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Blogging, RSS & Feeds |
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BlogoCentric Communication: The Next Great Event in Social Evolution
Here is a pretty cool lesson in the structure and travel of information in the Blogosphere (that's bloggers on the Internet talking to each other about each other). If you haven't read the book The Tipping Point yet, then you are really missing something because it sets the foundation for how future electronic communications are going to happen in the future. Using The Tipping Point definitions, there are four types of people that historically served to unleash a social epidemic or an "IdeaVirus" as master Seth Godin would say. I'm arguing here that the truly successful people on the Internet (meaning the ones making a fantastic financial living and who are also communicating with the most individuals on a consistent and constructive basis) will be the ones who can hone each of these talents and essentially create an uber-information dissemination model that will work to protect our individual freedom as well as secure the public welfare! Connectors: These are the people who have made connections with many, many people. They spread Idea Viruses by mentioning them to everyone they see and still maintain at least low quality level communications with. Mavens: These are the people who know everything there is to know about one or many subjects. These are the obsessive bastards that we can only see on a semi-annual basis by choice because their OCD personalities drive us to the edge of our sanity. Mavens are very important because these are the people that everyone goes to when they need information. They become what Seth Godin calls "Heavy Sneezers," which are people who, when they give advice or information, you damn well better to listen to them because it's like it's coming straight out of Yoda's mouth. Salesmen: These are people who could convince you to purchase a debilitating disease for yourself if they talked long enough. These are the truly impassioned actors of our society, much more animated than even the best movie and television actors. If you don't believe me, then just listen to that voicemail again--I'd buy anything from that guy. So the truly successful people on the Internet will be, in a sense, super-human with the ability to connect to people, gather massive amounts of information about topics people want to know about as well as develop a unique style of delivery that appeals to peoples' emotions and we will begin communicating in a BlogoCentric way. Here is how it happens: Some dumb ass takes a funny voicemail he receives as an e-mail attachment that was part of a mass forward; he changes the communication medium to something accessible to a few technologically enlightened people now (I'm talking about podcasts here). A major podcast expert, Blogger and Connecting information Maven who is also developing a particular style of communication that appeals to people at large Salesman, picks up that voicemail podcast on the unknown dumb ass's site and directs thousands of Internet users towards this little nugget of information which just happened to be something most folks were willing to invest their time in listening to: a funny ass voicemail where a guy witnesses a traffic accident that ends up with four old grannies beating the crap out of the loudmouth who caused the wreck in the first place. Some of these people stopping in to review a particular piece of information begin looking around your site, which contains all sorts of great content. Some of these people will even leave their e-mail address with you so that you can send them your newsletter and keep them up to date about what's going on with you. Some people will even become lifers when it comes to you--they will put you in their circle of trust and look upon you as a necessary information resource that makes living life in modern day society easier. And the wonderful truth is that each one of us is an expert and is passionate about at least one thing. We can each become information Mavens who Connect easily with people and communicate with them in a distinct way that attracts and holds their attention. And we can use the the current information tools which allow immediate quality exchanges of information. This communications process will completely revolutionize the way human beings share knowledge, ideas and emotion. It's Blogocentric Communication and I will be further exploring this fascinating changes of human social evolution in my upcoming book Flipping the Temple which will only be available through http://JoshuaMinton.com. Send an e-mail to moreminton@aweber.com for more information related to this topic. Joshua Minton, B.F.A Creative Writing is an electronic self-published author, website developer and Internet marketer. He spent the last five years analyzing business process models at the nation's largest health insurance provider and is currently applying that knowledge to the publishing and information processes society is currently using. Joshua has dedicated himself to opening up the Internet doors for creatively talented individuals who seek to develop and market their information and fiction products to the world. Send an e-mail to moreminton@aweber.com to let Josh keep in touch with you about new developments in his life and thought.
