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Blogging, RSS & Feeds |
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Will Spam-Blogging Be The Death Of Blogging?
Technorati reports that 30,000 - 40,000 new blogs are being created each day. According to David Sifry, part of the growth of new blogs created each day is due to an increase in spam blogs. What are spam blogs? They are fake blogs that are created by robots in order to foster link farms, attempted search engine optimization, or drive traffic through to advertising or affiliate sites. They contain robot-generated posts made up of random words, with the title linking back to the blogger's own pages. Many bloggers see them as a way of getting their pages indexed quickly by Google and other search engines. Sifry estimates that about 20% of the aggregate pings Technorati receives are from spam blogs. Most of this fake blog spam comes from hosted services or from specific IP addresses. Those in the SEO world are well aware of this. There are even services like Blogburner that encourage creation of spammy blogs and spam-pinging to get your sites indexed quickly. As a blogging evangelist, I wholeheartedly recommend blogging as an SEO tactic. But I also emphasize that you should use your blog for more than just SEO. At the Spam Squashing Summit, blog services decided to collaborate to report and combat blog-spamming. Technorati currently claims to catch about 90% of spam and remove it from the index. They also notify the blog hosting operators. But I believe that they are fighting a losing battle. As I write this there are software and robots being created that will create spam-blogs more efficiently and in ways that will be harder to detect. The SEO "black hats" are always far ahead of the technology and safeguards that these services can put in place. Take down a few spam-blogs and hundreds more will arise. Blogging evangelist and PR guru, Steve Rubel, sums up this dilemma rather well on his Micropersuasion blog. http://www.micropersuasion.com He believes that its human nature for people to exploit new technologies, and that it's really up to the search engines to help put a stop to these by undercutting the economics of blogspam, much like they did with nofollow and comment spam. But the trade-off is that such a move would also reduce any impact that blogs have on search results. Fact: The more you abuse a technology, the less effective it becomes. Spam blogging will force search engines like Google to change their ranking algorithms and eventually assign less value to links from blogs. Unless they put in safeguards to prevent robots from taking over, its safe to assume that blogging will become less effective as an SEO tactic over time. Of course, the spammers will then just have to find new avenues and means to spam the engines. But why ruin a good thing in the first place? Blogs are much more than just tools for search engine optimization. A blog can be a great tool for personal branding and building relationships with your website visitors and customers. Instead of using blogs for spam, focus on building content-rich sites and getting high-value links to them. Don't restrict yourself to just the SEO benefits of blogging. Appreciate the value that blogs can add to your marketing and public relations strategy and use them the way they were meant to be used. _____________________________________________ Priya Shah is the CEO of eBrand360. She writes on internet marketing, search engine optimization and business blogging. Subscribe to her free eCourse on Blogging for Marketers This article may be reprinted as long as the resource box is left intact and all links are hyperlinked. _____________________________________________
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How to Use RSS for Free Targeted Website Traffic RSS (real simple syndication) is the new rage in communication. Why? Because people are beginning to see the traffic and communication potential of using RSS to boost their business. So how can RSS help boost traffic to your website? 16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog You've got your blog set up and you've started posting pithy, useful information that your niche market would benefit from and enjoy. Days go by, you keep publishing, but no one comments and your traffic stats are barely registering. What do you do? RSS Publishing for Webmasters Since the recent rise in interest in RSS there has been a slew of RSS sites and RSS software. RSS has been proclaimed as the next big thing. There has been many wild claims about the benefits of publishing an RSS feed such as it will generate floods of traffic to your website. Business Blogs and Their Benefits Blog is a medium for self-expression on web. Blogs are in the form of few paragraph entries. Blogs are created by both individual and companies, which are in the form of personal and commercial blogs. It provides an option to make the articles interactive in the form of comments. Wiki is another type of blog which is similar to web page with contribution from more then one people. Using Feedburner to Add Statistics to Your RSS Feed