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Blogging, RSS & Feeds |
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15 Top Blog Marketing Tips
1. Place all your feeds on the following website and the directories listed on this page - http://www.rss-feeds-directory.com/blog_lists.html 2. For fast inclusion into yahoo, get yourself a "my yahoo" page - http://my.yahoo.com/ and place your rss feed on that page. 3. Have a link which allows other people to put your rss feed on their own "my yahoo" page. See "my yahoo" for details. 4. For fast inclusion to msn, also open a "my msn" account and add your rss feed to that page. 5. Place your blog on all the major search engines - http://www.thewebtrafficco.com/search_engine.html 6. Join this site and add your blog (free) - http://www.BlogExplosion.com 7. Ping your blog after every post at - http://pingomatic.com/ 8. Place a "blogroll" on your blog using - www.blogrolling.com 9. Make a blog post at least every day or less. Why? - http://www.feedforall.com/why-use-rss.htm If you don't think you can write enough content on a daily basis, there are many free articles out there you can use. 10. Invite other editors/writers or webmasters to write on your blog as co-editors. Make sure you allow them to include their "resource box" at the bottom of each post and set up an "about our editors" page. 11. Place a link and description to your blog on all your websites, out going emails and any autoresponder courses you have set up. 12. Announce your blog at forums you currently use/participate in. 13. Place informative responses in the "comments" box of other highly trafficked blogs in your field of business. 14. Once you have 10 to 15 posts on your blog, announce it with a press release. 15. Download this free rss marketing ebook by top Rss expert, 'Rok Hrastnik' - http://www.rss-feeds-directory.com/rss_the_business_case.zip Chris Taylor, online marketer, author and business owner has been running successful websites since 2001. His sites and blog cover all areas of planning, setting-up and marketing your own profitable web business. http://catdynamics.com © CATDynamics 2005
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Superbloggers Secrets Blogs are extremely hot right now. Everyone is starting them, and the more successful ones are driving unprecedented amounts of traffic and cash to their owners. Blogging Can Improve Your Search Engine Ranking Search engines are after one thing ? providing their users with the most relevant and up to date information to match the search term that was used. Search engine results are no good to users when the information doesn't relate to the search term. Nor are the results any good if they are old. People expect the most up to date, fresh information that is relevant to them. Will Spam-Blogging Be The Death Of Blogging? Technorati reports that 30,000 - 40,000 new blogs are being created each day. How Yahoos Recent Facelift Can Mean More Traffic To Your Site It even surprised me. Yes, even though I have been pointing out the possibility since July, and was forced by demand to release my study findings before my book was even half finished, I was shocked when I heard the news as well. You see, I was sure we were at least a year off from this glorious day. The News Yahoo has had a little facelift, which you've probably read about by now. The real news is more important for your site - the "My Yahoo!" page looks different too. On September 28, 2004, surfers who logged in to their personalized Yahoo area saw an announcement explaining the RSS and Atom files that show updated information to a website as content feeds, effectively pushing news feeds into the mainstream. The new look to this section of Yahoo was presented as a full page ad to every single account holder upon first log in that day, and even now, there remains a notice posted. When I logged into my page in the "My Yahoo!" section, I saw a big difference in the number of feeds left to choose from, as well as in the way they were presented. Currently, the RSS module boasts "150,000 sources". If your site isn't one of them, its crucial that you act now. If you have one and you're not getting the results you'd like from your set-up, there are small changes you can implement that will make a huge difference in your listing. Best results aren't as easy as submitting your feed now, but you're still within the window of opportunity - if you do it properly. What the News Could Mean For Your Site If You Act Now One of my clients recently called this "the back door into Yahoo". Whether that statement is accurate as far as getting included, or receiving an increase in rankings within Yahoo's search engine via your feed, depends on your site, and whether you create your feed correctly. If you could use a daily stream of traffic from even a small portion of Yahoo's estimated 20 million users, this could be your final wake-up call. You'll want to learn how to create a feed that gets well listed immediately. Currently, the RSS module boasts "150,000 sources". Yahoo will still need hundreds, perhaps thousands more, even if it only intends to list the "creme de la creme" of the submissions it gets. Being in that group is as easy as submitting your feed. Being at the top of the list isn't. However, you're still within the window of opportunity if you take the time to learn how to do this properly. You can get free details on how to