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The Fountain of Youth
The fountain of youth has always been the most sought-after yet illusive pursuit of man. Does it truly exist? Yes, it does, but not in a tangible form. The fountain of youth is an attitude, a way of thinking, and a way of life. The biggest thrill of childhood was the anticipation of joy and happiness yet to come in your life. Nature's progressive order of growing up was inborn in our conscience: o Get an education Having so much to look forward to in getting older was what made childhood so exciting and full of wonder. Occasionally people reach a stage in life when the thrill of optimism and joy of expectation of these highly anticipated milestone events seem to have been replaced with a ho-hum existence, sprinkled with disappointment after disappointment. This is commonly known as a mid-life crisis. Life automatically has its bumps in the road and everyone experiences the entire emotional gamut in varying degrees. Frustrations, worry, depression and disappointment ultimately take their toll and low self-esteem is most often the individual result. It is this low level of self-esteem that makes you age faster than maybe you actually need to. The biological clock and gravitational forces don't show any kindness, either. So what if you start to look older? If you weren't getting older you would have a bigger problem. It happens, so make the best of it. What would happen if you chose to think young again and discovered an entirely new area to explore within your world that gave you something to look forward to every day? Your emotional health would begin to heal and from there, your physical health would be positively affected. You could assume the same innocent anticipation you had as a child, able to experience again that same child-like inner happiness, strength and positive energy. Life is to be lived with enthusiasm and with a strong desire to see what comes next. This is the power of youth. When you make up your mind there is nothing left, age takes its toll. The power is inside you to think young and therefore restore your youth all over again. You can change your thoughts by changing the way you choose to view situations, circumstances, people and especially yourself. Self-confidence and self-esteem make you look, feel and carry yourself youthfully. Making the effort to look your best from head to toe at all times, gives you personal pride and allows you to defy human nature in an effort of fighting the negative elements of physical aging. What did you do when you were a kid? Why not continue doing it? Bounce on a trampoline. Lift weights. Play games. Swing on the swing at the park. Laugh. Take a nap. Accept a new challenge now and then. Maybe your life just needs a little rejuvenation and your furnace of metabolism just needs a little re-regulating. Having something to look forward to makes that possible and adds sparkle to life. Hope is an attitude without age limitations. Keep your mind filled with knowledge and keep it productive. Do all the good you can with what you have and never quit having a goal to work toward. Nothing brings more joy in life than achievement of your goals, perhaps because by now you have learned that you have no choice but to give your best efforts and utilize your talents to reach them. Having something to strive toward allows you to overcome emotional old age. Decide on a new goal and give your best efforts in attempting to achieve it. Nothing brings more joy in life than a goal achieved. Wanting to do something and giving it the very best you can ? provides an inner personal joy. Hard work, dedication and determination will bring greater happiness than anything else in life. Refuse to get old. You don't have to. Youth is enthusiasm, activity, plans and projects. Fall in love with what you are doing. o Smile often Tell yourself you are still a child and that you plan to stay there. You can turn back the hands of time by dressing younger and listening to the music you listened to when you were a hope-filled, love-struck teenager. Seeking ways to improve yourself must become a way of life - and it's never too late to start! Terri Emmett offers three free online courses: THE ORGANIZED HOUSEKEEPER'S HOUSEBOOK; THE ORGANIZED HOUSEKEEPER'S SIX-WEEK CHARM COURSE (both at: http://www.charmcourse.com); 100 STEPS TO ETERNITY (http://www.prophecyguide.net), and has an armchair tourist site for those who would like to see America's beauty and the world's cultural treasures (http://www.americansr.com).
