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17 Mistakes Professionals Make with Their Blogs
Are you getting results from your business blog? Is it getting harder for you to spend time on your blog because you're just not seeing how it is going to pay off? If so, you're not alone. Hundreds of blogs are started each day and many of them are abandoned after several months because it takes time and energy to keep a good business blog going. Make no mistake, blogs are a great tool for building community, interacting with potential clients, and marketing your services. And, it's not enough to set one up and post occasionally. You have to use it effectively to drive traffic and gain readership. We've discovered several common mistakes professionals make with their blogs. Mostly, they aren't using some the features available to them with their blogging software, because it hasn't been sufficiently explained. Eyes glaze over with the mention of RSS, pinging, trackbacks and permalinks. Professionals may be ignoring these things, hoping they don't really need to know. But they do if they want results from their business blog. Here's a list of what we found on a recent trip around the professional business blogosphere: Content: 1. Not posting frequently enough. (Recommended: 2-3 times a week.) 2. Content is not focused, and the target audience is not clearly defined. 3. Posting articles that are too long, instead of using extended post features. 4. Not linking profusely (because the professional isn't researching their field on the internet). 5. Poor spelling, bad grammar and typos. Design 6. No name of author in tag line or on side bar. 7. No author photo. 8. No signature or name in the footer; no way to tell who wrote post on a multi-author site. 9. No subscription form; no way to get blog updates through RSS or email. 10. No way for readers to leave comments and use trackbacks. 11. Too many categories or none at all. 12. No information about their business services and products. 13. Calendars for no reason at all (what is the point of those calendars anyway?). Marketing 14. Blog isn't submitted to blog directories. 15. Not pinging each time a new post is published. 16. Not using trackbacks referring or linking to other blogs. 17. No blogroll or list of favorite blogs or websites. If you're considering using a blog to build your business, optimize it by taking time to learn the features and steps that will ensure success. A blog is like any other marketing tool ? you've got to use it correctly to get positive results. Here are a couple of suggestions: 1. Get an ebook and take the time to learn about your blog software or hosting provider. 2. Hire a professional blog expert to coach you on how to rev up your blog. Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff are two blog experts who have teamed up to form The Blog Squad (http://www.fixmyblog.com). They provide advanced training and coaching for professionals who want to beef up their blog for marketing optimization. Each month a blog is selected as Blog of the Month and undergoes a rigorous makeover. At the end of the month, the blog must pass the Blog Squad Seal of Approval to be certified a success. Patsi and Denise also publish a popular blog at http://www.buildabetterblog.com.
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What is a Blog? In Plain English Please If you are fairly new to the Internet, you have probably heard the word "Blog" flying around. But what is a blog? How does it work? And how can I use it on my website? These are all good questions, which I hope to answer for you. Should My Home Business Have a Blog? It's fair to say that blogging has taken the Internet by storm over recent years. And it's no surprise that today there are hundreds of thousands of new blogs being launched every day. Start Blogging Now: 10 Reasons Why You Really Need a Blog for Your Business 1. It is perfect for creating a web presence for independent professionals who have something to say and who need people to get to know them and what they can do for them. Microsoft and Google Show Its Time for RSS Marketing Many internet marketers are still wondering whether to start marketing with RSS or not. It seems that not even all the case studies, hard metrics and benefits available can't convince them, or everyone would be jumping on the RSS wagon by now. RSS & How to Use It -- Part 2 Welcome to part 2 of the article that aims to give you just enough information to help you understand RSS and start using it. Make Money Blogging You have created a blog and your blog is dedicated to a niche industry. Have you ever thought that the blog could make money for you? We would look here in this article, ways and means, to make money blogging. Lets first have a look at what are the prerequisites for a blog needed to make money: Fun Free Feed Tools For Both The Publisher And The Reader As you've probably been reading, there are basically three problems many webmasters have with web feeds (that is, among those who are already familiar with them on a basic level). What Is A Blog? - A Beginners Guide to Understanding Blogs A blog is short for weblog, which simply means a website that is updated frequently with new information and is organized by date and submission. Blogs are typically a way of journalizing information whether it be personal, business, or what have you. It's like an editorial and a journal all mixed together and available online for constant updates and submissions. Business Blogs and Their Benefits Blog is a medium for self-expression on web. Blogs are in the form of few paragraph entries. Blogs are created by both individual and companies, which are in the form of personal and commercial blogs. It provides an option to make the articles interactive in the form of comments. Wiki is another type of blog which is similar to web page with contribution from more then one people. 16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog You've got your blog set up and you've started posting pithy, useful information that your niche market would benefit from and enjoy. Days go by, you keep publishing, but no one comments and your traffic stats are barely registering. What do you do? Blogging Your Way To Success Part 4 (Continued from Blogging Your Way To Success Part 3) BlogoCentric Communication: The Next Great Event in Social Evolution Here is a pretty cool lesson in the structure and travel of information in the Blogosphere (that's bloggers on the Internet talking to each other about each other). If you haven't read the book The Tipping Point yet, then you are really missing something because it sets the foundation for how future electronic communications are going to happen in the future. #1 Mistake Most Blogs Do As much as this might surprise most bloggers, the #1 mistake most blogs are doing is not publishing their content via e-mail, as a supplement to their RSS feeds. Blogs: A Fool Proof Way to Attract Visitors Blogs might seem like an old hat at this time as by now really everyone has one him- and herself. But exactly this fact is what makes them such a valuable promotion tool even for long existing websites (that are no blog and don't have one yet): The wide and large userbase. There are thousands of bloggers around in every kind of niche that will visit every new blog they can find with great interest and thus making great new customers for your existing website. And the best thing is it doesn't even take much work to add your own blog to your website and promote it. This article will take you through the only three steps that are needed. Small Business: To Blog or Not To Blog A weblog, or "blog" started out as a personal journal on the Web. They have evolved far beyond that initial concept. Now, weblogs cover as many different topics as there are people writing them. Some blogs are highly influential and have readership which exceeds most traditional newspapers, while others are mainly intended as personal journals to be shared with only family and friends. So, should you consider blogging? The Fearful, Ignorant Guy Has Got A Blog On The Internet - It Must Be Easy! Of all people in the world I was easily one of the most pessimistic about computers, the Internet and now that I even know they exist-blogs. I think blogs are pretty cool but I never thought I could have one. I thought the processes of getting a site; domain name and the actual building of the blog would just be out of my league. I'm a complete novice when it comes to technology, but I do like writing a journal, and I thought having a journal on-line would be both fun and make life simpler for me. No more writing with pens, other people can read my stuff and comment on it, and I could add pictures to illustrate my points and make things look more interesting. RSS Publishing for Webmasters Since the recent rise in interest in RSS there has been a slew of RSS sites and RSS software. RSS has been proclaimed as the next big thing. There has been many wild claims about the benefits of publishing an RSS feed such as it will generate floods of traffic to your website. Got Blog? In 1999 I asked my friends and colleagues if they blogged. The responses I received ranged from odd looks to questions about the blogging practice. The end results of my findings was "Blog" was a new term and not highly recognized. That was then, a half million blog users ago. Reachout Throughout ? RSS RSS has been around for more than a decade but until recently "Rss Technology" started penetrating its roots deep inside the soil of the so-called E-world. Blogging for Business Business blogs are primarily used to improve a company's communication both internally and externally. Business blogs are a type of communication channel that could be used effectively in product launches, team interaction internally within the company or interaction between clients and company. With the level of interactivity blogs provide, clients feel more confident in the company. Not to mention the amount of traffic it brings to the main site. ![]() |
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