starting up for the first time then it's best to build up slowly. ![]() |
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