Beauty Information
Abdominoplasty: Types of Procedures
Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a major surgical procedure for men and women generally in good shape and health but who have large fat deposits around their abdomen or have and excess of loose skin. Abdominoplasty can reduce protruding abdominal fat but it does leave a lengthy, permanent, sometimes visible scar that runs the length of the hipbones. Most people who undergo abdominoplasty are women who don?t intend to bear more children and whose previous pregnancies stretched their abdominal muscles or people suffering from obesity whose skin elasticity has diminished. Depending upon the amount of excess fat and skin a patient has and the area of the excess, different types of abdominoplasty procedures can be performed.
Botox Cosmetic Injection
Botox (botulinum toxin) is an extremely popular cosmetic procedure because it is a non-surgical way to reduce or eliminate frown lines, forehead creases, crows feet, neck bands and other wrinkles. It has fast results, is non-invasive and does not leave scars, but it also can wear off and should be re-injected, although the FDA recommends Botox not be re-injected more frequently than every three months. Also, Botox has recently been shown to prevent frequent migraines, sweating and muscle spasms.
Achieve Great Beauty Naturally And Win The Fight Against Aging
I usually smile with gratitude when friends (and even strangers) sincerely guess my age to be 15 years younger.
Chemical Peels
Generally, chemical peels can be arranged into three categories of light, medium and deep. Light peels are used to help dry skin, acne, liver spots, sun spots, diminish fine facial wrinkles and pore size and improve overall skin texture. Light peels are done in a series of six to eight sessions with two or three week periods in between. After a light peel the skin is only slightly red for about a day. Medium chemical peels are used to remove larger wrinkles and precancerous skin lesions. These peels are done only once every few years and the skin will be burned for about a week during which time the patient should stay indoors and out of the sun. Deep chemical peels eliminate larger wrinkles and can have facelift-like effects. However skin will remain damaged for a month or two after treatment.
Collagen Injection
Collagen injection is a type of cosmetic procedure that augments skin and soft tissue to make them firmer and younger looking. The benefits of collagen injections are that collagen is a natural substance to be in the body so it incorporates with the body and doesn?t degrade as quickly over time, there aren?t serious complications or side effects, and it is a non-invasive procedure. Collagen injections are used to improve unsightly scars and fill in cheeks that have sunken in.
Brow Lift Information
As you age, your skin becomes slack and loses its luster. You develop wrinkles and your face can look sunken in. It?s amazing how forehead wrinkles and drooping eyebrows can age a person?s appearance. The solution to this problem is a brow lift. Often, as you age, people will ask if you?re angry or sad or tired when you are actually in a cheerful mood. These aging affects on the forehead not only make you look older, but also make you seem like you?re in a negative mood. This is why many people have chosen to undergo cosmetic surgery to lift their brow, shedding years and those negative emotions that are unconsciously emitted by a sagging brow.
Skin Care Enhance Your Pretty Look
Who doesn?t want to look beautiful? Everybody wants to look pretty and fresh. Taking care of your skin is one way to achieve what you hope for. Whether we like it or not, beauty does seem to affect the ease and success of an individual's life. That?s why no body wants to look pale, unhealthy and dull.
Great Looking Skin
Maintaining great skin can be a challenge if you don?t know the secrets to having perfect skin. Did you know that what you eat and what you use on your skin plays a tremendous role on the state of your skin?
Eyelid Plastic Surgery
Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat, skin and muscle from the area around the eyes. As people age, their skin loses elasticity, they accumulate more fat and their muscles lose tone. This aging process can make the arms or stomach or breasts sag, but on the face this loss of tone and elasticity can make you look tired, angry, upset, sick and much older and can even impair vision. Eyelid surgery can be frightening because complication risks, like infection, involve the eyes and your vision. However, a vast majority of people who have undergone eyelid surgery are happy that they did so.
Face Lift Information
As you age, your skin becomes slack and your muscles become less taut. This makes your skin sag and you look older than you actually are. People ask you if you are tired or sick or angry when you are actually in a pleasant mood. While it cannot restore skin elasticity, a facelift can make you look and feel years younger. Facelifts (rhytidectomy being the clinical term) are designed to pull the excess skin tight again and tighten the muscles underneath.
