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Importance of Skin Care: Ever Wondered Just What Exactly Our Skin Does?
The following article provides some insight into why good skin care is important and suggests a simple skin care regime anyone can follow to help your skin perform at its best. Our skin's functions are too many to go through here in detail, however it protects our 'insides' from the external environment, acting both as a barrier and a filter between 'outside' and 'inside' our bodies. The skin helps in regulating our body's temperature, like when we have a fever or we're physically working hard, we tend to sweat, which is the body's way to attempt to lower the temperature. The skin also protects us from harmful substances entering our body, and it eliminates many toxins. This takes workload off our Liver and Kidneys to filter out by-products from our body's metabolism. The skin also breathes! These are just some of the important functions of our skin and as you can see, looking after your skin is vital, not just for your outer beauty, but for maintaining your inner health. Now there is skin care and there is skin care... well, we all (hopefully) wash our body (skin) every day and we may even rub some body cream on and that is pretty much that. Women (most) go one step further when they make-up their face. Often using a cleanser and then a moisturiser before applying make-up. But is that really skin care? I think not. I would consider it an attack on the skin rather than caring for it. You see, most of the products marketed to women are full of artificial colours, stabilisers, emulsifiers and other chemical, which are supposed to help in achieving a 'beautiful complexion'. Some products are advertising hormones, which are supposed to make your skin re-gain that youthful (no wrinkles) look ? but more often than not these 'hormones' are artificial or synthetic and may well cause problems with the hormonal balance of the body. This is NOT Skin care ? this is plain old manipulation and marketing. Real skin care is much more than that and is more than just skin deep. Your skin is a living, breathing organ of your body. As such, just like every other organ in our body, it needs to be fed from the inside ? it requires nutrients. There are 4 basic ingredients to feeding the inside: Good nutrition: keep it simple, fresh and unprocessed. That is the best nutritional advice I can give. The simpler the food, the less processing and the fresher your food is, the better it is for you. Fresh fruit and vegetables contain so many of the nutrients we need to maintain our health. Sure have the odd processed, high in fat meal when you're enjoying a meal out or have to attend a Luncheon or what ever. But make sure you have more natural foods than not. Keep the diet varied ? don't eat the same old, same old? risk a new veggie ? one you haven't tried before ? you might like it ? Adequate rest and relaxation: don't work yourself to an early grave ? it's not worth it. Make sure you get the sleep you need. Did you know that a study in England showed that your IQ (intelligence) drops if you do not have 8 hours sleep per night? Think about it, do you get more work done if you feel well rested? Can you concentrate better if you're not tired? ? I bet you can. Well, why not invest some additional time into rest and relaxation so that you gain an increase in energy and concentration? I'm sure you will find you will get more work done in less time if you've had sufficient rest. Sufficient water intake: that's a biggie. Most people (irrespective of were they live) will utilise around 3 litres of water per day ? hey, don't believe me, all the medical texts say so. Our body simply needs water to function. If you do not drink at least this amount, your body will either not function well (on some level) or it will take it from where ever it can. That is called dehydration. You know, dry lips, dry flaky skin, parched mouth, cracks on you tongue, premature wrinkles? the list goes on. So, drink up (water, mind you) or shrivel up ? it's up to you. Fresh air and sunshine: well, what can I say. Taking a deep breath of air and tell me it doesn't feel great? Well? Oxygen is the stuff of life. Fill your lungs with it. Here I could go into how most of us do not know how to breath properly, but I'll save this for another article. So what does all this have to do with skin care? Well, that is the point of putting expensive, beauty products on your skin, when you do not give it the stuff of life from the inside? The cells that make up your skin need the right nutrients for proper development, growth and all that? You can help your skin by using good quality skin care products, but you have to support this from the inside as well. Only in that way can you expect to get good results from proper skin care. So what's proper skin care? Well, for starters there are 3 basic steps. 