do that at helpmerss.com . "My Yahoo!" RSS Headline module Coming Out of Beta? If I had to guess, I'd say all signs point to yes. When that happens, Yahoo's RSS/Atom directory will likely contain only those who added their feeds early. New feeds seeking to be included will probably face stricter standards. If you don't have one yet don't worry, because it's never been easier to make one. If you can cut and paste, there are tools all over the Net that will show you how- some will even generate the file for you. However, there are still certain guidelines you need to follow with your feed to get a good result out of Yahoo - it's not as simple as adding your feed now that there are more competing listings. Yahoo is still accepting new sources for RSS feeds. Readers of my last book state that they are getting excellent results following my instructions, though initial inclusion no longer occurs at the same rate. Plenty of markets have few feeds available, or none at all. Your site could fill that void. That means you still have a chance at a first page ranking. The traffic I get on a daily basis from My Yahoo readers alone sounds like I just like to brag. And I do, but that's hardly the point. The point is, there's no place you can even go to buy the caliber of exposure to the quality of audience that reads feeds. The typical audience that accesses information by feed are also blog readers. A study this summer estimated that the 69.3% of blog readers are aged 29-50, and that 40% of this audience are people who have household incomes greater than $90,000. The type of surfer that would subscribe to your feed has pre-qualified themselves as a lead, with a certain level of understanding and interest in your topic, often on a professional level. And if you don't spend every post hitting them over the head with your sales pitch, they can be both loyal and interactive. (If you do, they'll unsubscribe from your feed faster than you can spell s-p-a-m.) And if you're in the business of providing information you can use, in a way that shows how you can solve their problem, it's like preaching to the converted. If your product solves their problem, and you show that you deserve the trust of this subscriber, you'll also find the route to a sale an increasingly downward slope. The bottom line - this is the power surfer's favorite toy. And if your content appeals to them, you need to learn how to play. Strategies to Make Your Blog More Interesting Putting up your business blog is an advantageous way of establishing your presence on web. It's no longer just about putting plain texts up on your blog. With continuing stream of new software, publishing tools and plug-ins, today's blogger have the means to create interesting and fun blogs. Here are some of them. Using QuickSub To Make It Easier For Your Visitors To Subscribe To Your Feed You can make it easier for your visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed. With a free and easy to install javascript function you can add the http://www.methodize.org/quicksub/ (QuickSub) feed button to your webpage in just a few minutes. Let me show you just how easy it is. QuickSub is a javascript mouseover function that produces a list of RSS feed readers that you can use to subscribe to your RSS news feed with one click. You can see it in action on my RSS resource site, just move the mouse over the subscribe link. You should see a list of RSS feed readers. If you click on one of the news reader links it will open up that RSS reader and add this feed to it. You will need the particular news reader installed on your computer for this to work. So for example if your visitor uses SharpReader as their RSS reader then they would click on the Sharpreader link and this would add your feed to your visitors RSS reader. To use QuickSub on your site you will first need to download the javascript and CSS files from QuickSubs site. The file is compressed so you will need to unzip the file which will leave you with quicksub.css and quicksub.js as well as a sample html file. Upload the CSS as javascript file to your server. Now you will need to add some code into your web pages. You will need to do this for all of the pages that you wish to use QuickSub on. Please note that in these examples I have used square brackets instead of angled brackets. First you need to copy some code to call the CSS file. Add this line with your head tags. [style type="text/css"] @import "quicksub.css"; [/style] Then copy this code into the body of your page. [div id="quickSub" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;" onMouseOut="return timeqs();" onMouseMove="return delayqs();"][/div] [script language="JavaScript" src="quicksub.js"][!