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Color Toric Contacts - Good News for People with Astigmatism If you have an astigmatism it doesn't mean that you are stuck with wearing glasses. These days there are special contact lenses, called "toric", developed specially for people with astigmatism. And it gets even more exiting - you can also wear color toric contacts. Find out what color toric contact lenses are available and which would be best for you. LED Photo Rejuvenation/Intense Pulsed Light/Infra-Red Light Affects Skin Rejuvenation LED Photo Rejuvenation,Intense Pulsed Light or Infra-Red Light and it's Affects on Skin Rejuvenation Color Contact Lenses - Your Options Very few people are actually satisfied with their appearance. Some will go to great lengths to achieve a look that they consider acceptable. If you wear contacts and you're interested in changing your appearance but you want to use a subtle approach, you may want to consider color contact lenses. You can choose from a variety of natural colors including blue, hazel, and green. There are numerous types of these lenses available that vary in the amount of tint used to create the lenses. If you have trouble seeing your contacts during insertion, for example, you don't want to actually change the of your eyes; you just want to be able to see your contacts better. Contacts with a light tint would work better for you. Turning Back the Hands of Time When you shop for an anti-aging cream at your department store's cosmetic counter or at a drug store, are you confused about the number of choices? Well, you are not alone. In a recent survey conducted by the American Academy of Dermatology, 94 per cent of the 2,079 American women surveyed are confused about over the counter and prescription anti-aging products as well as anti-aging treatments available at their doctor's office. Being a Beautiful Bride Everybody wants to be a glowing beautiful bride on that special day. Taking care of your skin will make it appear more flawless when the makeup artist will apply the foundation. Contact Lens Makeup Safety Tips If your teenage daughter wants to wear contact lenses, you may have some reservations, so get as much information as you can for her when it comes to applying makeup. Contacts are nice because eyeglasses may get in the way if your teen plays sports and girls like their pretty eyes to show instead of being hidden by eyeglasses. Your teen needs to be responsible so that she will take care of them and put on her makeup with eye care in mind. If you misuse cosmetics when wearing contacts, you may develop allergies, dry eye, injury, infection, or deposits on the lenses. There are a lot of things you can do to safely put on makeup if you wear contacts. Here are some tips and product information when it comes to applying makeup safely around the eyes: Effective Ways To Remove Dark Cicles Under Eyes Dark circles under the eyes are known to be signs of stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, malnutrition, allergies etc. They can have an enormous effect on your appearance. Luckily you can easily make them disappear naturally or by applying some some ingredients or products to the affected area. Home Tanning Beds More and more people are opting to buy their own tanning beds rather than frequent a tanning salon. The main reason for this is that over a period of months or years, frequenting a salon can cost you thousands of dollars. That's money you could have spent on your own machine. And then there's the matter of time spent traveling to and from the salon. If you tan often, why not invest in a home tanning bed? Skin Care Secrets ? You Can Have Beautiful Skin Your skin is the largest organ of your body, just like your heart or your kidney. Its job is to protect your insides so it is important for it to be healthy. If you eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, keep it clean, and protect it from the sun, your skin will stay healthy all your life. Contact Lens Chaos with Colorful Eyes If you have teenagers, then you will encounter this end-of-the-world dilemma at some point if you haven't already. There's a big party or concert or some other function that everyone who is anyone is going to be attending and your teenager wants to stand out and have this be their night (although they'll never admit it). Lease A Tanning Bed - A great option ! You go to the beach and you envy those beautiful bodies strutting the divine bronzed look for everyone to see. You want the look, but you can't afford an indoor tanning bed. So do the next best thing: Lease a tanning bed!! The much sought after tanned look is closer to you than you have ever imagined before. And the mantra that's making all this work is just to lease a tanning bed. Importance of Skin Care: Ever Wondered Just What Exactly Our Skin Does? The following article provides some insight into why good skin care is important and suggests a simple skin care regime anyone can follow to help your skin perform at its best. Look Years Younger In Minutes Now whether you are just beginning to notice your first few lines or you are experiencing more advance signs of aging you can painlessly and safely achieve a healthier, youthful, wrinkle free beauty in minutes with these simple professional techniques used by the world's top makeup artists. Perfect Lips Nothing impresses your friends more than a perfect lip line, because it is the hardest makeup application to do.To get it, avoid applying the lip pencil too heavily, which will be difficult to blend and soften into the lipstick. Keeping your mouth closed lightly trace the lip line with the lip pencil so it can barely be seen, but can be used as a guide line. Can We Really Get Rid of Cellulite? It has been the bane of every women's existence since the dawn of time - the affliction known as cellulite. We all have it to varying degrees, and it seems to get worse as we get older in many cases. So, should we just resign ourselves to the fact that it is here to stay, or is there a way to fight and get rid of cellulite? Effects of Tanning Beds - Is it a Boon or a Bane? Tanning beds - a boon or a bane? That is the million dollar question that's uppermost on all tanning-interested people. The effect of tanning beds is not a subject that can be put to rest quickly as the pros and cons maintain almost a supernatural balance with each other. In the industry of tanning beds, tanning bed lotions, tanning bed pillows and other tanning bed accessories, the effects of use are either little understood or worse, suffer from total ignorance. Here, we try to articulate some basic facts about tanning. Get Free Cosmetic Samples Just for Completing Offers There's almost nothing more irritating than buying a lot of expensive cosmetics and finding out after you get home that you don't like them. You can protect your wallet from this drain by trying out free cosmetic samples first. Skin Care - Learn the Basics Skin types are unique and react in different ways to weather, environment, and creams and/or lotions. In order to keep skin healthy and youthful in appearance it is essential to know your skin type and how to care for it. Dead Sea Minerals - Health from the Lowest Point on Earth A study involving a European occupational therapist suffering from psoriasis who had obtained compensation from her health insurance in order to undergo therapy at the Dead Sea has lead to great interest in health funds in Denmark, Germany and other European Countries. This has resulted in their subsidizing treatment from the Dead Sea for people suffering from both Psoriasis and other skin conditions. If Health Insurance companies can be considering coverage of treatment at the Dead Sea for relief and treatment of skin disorders, then it seems reasonable to advocate usage of products manufactured from the Mud and minerals of the Dead Sea. Do You Read Labels? The first ingredient of any product is what makes up the majority of that product. For example if the first ingredient of your cleanser is water, than the majority of your cleanser is nothing but water. That is why it is important to know what is in your products. Are you interested in knowing what you are applying to your skin? Just as there are healthy and unhealthy foods the same applies to skincare products. ![]() |
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