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Is a Blog Right For Your Business? Lemmings are cute, but dumb. If you tell them to jump off a cliff, they will. Just like the people who start blogs because everyone is doing it. Guess what happens after a little while? The blogs die. Blogs for Kids Flush out the writer in children. Blogging could draw out a young writer and open doors to their future. Consider encouraging your child to start blogging! Blog Your Affiliate Links Blogging is a relatively new form of communication, closely related to the newsletters of days long past. Your thoughts, ideas, and activities are posted for the world (or a chosen few) to view, and if you choose to include the option, leave a comment. By creating a Blog and adding to it every day or relatively often, you create in your reader a desire to see "what was said next". They will return to read what you post next. Particularly, if what you posted the first time is interesting, valuable information, presented in a manner that is fun to read. A few ideas to get you off and running with your informational Blog, might include: travel, a new baby, planning your wedding, building a new business, working with your clients, developing a new product, counting your blessings, or ideas you are interested in sharing. Feeds For Small Business: Real World Examples A merchant I was talking to the other day asked to me, "Aren't feeds for bigger companies with IT people on staff?" All they knew about feeds was that bigger companies , news providers etc., were using them. After I explained how that particular merchant could use a feed for her business, she were quite excited about the prospect of doing just that. Blogs and Journalism The world has seen the emergence of a new style of journalism, based on a 'raw feed' directly from the source. And the common notion that surrounds the emergence of serving 'raw feed' is that the journalists testing the new waters are bound to wreak havoc on institutionalized media. Marketing with Blogs and RSS Feeds Perhaps you still don't realize or fully understand the power of RSS Feeds as a marketing tool. RSS & How to Use It -- Part 2 Welcome to part 2 of the article that aims to give you just enough information to help you understand RSS and start using it. How Weblogs can Help Realtors What is a weblog, well simply put a weblog is a journal that is kept online. In it's simplest form a weblog will have an article every day or week that says what the person is doing. Article Syndication - A New Vehicle for King Content Creating Content Marketing With Blogs - Part 3 In part 1 and part 2 of this article series on marketing with blogs, I discussed the reasons why blogs are excellent tools for marketing, and provided some tips on using your blog to sell your products and services online. Profit Pulling Niche Blogs with Wordpress When it comes to building and creating profit pulling niche blogs niche sites) Wordpress really shines and really beat Blogger.com heads down. Its Not Enough to Blog A properly created weblog will do the following for your website: (a) add rich content; (b) add interactivity in the form of user ability to post comments; and (c) if properly set up, can automatically ping major search engines when new posts are made. This results in more frequent spidering of your website by the major search engines, with the fresh content being picked up quickly and increasing your site's ranking. Top 10 Blog Writing Tips Most of the "rules" about writing for ezines and newsletters apply to writing posts for your blog, but there are some important differences. Keep these 10 tips in mind and you'll be publishing great blog content that attracts prospects and clients in your niche market. Small / Medium Business Blog Process Outsourcing as a Website Traffic Building Service You are a small or a medium business owner. You have a well designed business website. It is a Search Engine Optimized (SEO) website for a limited set of keywords. However, with changing rules of SEO and new competitors entering the market, your select keywords stand a slim chance of surviving the onslaught. What are the chances that your website will remain on the top when a potential customer searches those special keywords on a search engine? To make matters worse, Search engines change their algorithms without any notice and suddenly your site is no longer in top 10 results. So what is the solution? What Is The Orange XML or RSS Icon I See More and More On Web Sites? This question does not have a one sentence answer! If I just said that one uses this icon to get a site's RSS feed, you still won't understand. So let's try and answer you in such a way that it all makes sense to you and, more importantly, that you learn how to benefit from it. The Language of Blogs I read over a lot of blogs each week, casually surfing one or two of the blog exchanges I belong. How and Why to RSS RSS feeds and blogs (and blog and pinging) are part of the latest hyper-frenzy in internet marketing. Tools and services are mushrooming all over. But there seem to be some rather distorted ideas about all this. Bad Blogs Have Got To Go, Blogging Could Be Really Cool If Done Properly There's a lot of blogs out there on the Web, most of which don't entice one to go back regularly to read updates. What is missing from these on-line journals that would essentially make them 'good' blogs? Well, the answers in life usually come down to simplicities. So let's look at the problem like we were children. Children don't complicate life with miscellaneous information, and when they speak they tell you straight to the point exactly how they feel and think about a subject. Five Ways A Blog Helps You To Market Your Business Want to advertise online without spending a fortune? Get a blog. Blogging will Soon Take Over the World In recent years, it's been pretty obvious that "blogging" (Web + Log = Blog) has simply taken over the internet. ![]() |
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