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Blogging, RSS & Feeds |
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5 Reasons Why Your Site Needs to Publish a News Feed
It seems like everyone is talking about RSS Feeds. They've been around for years but the buzz is up about them as the technology continues to go mainstream. Some people are reportedly abandoning their browsers and viewing the web through their readers - but they hardly represent the general public yet. So does your site need one? This question is somewhat like asking if your site needs a newsletter. Sure, the sky won't fall tomorrow if you don't get one today, but once you realize the benefits of having a news feed for your site, and try it for yourself, you may become an addict like the rest of us. Reason #1: More free traffic to your site I'm not exaggerating when I say that a frequently updated feed can bring you massive amounts of traffic in a short time period. This won't be true forever. Here's a snapshot in PDF format, of just the feed-originating traffic to a new page of my site for the first 24 hours it opened. http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com/2-rss-marketing/screenshot.pdf Not exactly a stampede, but here's the good part. On the fourth day, the feed traffic doubled, and all other traffic continued to rise at the same rate. That's my fifth active feed of the twenty I have spread out over four sites, and I get similar results each time. In thirty days, that would be at least 5,000 new targeted visitors - again, this is not counting my present traffic, or those who try my feed and stay subscribed, nor does it factor in what happens when the traffic doubles again.. I can't promise you the exact same results, no one can. But you should know that my feed is targeted towards a crowed market - if you know how to set up your feed properly and correctly apply your keyword research, you could have better results.. Those visitors, from the first hour of traffic to today, resulted just from submitting my feed to the list of directories I compiled from many sources and studied. Some bring great free traffic to new feeds, some are better for once your feed has matured. You can often get better placement in feed directories and in Yahoo's RSS Directory than you could from your results in a regular search engine, and often, inclusion is instant. Reason #2: It's a hands-off way to update your audience What if you could run your newsletter without the hassles of maintaining your list, removing bounced addresses, finding new subscribers, formatting the content you find, altering your content to keep from being blacklisted, and after all that, wondering if all the various blockers mistakenly kept your message from getting through? If that sounds like heaven, you can be one of the angels as soon as an hour from now. When you supplement your current newsletter with more frequent updates via feed, you will be able to push out updates to subscribers to your news channel or feed more frequently and more efficiently. With all the new free tools available, even if you're all thumbs when it comes to making a web page, if you can fill out a form, you can create a feed. Reason #3: Get visitors to click through to your site whenever you update If you haven't used a feed reader before, you might be confused about the connection between the feed and your site and why it can result in an increase in traffic. I'll attempt to explain this to you in words, but I suggest downloading a news aggregator (also known as a feed reader), and looking at the results of your favorite site's feed through a reader after you read this for the full effect.. You can use my main feed here if you don't have one to view: http://feeds.feedburner.com/FreeTrafficTips If you don't want to have another application up while you're surfing, you can try Pluck , a free application you can use for more than just feeds that integrates with Internet Explorer - get it at http://freetrafficdirectory.com/pluck - it will take you right to the downloads page. You can also do this from My Yahoo!, by changing your page to include their RSS Headlines console, still in Beta testing at http://my.yahoo.com. To summarize, a visitor sees the headlines they want to read, view the summary, and click through to your site to read the rest of the news, either in a new window, or without having to leave the application they are in. And when you update again, the reader will notify them that you have new headlines, and/or populate the list of items you have available. This can keep your audience coming back. If you had trouble following that, come to this page for a one minute tutorial: http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com/members/postt95.html Reason #4: Recycle old content. If you have a list of your older articles, some older product reviews, site suggestions, or archived newsletters, you can use those to build content to populate your feed with information. As long as this news is still relevant, you can recycle this content to attract new visitors Reason #5: Its so easy it's crazy not to do it. Before the last few months, there weren't as many free tools online that made the process of starting and publicizing a feed so effective and user-friendly. The bottom line is, now that you can get all those benefits from filling out a form, saving the file, uploading to your server, promoting it once, and updating it from time to time, it's insane not to do so. You already have to update your site from time to time. You might as well get all the benefits of having a news feed too. Copyright © 2004 Tinu AbayomiPaul About The Author Tinu currently wanted by Secret Hoarders of America for spilling free traffic tips: http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com/blog
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Blogs Are About Getting to Know Yourself Better I still consider myself to be a blog writing novice but as I've got a few entries under my belt I can tell you about an unexpected bonus of this journaling process. A lot of people think that blog writers are just people who are tooting their own horns blabbering on self-righteously about what they believe to be true in life. On the contrary, for me writing a blog has helped me to reflect on my experiences that I may have otherwise have forgotten if I hadn't written them down. It has become a process of self-actualization, whether others have read my thoughts has become less of a priority for me. Use RSS Feeds to Improve Search Engine Optimization and Ranking RSS is rapidly becoming a "must have" for a proper search engine optimization. But what exactly is RSS? Will The Real Spammer Please Stand Up! If you have been using opt-in email marketing for sometime, I'm sure you might have got accused of spam at some point, even after doing everything right. Tips for Better Blogging - Promote any Product or Service People