1. Cleanse and Condition 2. Hydrate and Tone 3. Moisturise and Revive. OK. Cleansing the skin seems obvious and I know, you do know how to use soap ? wrong, this is one sure way to make your skin dry-out quicker. Most soaps remove the natural oils of the skin, change the natural pH levels and do nothing to remove the dead layers of skin, which can block your pores and lead to blackheads. And, oh no, not pimples! The skin produces oils and acids to help it function, to protect it from loss of excessive moisture, to form a barrier? etc. So please do not use soap or detergents unless it is necessary. Using a loofah or a gentle 'scrub' will remove the dead skin cells and this in turn will promote better blood circulation and help your skin to breath. The next step is to hydrate and tone the skin. Say what? Well, you've just removed the dead skin layers, rubbing the skin with a loofah and or a specially formulated cleanser, now it's time to remove the residue, sooth the skin and prepare the skin for getting a good feed of nutrients from the moisturiser. Preparation of the skin prior to putting on the moisturiser is not dissimilar to preparing a surface about to receive a new coat of paint. You wouldn't just paint over a wall that hasn't been cleaned and prepared for the new paint, would you? It would be a waist of time and money? well, good skin care is the same. You first get rid of the old layer of paint, than you give it a primer and finally the top-coat. Ah, I already use a moisturiser? Great, at least that's a step in the right direction. But, have you looked at the ingredients? Are they natural, or are there numbers and words you don't recognise on the label? If so, then consider that your body absorbs these substances and if they are not useful, (preferably of a natural kind) then the body has to eliminate them - and that's more work and not necessary. In some cases, the body actually can't eliminate these substances and has to store them. This is a potential problem and could cause health issues down the track. Pure essential oils, or herbal extracts are usually good ingredients to have in your skin care products. So there you have it - the importance of good skin care. These steps, if you follow them, will help you to achieve the results you want and your body will thank you too. About Authors: Join our Natural Skin Care Newsletter ? it's fun, free and Informative and you receive a free eBook on natural skin care.
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Rosacea Treatment & Rosacea Skin Care - Can You Cure Rosacea? There is a Solution.... Rosacea is a fairly common skin disorder that primarily affects fair skinned people in their 30's and over. While it's exact cause is difficult to pinpoint, the symptoms of Rosacea are obvious in their manifestation on the facial skin. Typical Rosacea symptoms are a combination of any of the following: Red looking, flushed skin - especially on the nose and the cheeks, small, dilated blood vessels known as telangiectases may appear in the background, inflamed red bumps sometimes with a yellow head (acne rosacea), a shiny, oily appearance to the skin, and roughness, or "orange peel" like texture of the affected skin. Should You Make Your Own Beauty Products? With the huge range of beauty products on the shelves, why do some people still make their own beauty products? Perfect Lips Nothing impresses your friends more than a perfect lip line, because it is the hardest makeup application to do.To get it, avoid applying the lip pencil too heavily, which will be difficult to blend and soften into the lipstick. Keeping your mouth closed lightly trace the lip line with the lip pencil so it can barely be seen, but can be used as a guide line. The Truth About Home Made Facials I started making facial masks after reading several books on natural cosmetics. Common ingredients used in home made facials are eggs, lemon, milk, honey, cucumber, tomato, essential oils and lots more fruits, herbs and other ingredients. The assumption I had was that home made cosmetics, being all natural and preservative free were much safer than the commercial masks you found in stores. A wrong assumption. You know the saying. Never assume anything. It makes an ASS of U and ME. Did you know some of the deadliest poisons on earth are 100% natural? There are complaints about preservatives irritating the skin and all that. That may be true especially for a person with very sensitive skin. But preservatives actually make cosmetics safe to use. Preservatives kill or at very least, inhibit the bacteria, mold, viruses and nasty things that would otherwise thrive in the cosmetics we use. Commercial preparations usually contain some preservative or other to make these products safe for use. Some