Permanent Laser Hair Removal
Many people are burdened by what society has deemed ?unsightly? hair. Shaving is only a brief solution to this problem and quickly leaves tell-tale stubble. Plucking or waxing are painful and the results do not last much longer than shaving. So what is the best way to permanently remove hair from areas such as the upper lip, chin, neck, armpits, forearms, back, chest, legs, or bikini line? Many people are now discovering the benefits of laser hair removal, a non-invasive procedure that removes unwanted hair.
Liposuction Cost: Worth Every Penny
Although the national average cost for liposuction charged by surgeons is $2,224 most patients agree that their liposuction was worth the expense. The benefits of liposuction are that excess fat is removed from deposits in the body, so underlying muscle is revealed, and the incisions for liposuction are small and well concealed so they won?t be seen, in contrast to scars from procedures such as abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) which extend the length between the two hipbones.
Mineral Makeup: A Natural Sunscreen
Mineral makeup is the thing to wear this summer if you're looking for an all natural makeup with safe and effective sunscreen. The fact is that two of the main ingredients in mineral makeup are natural sunscreens that not only reflect light but protect your skin from harmful and cancer causing UV rays.
Microdermabrasion Treatment Offers Dramatic Results
Microdermabrasion is a procedure that improves skin condition. It is effective at reducing fine lines, fine wrinkles, small scars such as acne scars (although it is not effective on deep wrinkles or deep scars), and age spots. Microdermabrasion works by emitting tiny (micro) crystals that polish (abrasion) the skin (derma). This stimulates the production of collagen and other skin cells that make the skin look healthier. The treatment sessions last for about an hour but several must be done every few weeks. Microdermabrasion does not have a permanent effect, but it has other benefits that recommend it above other skin rejuvenation techniques.
Are Tanning Beds Worth Your Time
There is no denying that we live in a world of convenience. Our daily lives depend on gadgets and devices such as the ubiquitous mobile phone, the trustworthy PDA, and our cars that we cannot live without.
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9 Easy Steps To A Pedicure
Before putting on those sexy, comfortable open toe shoes make sure your feet skin is in good condition. With these easy nine steps you too will have silky feet. So go ahead get ready to do your own pedicure.soak your feet for 10-15 minutes in warm water containing Epsom salt or foot soak
Japanese Hair Straightening
By now, I'm sure you've heard of the hair straightening process
invented in Japan that has swept America and made countless women forever grateful to it's hair-transforming powers. It goes by several different names - Japanese Straightening, Thermal Reconditioning, Straight Perm, and Japanese Straight Perm. So, what exactly can you expect after a thermal
reconditioning service? Well, it's actually nothing short of
miraculous, if you choose the right product and stylist.
Age Spot Erasing Made Easy And Right From Your Own Kitchen
If you're anything like most baby boomers, after graying hair, poor eyesight, weight gain and winkles, age spots rank fifth on your list of aging nuisances. But you can find comfort in erasing those age advertisers right from your own kitchen.
Treating Ingrown Hairs -- Product Comparison
Ingrown hairs occur when hairs that have been waxed or shaved or otherwise removed grow back without exiting the follicle. These hairs coil under the skin and create unsightly and painful bumps or whiteheads.
Deep Skin Moisturizing
When it comes to skin care, moisturizing is usually one of the more popular, and though it's hard to believe, more controversial topics. Some experts swear by moisturizing as the best way to keep your skin youthful and healthy while others feel a bit more suspicious of its benefits. Since my grandma lived to 94 years of age with beautiful skin and touted the benefits of moisturizing for years, I tend to lean towards giving it a go. For many, moisturizing on a daily basis is already a daily part of their skin care regime while others are just jumping on the bandwagon for the first time. Regardless of where you fall, deep skin moisturizing is a cost effective and simple way to take hold of the hands of time and rein it in.