Out of many of the free RSS and blogging services that I have tried one of the most useful has been Feedburner. Feedburner allows you to publish your RSS feed and provides circulation statistics about your RSS feed. It also allows you to make your feed more friendly by using Feedburners Smartfeed system and can also make your feed browser friendly. Avoid Bad Manners While Blogging Blogging, the hottest trend in online publishing right now, is currently spreading like wildfire across the Internet. Why Use RSS? So why use RSS? Well, I can find a whole lot of reasons why. Although I'm not technically inclined I do understand the power behind syndication. Anyone who watches television can get that idea. Still why would I want to use RSS for my viral marketing campaign? Well, let's look at what some of the "experts" are saying. 5 Easy Ways To Use RSS On Your Site You hear so much talk about RSS these days on the Internet and in the media. Everyone is acknowledging it's importance in boosting your site's presence on the web. Not to mention how it can increase your site's traffic and ranking. But what exactly is RSS and how can I actually use it on my site? Try these Five Easy Ways... Blog and Ping is Dead Unfortunately, this formerly reliable method of getting listed in Yahoo seems to be dead. I have used it a few times over the last month to try to get some new pages listed in Yahoo and there has been no action at all. Bloggin for a Reason For some it's just a fun thing to do, while some others feel they will soon be left out; they soon join the crowd. Everyone who uses the internet knows someone who has a blog. Now what do you find in a blog that you dont find anywhere else? Nothing? If you are a friend of the blogger you visit his blog probably because you want a sneak peek into whatz happenning in his life right? don't deny that? been there done that! oh, and if you are a blogger yourself you visit other blogs thinking that the other guy reciprocates. Make Money Blogging Using These Nine Powerful Strategies The question "How to make money blogging" sits high on every blogger's mind. In fact I received many questions on "How to make money blogging" when I conducted my first webcast to answer my subscribers' most pressing questions on Blogs and Rss. Top 10 Reasons to Start Blogging "What's blogging?" you ask. Blogging Policies, Does Your Business Need One? Weblogs or Blogs as they are more commonly referred to, have become extremely popular in the last several years. So popular in fact that many large businesses are letting some employees post Blogs on their corporate websites. While many businesses are jumping on the Blog bandwagon for use as a creative marketing technique; a few businesses have fired employees for what they posted on a Blog. These businesses accuse the employees of allegedly disclosing trade secrets, proprietary information, and making statements that showed the employer in a bad light. Choosing Your RSS Reader If you want to be able to read RSS feeds then you are going to need an RSS reader. The types of RSS reader that are available to you come in two flavours. There is the desktop RSS reader and there are the online or web RSS readers. 5 Reasons Why Your Site Needs to Publish a News Feed It seems like everyone is talking about RSS Feeds. They've been around for years but the buzz is up about them as the technology continues to go mainstream. Some people are reportedly abandoning their browsers and viewing the web through their readers - but they hardly represent the general public yet. 15 Top Blog Marketing Tips 1. Place all your feeds on the following website and the directories listed on this page - http://www.rss-feeds-directory.com/blog_lists.html 17 Mistakes Professionals Make with Their Blogs Are you getting results from your business blog? Is it getting harder for you to spend time on your blog because you're just not seeing how it is going to pay off? If so, you're not alone. Hundreds of blogs are started each day and many of them are abandoned after several months because it takes time and energy to keep a good business blog going. Business: Deliver Information Safely Businesses that are not using feeds today, as part of their marketing and advertising plans, will soon do so, or should thinking of implementing them soon. Although this is a fairly new communications tool it is growing rapidly. The reason is that the information gatherer, consumers, etc., are or will be using readers to view information. The main reason is that information can be viewed with No Spam, No Junk Mail and No Viruses threats. Blood Test for Your Blog? Are you contributing to one of the estimated 36.1 million (and growing) blogs online? Or are you thinking of entering the fray and starting to publish a blog for your small or home business? Make sure you are publishing the right type of blog for your kind of business, or all that writing time will have been for naught. RSS & How to Use It -- Part 2 Welcome to part 2 of the article that aims to give you just enough information to help you understand RSS and start using it. ![]() |
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