start blogs for all kinds of reasons. Ego. Political comment or agenda. Staying in touch with family and friends. Marketing. Why did you start your blog? Google AdSense and Blogs If you have a blog, or are thinking about starting a blog, then you are definitely going to want to read this article. It's all about how to line your pockets with money that's just waiting to be made without working much harder than you already are. Who needs T.V. News, Newspapers and Radio News? T.V. and radio News got you down? On-line current events and News blogs make being informed a much more enjoyable experience. For many the News on television has become a trying time of the day. Focused mainly on negative events, you may have to wait through the whole program just to hear the one story you were waiting for. If you miss the 6:00 p.m. show, waiting until the late night segment can be a real drag, especially if you've got a lot to do, or have to wake up early the next morning. RSS & How to Use It (part 1) Have you ever read an article, intended to explain RSS in simple terms that, begins well, but soon descends into confusing jargon or information overload? Top 10 Reasons to Start Blogging "What's blogging?" you ask. Got Blog? In 1999 I asked my friends and colleagues if they blogged. The responses I received ranged from odd looks to questions about the blogging practice. The end results of my findings was "Blog" was a new term and not highly recognized. That was then, a half million blog users ago. Start Blogging Now: 10 Reasons Why You Really Need a Blog for Your Business 1. It is perfect for creating a web presence for independent professionals who have something to say and who need people to get to know them and what they can do for them. What Are RSS Feeds? RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication." It's a format that web sites and blogs can use to send updated headlines to you via services like My Yahoo!. My Yahoo! gathers the content you select from a variety of sources and displays it for you in one convenient location. Syndication means you don't have to visit each site individually to see what's new -- you simply scan headlines or brief article summaries and click to read the full text. That's the "really simple" part. And it's "really simple" for publishers to make their content accessible this way too. 15 Top Blog Marketing Tips 1. Place all your feeds on the following website and the directories listed on this page - http://www.rss-feeds-directory.com/blog_lists.html Reachout Throughout ? RSS RSS has been around for more than a decade but until recently "Rss Technology" started penetrating its roots deep inside the soil of the so-called E-world. RSS for Newbies; A Quick Tutorial "RSS" stands for "Really Simple Syndication". It is a new way to distribute content. Any content: websites, blogs, forums, etc. To explain what this means, for once let's start at the end. What is a Business Blog? Although Blog was the most requested word of 2004 as per Merriam Webster Dictionary Online, there are quite a few people, for whom the word Blog is still unknown. It Really Is Simple RSS I have 'Googlebot' coming to my site every day since a month ago I put up my first news feed, since then I have put up yet another. Internet News Services Explode Online It seems no matter how much information comes available online, people thirst for more. What the BLOG? Blogs Are the NEW Secret Weapon for Reaching Your Tarket. Just like you, I hate being marketed to. Every day we're bombarded with over 3,500 marketing messages. And frankly I'm sick of it! But blogs are different. Blogs are a two-way conversation between blogger and bloggee (plus all the readers in between). Through commenting and cross-linking, you can share feedback. You can build your network. You can become, dare I say it, an Internet celebrity! RSS is a Life Raft, Saving Us from a Sea of Useless Information One of the main problems with the Internet these days is the fact that there is so much information out there; it can be quite hard to find the particular knowledge that you're looking for. It can often feel like you're surfing waves of thick chocolate fudge sauce and your honeycomb board has a crack that's getting wider by the second. Over stimulus is the issue here; you wanted to read opinions from music enthusiasts about music, and every second blog article had to do with new punk hairdo trends and which band has the coolest tattoos. How can we find only the content we're looking for without getting bogged down in miscellaneous information that erodes both time and patience? The answer is in context. There's now a way to sift through the cacophony of babble and wisdom to find exactly what you're looking for. Instead of having to join clubs and organizations and receive their newsletters via email at their convenience you can now have control over what you receive. Having to search through millions of blogs to find the few you like has now become an obsolete task. The new system is called an RSS Reader: 'Rich site summary' or 'really simple syndication' are the common definitions of this software. The process begins by signing up to receive automatic updates from blogs and other Web sites that distribute summaries of their latest postings to your reader. You then find which ones you like and delete the rest. You can keep adding new sites until you have literally hundreds of informative connections in your areas of specific interest. Another great aspect of the RSS Reader program is the fact that you can put in key words of interest and the computer will surf the Web for you and add new blogs and web sites to your list, rating them according to the terms you have selected. You then scan over these and add the ones you feel are relevant, deleting the detritus. Eventually you will have an email-style formatted file where you can search through all your favourite writers, news, and topics' latest information. Then you also have functions such as 'comment' so you can automatically share your input with your fellow humans. Or, you can reply to the 'messages' and actually communicate with the producers of the ideas. This will really help to decentralise the information sharing processes of the current top-down mass communication systems like the media. We can hear multiple opinions on an issue and give our own views, instead of being told one story that is heavily affected by the company's personal perspective of the situation. So, you can see this has the potential for something quite big. Less time wasted, finding all the knowledge you're looking for, and sharing your opinion and meeting others similar to yourself has never been so easy. The RSS Reader is a knife cutting away all the useless packaging, revealing the true content of the gift of the Internet. Blog Your Way To a Successful Private Practice What is a Blog? ![]() |
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