Pierced Ear Problems and Solutions
The practice of ear piercing dates back to thousands of years ago. From jungle tribes to desert nomads to royalty, pierced ears were indicators of both beauty and social standing. Ear piercing is just as popular today, with both men and women having one or both earlobes pierced. Certain preventive and maintenance procedures need to be observed in order to avoid and treat pierced ear problems either on the lobe or on the cartilage.
The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Beauty and Skin Care with Nancy Lonsdorf M.D.
"Every person is born perfect. Inferiority is a mistake of the mind, a cloud covering the light. Dissolve the clouds by observing a balanced life with healthy habits. Nourish your mind and body. Connect with your own inner self. Celebrate your own magnificence and your beauty will always shine through." -Dr. Rama Kant Mishra, renowned Ayurvedic physician and dermatologist
Natural Skin Care Tips: 10 Skin Care Tips Women Must Know (Part 2)
Right eating habits and the right natural care can do wonders for your looks and health. Here are some precious natural skin care tips which will make your skin glow round the clock.
African American Skin Care
The fact is that any type of skin condition can happen regardless of the pigment of skin you have. When it comes to African American skin care and others with darker complexions however, there are a few skin care problems that are much more prevalent.
Advantages of an Indoor Tanning Bed
Think tanning and you will find a tanning salon just a few blocks away. With each passing day, tanning is gaining more and more popularity and is increasingly enmeshed in our society.. And this doesn't come as a surprise considering the fact that a healthy bronze tan will only add to your glamour and appeal!!
Face Off
The other day, I indulged in one of my many guilty pleasures. Specifically, I watched a programme called "Face Lifts From Hell."
Color Contact Lenses for Light Eyes - What Works Best?
You may ask why a person with naturally blue or green eyes would want to wear color contact lenses? One reason is to make the natural color look brighter and more defined. Another reason is to change the hue just a bit - ad a touch of emerald to naturally blue eyes, for instance, and you will get a beautiful aquamarine.
17 Top Tips for Great Holiday Hair
When you are away from home in a different climate your hair will be subjected to weather it is not used to.
Where Can I Find Cheap Tanning Bed Bulbs?
If you need cheap tanning bed bulbs you may have to do some research. The price of tanning bed bulbs can depend on several things so if you are looking for cheap tanning bed bulbs you may need to do some comparison shopping.
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) Who Do They Benefit?
Effects of Tanning Beds - Is it a Boon or a Bane?
Tanning beds - a boon or a bane? That is the million dollar question that's uppermost on all tanning-interested people. The effect of tanning beds is not a subject that can be put to rest quickly as the pros and cons maintain almost a supernatural balance with each other. In the industry of tanning beds, tanning bed lotions, tanning bed pillows and other tanning bed accessories, the effects of use are either little understood or worse, suffer from total ignorance. Here, we try to articulate some basic facts about tanning.
LED Photo Rejuvenation/Intense Pulsed Light/Infra-Red Light Affects Skin Rejuvenation
LED Photo Rejuvenation,Intense Pulsed Light or Infra-Red Light
and it's Affects on Skin Rejuvenation
Tanning Beds for Sale
Ranging in price from a $150 to $50,000, tanning beds are available in a vast array of styles for home and commercial use. The most common style is the horizontal bed, followed by the vertical bed or tanning booth. New technological advances are improving these two styles to make them more portable, roomier, and more temperate, as the average bed interior heats up to a hundred degrees Fahrenheit when in use.
How to Choose the Right Sunless Tanning Product
Sunless tanning products come in several forms. The efficacy and results of these methods vary. Prices also vary. Treatments can cost anywhere from just a few dollars for a sunless tanning cream, to as much as $100 an hour for a few sessions at a salon. With so many options for sunless tanning, it can be hard to decide which sunless tanning products are best.
Finding And Choosing A Quality Online Cologne Shop - A Guide For Cheap Cologne
With men's and women's perfume being so expensive in the offline world, many people are now turning to the internet for their fragrance needs. Certain things should be looked at though before making a discount purchase.