-- quickSub (c) Jason Brome --][/script] Then where you want to use QuickSub place this code in the body of your page. [a href="http://www.sitename.com/rssfeed.xml" onmouseout="return timeqs();" onmouseover="return quicksub(this, 'http://www.sitename.com/rssfeed.xml');"]Your link text here[/a] You just need to replace the path with the path to you RSS feed and enter you own link text. All is left now is to upload your modified page to your web server and the new QuickSub javascript will be active. Could There Be A New Way Of hearing The News Stories We Feel Are Relevant In Our Lives? Mainstream media has become a single-minded authority on how we should perceive life. Theirs is a negative perspective. Could there be a new way of hearing the stories we feel are relevant in our lives? How To Make A Cool Xanga A xanga is something akin to a blog. It all began in 1999 and the xanga community is 2.5 million members world wide. Benefits to RSS RSS streamlines communication between publishers and readers. Since RSS has had a popularity surge, webmasters have been experimenting and using RSS feeds to deliver content in new and innovative ways. Typically, RSS feeds contain news headlines and content summaries. The content summaries contain just enough information without overwhelming the reader with superfluous details. If the reader is interested and wants additional information they can click on the item in the feed, accessing the website which contains additional details. RSS readers aggregate multiple feeds, making it easy for individuals to quickly scan information contained within each feed. Feeds are generally themed, allowing users to opt-in to feeds that are of interest. Do You Know The 3 Key Ways to Blog to Promote Your Online Home Based Business? Most People who Blog and Ping only use 1 Method to promote there online Home Based Business. Their are actually 3 Keys ways a Blog can help you promote your Online Home based Business for little or no cost to you. If you aren't using all 3 Methods then you are missing out on some huge marketing opportunities. What Is This RSS, XML, RDF, and Atom Business? It's been a long day at work and you're in no mood to cook dinner or go out. Time to count on the reliable pizza delivery guy. The order is called in and he promptly arrives with smokin' hot pizza within 30 minutes as promised. If it were only that easy with a picky family where no one can agree on the same restaurant for dinner. One wants Mexican, another wants Chinese, and another wants a burger and Mexican. Instead of running to three different places, you call a delivery service that goes to all of them and brings it to you. What could be easier in getting a meal without cooking it or fetching it? Blogs: A Fool Proof Way to Attract Visitors Blogs might seem like an old hat at this time as by now really everyone has one him- and herself. But exactly this fact is what makes them such a valuable promotion tool even for long existing websites (that are no blog and don't have one yet): The wide and large userbase. There are thousands of bloggers around in every kind of niche that will visit every new blog they can find with great interest and thus making great new customers for your existing website. And the best thing is it doesn't even take much work to add your own blog to your website and promote it. This article will take you through the only three steps that are needed. Find Out How Microsofts Plans Could Make Your Subscribers Beg You for RSS Content! Microsoft recently announced that they will be releasing a new browser version sometime this summer. The new browser version was to be released with Longhorn, the code name for their next operating system to replace Windows XP, but they decided that they needed to release it sooner than that. Make Money with Your Own Blog Well, basically, setting up a blog means that you are creating a little space of your own on the Internet where you can make posts about anything that interests you. Of course, if you are going to be blogging on a variety of topics, the best way to make money with it would be to have different blogs for different topics otherwise your blog will be just one big jumbled mess that nobody would want to read about. How Bloggers Are Making Thousands of Dollars From the Google Adsense Affiliate Program There is no doubt that the Google Adsense program for publishers and site owners is one of the most successful affiliate programs anywhere. There is increasing evidence that many bloggers have managed to find the right formula to make thousands of dollars every month from little more than a handful of blogs with carefully created and compiled content. Profit Pulling Niche Blogs with Wordpress When it comes to building and creating profit pulling niche blogs niche sites) Wordpress really shines and really beat Blogger.com heads down. 16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog You've got your blog set up and you've started posting pithy, useful information that your niche market would benefit from and enjoy. Days go by, you keep publishing, but no one comments and your traffic stats are barely registering. What do you do? 5 Secret Benefits That Bloggers Love And Enjoy 1: Building Trust Relationships Building Backlinks With Blogs The most boring part of getting traffic to a website is getting backlinks. This is hard, boring, time consuming work. You spend hours finding relevant websites to link to, then spend hours more sending emails requesting backlinks, or submitting your sites to there links pages. And at the end of the day (actually in a few weeks), you have ½ a dozen new reciprocal link partners. that's good and all, but it bores the living hell out of me, and I don't have time for it. And they are only reciprocal links. Why You?re Not Blogging - And Why You Should Start Today Those of you who aren't ready to wade into the Blog pool are taking your time for several reasons, according to my informal interviews with people before and after they blog. Others start blogging and then abandon their projects too soon, unaware of the benefits. ![]() |
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