of the very high end cosmetic formulations are packed in sterile capsules to do away with or at least, minimimize, the need for preservatives. If you make your own skin care for use later in the week, chances are, unless you are anal about sterilizing everything and freezing every batch once it has cooled, thawing it only when you are going to use it, and keeping your cosmetics away from the raw meat in the freezer, eventually, you could find yourself using contaminated home made cosmetics, which could lead to a skin irritation. I used to make my own skin care but found all the precautions I had to take such a hassle, now I buy mine off the shelves. Even if you make your facial products for immediate use, you have to be careful about using only the freshest ingredients. A mouldy fruit or anything that is spoilt can lead to disastrous results on your skin. Then there is the safety of the ingredients used in your skincare products. I once told a pharmacist about the lemon remedy I was using on my pimples. She was horrified. Lemons are highly acidic. Lemon juice is pH 2. Sulphuric acid is pH 1. Lemons can cause a nasty acid burn if you are not careful. We had a discussion about this. She told me about a customer who showed up with an acid burn. Turns out, she had a sunburn. Back in Australia, she would soothe that sunburn by rubbing cut cucumber over her skin. The juices would ease the sunburn. This time around, she was unlucky. The cucumber she used was more acidic than the ones she was used to and she ended up with a really nasty acid burn. Though cucumber is soothing, cucumber contains Alpha Hydroxy Acids as do most fruit and some of the other ingredients used in homemade beauty recipes. You see, in home made skin care, the exact chemical makeup of the ingredients you use may vary, leading to unpleasant results if you are unfortunate. That is why, everytime you make any facial mask, test it on the inside of your wrist first, before you let that mask touch your face. I was lucky. The lemon facial I did helped clear my skin by killing the bacteria, without burning my skin. The pharmacist said I was fool hardy. As did my cousin who has been making her own beauty products for years already. Lemon can thin the skin. It is so acidic. The pharmacist thought the other things, like the almond meal I mixed with the lemon juice helped neutralize the extreme acidity. Also, when I used freshly squeezed lemon juice directly on my face, I would dilute it with water first. Yet the books I read with home made beauty recipes often include lemon in their recipes. After all, lemon has lightening properties. Lemon juice is often used to lighten freckles. Lemon was even recommended in a book by a former model, for use as a toner. Not all ingredients are that dangerous though. Oats is an excellent ingredient for use in soothing facials. That was recommended to me by a doctor. For my toddler's rash. Cooked oats in a bag in the bath water is a home remedy to soothe itchy skin. Here is a facial that uses oats and rose water. http://www.womanht.com/facials/RoseOatsFacial.htm A home made face mask can be as simple as putting some mash fruit your face. Fruity facials tried and tested outlines such experiments with fruit. Different skin types require different ingredients. Dry skin can use richer, nourishing ingredients. Really dry skin would love the moisturizing effect of sweet almond oil or olive oil. Oily skin, on the other hand would break out in pimples if you try massaging these oils on your face. What works for your best friend may be disastrous on you. The easiest thing to do nowadays is to simply buy a great mask for your skin type off the shelf for your home facial. I use commercial masks these days after some disastrous experiments trying to find new ingredients for new home made facial masks for my site. The successful facials were published with at http://www.womanht.com/facials/. Frequently Asked Questions About Permanent Makeup Frequently Asked Questions About Permanent Cosmetics Is Cosmetic Surgery Right For You? For many of us, we go through most of our lives paying minimal attention to our skin. Sure, we moisturize and hopefully use our SPF30 on a regular basis but pampering our skin on a daily basis is not practical for most people. Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Information Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a major surgical procedure for men and women generally in good shape and health but who have large fat deposits around their abdomen or have and excess of loose skin. Abdominoplasty can reduce protruding abdominal fat but it does leave a lengthy, permanent, sometimes visible scar that runs the length of the hipbones. Also during abdominoplasty, the vertical muscles of the abdomen are tightened. Effective Ways To Remove Dark Cicles Under Eyes Dark circles under the eyes are known to be signs of stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, malnutrition, allergies etc. They can have an enormous effect on your appearance. Luckily you can easily make them disappear naturally or by applying some some ingredients or products to the affected area. Mineral Makeup- Natural Beauty As we become more aware of our environment and more aware of the products that we are putting into and onto our bodies, natural and homeopathic products are taking the cosmetic industry by storm. Face Off The other day, I indulged in one of my many guilty pleasures. Specifically, I watched a programme called "Face Lifts From Hell." How to Halt the Train of Aging Aging would not be so bad if it did not tell on us at every encounter. As we hug one another, we register the love handles on the other's waist, the flab on their arms and the sag on their cheeks. We stare into each other's faces. After all, only saints find no pleasure in the wrinkles of their peers. We are not inexcusable sinners; we are checking to see how well we are holding up. Estimating someone's age and deciding how well that person has aged tells us a lot. Looking and feeling younger than chronological age has increasingly becomes a yardstick of success. Preoccupation with age is a reality for our rapidly aging society. It is part of our resume and every bit as important as our employment records. Tanning Beds: History and Advice Tanning beds were brought to North America by German scientist Friedrich Wolff in 1978 and rose to popularity in the mid-1980s. Since then, tanning beds have been a common way to tan without having to spend hours and hours in the sun's unpredictable radiation. Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Are you struggling with skin problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis etc.? Various factors such as toxins, vitamin, mineral, protein deficiencies, long-term exposure to sun light, dehydration etc. might be the cause of your skins unhealthy state. Would you like to have beautiful glowing skin again? Luckily there are several options that can help you restore your skins healthy glow. A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever! And that can be You! It is said that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. That probably explains why possessing beauty and being beautiful is one of the foremost preoccupations of human beings. Over the years, consumerism has transformed such preoccupations into frank obsession. Inner beauty is no longer in ? skin-deep beauty certainly is! But what is wrong with that? Cosmetology and the beauty industry have come of age, aided steadily by advances in cosmetic surgery. Daily workouts, gym sessions, visits to beauty parlors and keeping in sync with beauty and fashion tips has certainly become trendy. Beauty Tip: Foundation Secrets For A Flawless Complexion 1. For a natural look your foundation must match your skin tone. Test foundations along your jawline. You will know the best color because it will disappear into your skin. The Secret to Shiny Hair I'm sure you've seen on TV the Pantene commercial where the hair shines like a mirror. I don't know why other hair commercials don't do the same thing with all that shine. Beauty Secrets of the Stars It comes as no surprise that many of the most beautiful and famous people go to great lengths to maintain their youthful appearance. They work out with personal trainers. They go to the best hair salons and rejuvenating spas. They use exotic skin care products. And they go to the best cosmetic surgeons. Whats Up With Botox? BOTOX® is part of a family of drugs called "botulinum toxins". Specifically, it is the Registered Trademark and brand name for "botulinum toxin type A" which is manufactured by a company called "Allergan". Nothing else that is made by any other company is allowed to be called BOTOX®. Silicone Breast Implants Revived by FDA On July 28 2005, the FDA issued a letter of approval to Mentor Corp ending the the thirteen year old ban on silicone-gel breast implants. This move came about as Mentor Corp. persuaded the FDA that its newer silicone implants are less dangerous and more durable than older versions. The company will employ these implants only under the following strict safety conditions approved by the FDA. Help Prevent Wrinkles Through Dieting How many times has your mother told you, you are what you eat? As you probably know, Mom knows best. So it's no surprise that what we feed our bodies does affect what the final product is. For healthier, younger skin it's no different. But what should we eat in order to have the radiant skin we all covet? Here is a list of simple things we can all incorporate into our diet to help fend off wrinkles. ![]() |
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